Chapter 15

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(Izuku POV)

We brought Eri to her new home and she loved it. She especially loved the fact the Kurogiri could teleport her all around the room. We were all relieved to find that she wasn't frightened by us.

"You 2 will be responsible for the kid. As much as we all love her being here, you 2 idiots will be like the mom and dad." Shigaraki said, referring to me and Ochako.

Ochako's face was bright red.

"Ochako, we've been dating for a year, calm down."

"But we're still only teenagers, Izuku!"

"So you're not concerned when you're underage drinking but when it comes to a child that you rescued, then your worried about age?" Kurogiri chuckled.

"Th-That's different, Kurogiri!"

Hours later, Eri was asleep on the couch next to Dabi. Ochako carefully put her in our bed and switched the lights off. I got on my phone and started looking for stuff I could get Eri. I wanted her to feel safe here. The next morning, I was getting ready to go out when Eri stood before me.


"Yes, Eri?"

"Where are you going?"

"To... work."

"Can I come with you?"

"My job is dangerous, Eri. I don't want you getting hurt."

"I know you're lying. You're not going to work."

I kneel down to reach her height.

"Now how do you know that?"

"Because you're the bad guys. But that's okay. Because you saved me. Which means you're good bad guys."

Eri's mind was complex, that was for sure.

"Well, I guess you're right. Here, I'll take you with me. If you don't like it, I'll bring you home."

"Okay! Okay!"

I helped her get dressed since we didn't have alot of clothes that fit her besides the ones my mother gave me in case I ever had a kid. Guess Eri is the substitute for that child. She had a baggy sweater on and I gave her a little mask. I held her hand tightly as we went on our way. We stopped by a Target so we could get Eri some clothes that actually fit her. She came out of the fitting room at least 3 times complaining that it was itchy or too big. I eventually just got her a red little dress with some candy cane looking socks and little fur boots. She said it fit her well and was "super extra comfy".

As we walked around, Eri saw an ice cream truck with sparkling lights.

"What's that, Mr.Izuku?"

"That's an ice cream truck. It serves ice cream as you can tell from the name."

We started walking again as she muttered to herself. She then told me something that made my pulse drop.

"What's an ice cream?"

I picked her up and turned around.

"Ice cream is the best dessert in the world and we're not going anywhere until you try it."

We stood in line and I told her about all the flavors.

"Let's start with something simple, like vanilla. And then we can work our way up from there."

It was our turn to order after a million years.

"2 vanillas please."

Someone behind me placed their hand on my shoulder. I turned to see a pink alien girl with 4 other girls. Oh no. The pink alien girl. That was Ochako's friend, wasn't she?

"Vanilla? So basic! Why don't you get something more filling for you and the kid?"

"Oh... uh... it's her first time trying ice cream so I'm just taking it slow with her."

"First time, eh? Then get a flavor that will make a good first impression! Here, I'll pay!"

"2 cookies and cream, 1 vanilla, 1 cherry, 2 mint chocolates, and a cookie dough please!"

The ice cream man sighed and got to work.

"Going anywhere? If not, you should come with us! We're going to the mall!"

"Oh... okay..."

The girls grabbed their ice cream and we did too. I stepped on my shoelace to purposely try to untie it.

"Oh, one sec, gotta tie my shoe. Go ahead, me and Eri will be right behind you."

I bend down as they walk away. Eri starts to walk towards them but I grab her hand and pull her back.

"Eri, these people are the enemy. You have to pretend that we're spies. Don't call me Mr.Izuku until they're gone."

"Well, what should I call you?"

"Um... just say Big Brother. And don't say anything about Ms.Ochako, either. Or any of our family."


I smiled and wiped some ice cream off her face. She held my hand and we caught up to the girls.

"Okay, so I'm Mina, this is Tsu, the invisible one is Hagakure, the rich looking one is Momo, and the emo one is Jirou!"

"You don't have to call me emo, stupid."

"Anyway, what's your name?"

Crap. Gotta think of something.

"Call me Dekiru."

"Oh, cool! Is that a nickname?"

"Yeah. It's what my friend calls me."

"Nice! Anyway, how does the kid like the ice cream?"

"It's delicious! I want more! More!" She said in a cheerful way.

It was nice seeing her happy. I want that feeling of hers to be permanent. I want her to always be happy. I want her to always smile.


Fun fact! In the series, Ochako calls Izuku Deku because it sounds similar to Dekiru! Deku means one who can't achieve meanwhile Dekiru mean one who can achieve! I don't think those are the exact meanings, but you can look it up and correct me if I'm wrong! That's all I wanted to say! Enjoy the story!

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