Chapter 4

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(Before we start, I would like to say that Mina and Tsu were friends with Ochako before she was a villain. This is not cannon, but for the sake of the plot line, it's in this story. That's all! Please enjoy!)

(Ochako's POV)
"I'm afraid that All Might isn't here. But what business do you have with my student?" Eraserhead's grip got tighter on his scarf.
  "We're old friends, you could say," Izuku held me closer. "Me and my love aren't the ones here for All Might. He's not our problem," Shigaraki held his finger out.
  "You may attack now," All the thugs charged at them.
  "Can we go after him now, Izuku?! Can we?!" I jumped with excitement.
  "What are we waiting for, lovely? Let's go get our revenge," Kurogiri nodded and made a portal. We went through it without hesitation. We appeared right behind Katsuki.
  "Hello! It's nice to finally meet you, Katsuki!" He turned around and stumbled backwards.
  "Who the hell are you 2?! Why do you want to kill me?!" Katsuki yelled.
  "Let's say it's payback!" I drew a knife from the purse that came with my dress. I attempted to stab him but he dodged just in time. "You're no fun! Stop predicting my attacks!" I whined. Izuku brushed himself off. He touched the button at the end of the sleeve. A knife shot out. He grabbed it and wiped the blade with his glove. He rushed over to my side.
  "I'll deal with this for now, love. You can kill the others and I'll call you when I'm ready to kill him," Izuku said as he lunged towards Katsuki.
  "Okay, but promise you won't kill him without me!" I skipped away and headed for the rest of the class. "Hello, friends! Hold still, and this won't hurt. That much," I licked the blade. I ran towards a girl with black hair pulled back into a ponytail.
  "Yaomomo!" Another girl wrapped her tongue around the girl and pulled her back right before I could stab her. I recognized that quirk, didn't I? I tried not to think about it. I managed to cut a boy's arm. He had yellow hair with a black streak.
  "Tsk. I may be a bit off my game here. Or perhaps you're just very fast," I grinned. I stepped forward when I heard a familiar voice.
  "Uraraka? Is that you?" I froze. No. It couldn't be. I turned to face the voice. There she was. Pink skin and hair, yellow horns, it was her.
  "Mina Ashido. My God. You're here! I've been wanting to see you since I left!"
  "Uraraka, what happened to you? You went missing for a year. And now you're trying to kill my friends," Mina stuttered.
  "New friends? You already replaced me? I thought we were friends. All 3 of us! Where's Tsu?! Did she replace me too?!" Anger boiled my blood.
  "So it's really you?" I turned around again and saw Tsu. Her long green hair cascading down her back.
  "Tsu! Now we're all together again! Now we can hang out! Let me finish this and we can go to that boba shop we always went to! What was it called?"
  "What happened to being a hero, Uraraka?! Where's our Uraraka! The 1 who wanted to help people, not hurt them!"
  "I am helping people! The world will be better once he's out of it!" I pointed at Katsuki, who was still battling with Izuku. "He's the reason I'm doing this! He's the reason I kill people! He's the reason THAT WE'RE THE MIDNIGHT MURDERERS!" I screamed. Tsu and Mina stared at me.
  "Here we are, training to be heroes, and for the past year you've running around killing the innocent!" Mina yelled back. Her eye's were shiny with tears. Tsu sniffed and was comforted by a boy with red hair.
  "I'm doing this because THAT BITCH TRIED TO MAKE MY BOYFRIEND COMMIT SUICIDE! IF I WASN'T THERE, HE WOULD'VE DIED!" At this point, the tears were welled up in my eyes.
  "Bakugou tried to make someone kill themself?" A boy with half red and half white hair asked.
  "Like hell he did! Katsuki is no hero! He's a pyscho!"
  "The only pyscho I see IS YOU, URARAKA!"

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