Chapter 7

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(Izuku's POV)
I woke up in the LOV base. Ochako was sleeping at the edge of the bed I was in. I had an IV attached to my arm and bandages on my stomach. The monitor next to me made that annoying beeping noise every 5 seconds. I sat up and ruffled Ochako's hair. She slowly opened her big beautiful eyes. She grabbed my shirt and pulled me in for a kiss. Must've been interesting for Shigaraki saw when he walked in.
"Bad time?" He asked.
"No, no, not at all," Ochako said as she let me go. "Everything okay?"
"I think we're being tracked. I don't know how, but I think it might have to do with Izuku's medical shit,"
"How long do you think until we're found?" I asked nervously.
"Probably about 2 days. We have to pack up and leave,"
"But what about Izuku? He's still recovering,"
"I know, Ochako. Once we find a location, we can teleport him there,"
"But we can't leave him alone!"
"Don't worry, he's one of the Midnight Murderers. He'll be fine. C'mon, Ochako. We can leave him a knife," Ochako left the room and I grabbed Shigaraki's arm.
"If anything happens to her, I will kill you all. Even your little boss,"
"Tell me how the hell you know who our boss is,"
"I did my research, Shigaraki. He and I have similar quirks, don't we?" He pulled his arm back and walked out. Ochako came back in about 5 minutes later with a tray of food.
"In case you get hungry or thirsty while I'm gone. There's a knife under the plate just in case,"
"Thank you, love. I'll be fine without you for a couple of hours. Just look for someplace for us to stay,"
"Okay, if you say so. But if the Pros come, I left a gun and some ammo under the bed,"
"When did you do that?" She was already skipping out the door. I sighed and ate the crackers from the tray. For the first 10 minutes, I kinda just sat there, impatient for my love's return. After awhile, I relaxed and fiddled with the knife. The cold blade against my skin felt satisfying. Around the 3rd hour, I heard something crash.
"What the hell was that?" I slowly got up, using the monitor as support. I wobbled my way out of the room and into the bar. I saw a girl and a boy. The girl had blonde hair pulled into 2 buns. The guy had black spiky hair and his skin had patches on them. "Who the actual fuck are you?"

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