Chapter 8

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(Izuku's POV)
"Explain how you got here and why," I held up the knife I grabbed from under my plate.
"Oh, he likes stabbing! How lovely! I like him already!" The girl said.
"We want to come join the LOV," the guy muttered.
"Sorry, but I'm not the one to talk to. The one in charge isn't here right now,"
"Then who is?" The guy asked.
"Like I said, he's not here, so it doesn't matter,"
"Well, I'm Toga and the grumpy one is Dabi!"
"Good to know. How the fuck did you get here, though?"
"We had some help," Dabi growled. I don't know why but I already hate this bitch.
"How many others know about the LOV?"
"How the fuck am I supposed to know, dumb ass?"
"Someone woke up feeling bitchy," I mumbled.
"Wanna fucking say that again?" Dabi slammed his hand down on the counter and stood up.
"Try me, bitch. I won't hesitate to break you, piece by piece. It'll be quite fun watching the light leave your eyes," I held the knife firmly. The monitor started beeping more rapidly. Toga looked confused as fuck, darting her eyes back and forth between the 2 of us.
"As much as I would like to see... whatever your name is, kill Dabi, we came here to help you, not pick fights. Right, Dabi?" She kicked the back of Dabi's leg.
"Ow. Fine, I guess. But let's make it clear, I do not like you,"
"Ditto, friend. It will be nice to kill people with you," I dropped my arm, barely hanging onto the knife.
"What the hell's your name anyway?"
"Izuku. If you keep up with the news, you may call me one of the Midnight Murderers,"
"Tsk. Show off," Dabi hissed. Toga kicked him again and walked towards me. She put her arm around me and her other hand on my chest.
"So... you single?"
"No," her smile disappeared and she began to throw a fit. Dabi groaned as if he had been dealing with her shit all day. A few hours later, Ochako and the others came back.
"Izuku! Dearest! Sorry, that took so long! Are you okay?! Did you get hurt?!" Ochako inspected my face for any scratches or bruises.
"Who the fuck are these guys?" Shigaraki asked, pointing to Dabi and Toga. He seemed annoyed for some reason.
"Name's Dabi. That whiny bitch over there is Toga. She has the maturity of a 3 year old, just so you know,"
"SHUT UP!" Toga screamed. After a long conversation, Shigaraki let Toga and Dabi join the LOV. They were helping us move to the new location, when Toga took my medical bed. "I'll take care of this, Izuku!" She smiled and pushed me into a portal which Kurogiri made leading into our new base. She didn't go into the portal herself and when Ochako was halfway through, she got pulled back. Oh, boy. The LOV just kept getting bigger. Horray.

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