7. So fuckin' heavy!

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"So, that's all for today

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"So, that's all for today. I hope you all understood everything properly because this is going be in your next monthly test." you said as the lecture was almost done.

"Yes, Ms kim!" Everyone said in harmony and you nodded sitting on the chair which was situated in front the table, in one corner of the classroom. Waiting for the class bell to ring you wandered your eyes towards the class.

Everyone seems to be doing just fine. No one has caused trouble so far. It's going good. You eyes traveled to the far back of the classroom and on the certain someone.

You had talked about Jimin and Jungkook to Mr Min. in response he said "Oh, come on Ms Kim don't worry about them. They are used to all these punishments. But if you insist, I'll let them come inside now but they must do the cleaning duty."

You just sighed looking at them, still whispering something with each other.

You have a very long way to go.

On the other side,

"Bro, were you even listening just now? You've been like this since Mr Min's punishment." Jimin whispered while writing something in his notes.

"I'm fine. nothing to worry about. You tell me, why were you behaving all cute in front of her?" Jungkook whispered back while writing down the sentences that were written on the board.

"Who? Ms Kim? are you perhaps jealous, jungkookie? Come on, it was my normal behavior." Jimin said while smirking.

Jungkook stopped whatever he was doing and glared at Jimin. "Huh! Why would I?" he said trying to focus on his notes but Jimin wouldn't let him.

Jimin just chuckled silently at him. Just like that, the day came to an end. But they weren't going home, yet. We all know why.

"Yes, Mr Min!" They both said as they were standing in the hallway outside their classroom. Everyone had already gone home. The hallway was dead empty.

"Okay then I'll leave the classroom to you now, just don't cause any more trouble and go home quickly after finishing the cleaning duty." Mr Min said last time taking a glance at both Jimin and Jungkook then he disappeared into the lengths of the hallway.

"Phew! Finally he's gone. Didn't even let me breathe because of his sharp glare." Jimin said going inside the classroom.

"Yaah! Why are you going in the classroom, we have to go to the janitor's closet to get the broom and all that dirty stuff." Jungkook said lazily. He just wanted this day to end quickly so he can get back to his usual self again, but most of the time things don't go as we plan.

"Ah, yes. I almost forgot. Let's go." Jimin said coming out of the classroom.

"Fuck! This is so damn heavy. Why do I have to do this? You would've done this easily." Jimin groaned as the bucket felt a little heavy and he couldn't walk properly, carrying it.

"Don't start sulking about that now, Jimin. Let's just get this over with." Jungkook said trying to find the duster in the closet.

A buzzing sound coming from Jimin's pocket made him put the bucket down and pull out his mobile phone from his back pocket. Jungkook kept looking through the musty cabinets not paying attention to Jimin.

"Hey, Namjoon hyung!" He called out as he received the call.

"what- are you kidding me? Woah! I'm coming, just wait for me there." Jimin jumped, excited, drawing Jungkook's attention towards him.

"You won't believe what he told me!!! Oh, I need to go quickly, please, Kook. I have to go." Jimin said all in one breath making Jungkook frown in confusion.

"Chill down first. Who said and what?" He asked Jimin who was busy being happy.

"Namjoon hyung called, he found the exact same watch that I accidentally broke, remember? He found it somewhere online I don't know but I have to go; Now! You know how much I loved it. Please, kookie let me go. You can do this alone right?" Jimin said hastily again making Jungkook sigh. It was his favorite watch and he broke it, but what's the hurry for, he can get it after the cleaning duty, right?

"Yaah! How can you leave me hanging here alone with all this dust." Jungkook said kicking the closet door and Jimin whined.

"Please, Kook, just this time. I really have to go. Please!!" Jimin almost pleaded and started running towards the exit.

"Yaah, Jimin- wait- you little punk." Jungkook yelled at his running figure but got nothing in response.

"Argh! Guess I'll have to do it alone." He groaned and started searching again.

"This is actually so fucking heavy." Jungkook said walking towards the classroom carrying the bucket of water.

"Fuck this shit!" He muttered loud enough for it to echo in the hallway, but he could care less. No one was there, it was just him.

He opened the sliding door of the classroom but stopped right away as he wasn't expecting it. Nope. Not at all.

His eyes widen after realizing the way he just cursed, he was sure you must have heard it too. And his mind went back to that afternoon when you ruffled his hair, but he quickly threw that thought at the back of his mind.

"Hello, Ms Kim!" He put the bucket down beside his legs, standing awkwardly.

"Oh! You are here. I thought you guys forgot about the cleaning duty. Where is Jimin by the way?" You said putting your pen aside, turning your head towards him.

"Ah, um- he went home early... because uh- he wasn't feeling well." Jungkook said hesitantly, his hand finding its way to his nape awkwardly caressing it.

"Oh, I see. Okay, you can start with your work. I just have some work with these papers so I'll be here." You said with a smile gesturing him to come inside, on which he just nodded. You take your pen and start working again.

While Jungkook sighed thinking you might not have heard him curse. He silently started putting everything he needed on the floor beside the stage and closed the door.

The classroom was silent, you can only listen the birds chirping outside and rustle of trees because of the subtle wind. Amongst this all, just the pen scratching against paper could be heard occasionally.

Jungkook removed his school jacket, putting it on one of the benches and rolled his sleeves of his uniform shirt up, getting ready to start the cleaning.

You looked up from the papers and put your eyes as well as attention on jungkook who was busy moving the chairs aside, eyes focused and biceps flexing as he moves the chair away to make place for cleaning.

His beautiful raven hair falling on his forehead and clinging onto it because of the sweat. The wind flows through the window making the curtains blow slowly. The sun was shining, scattering the sun rays in the room.

As he moved all the chairs aside he dusted his hands off kinda dramatically, sighing out some air, he looks up and towards you, catching you off guard.

But before you could do or say anything, he turned around without a reaction and continued his work. Strange.

The silence that lingered in the air was too much to take. You had to say something. Anything.

"um- Jungkook! Could you perhaps clean the black board too while you're at it?"


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