22. Wet and drenched

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"Do you wanna eat ramen with me?" He said and turned towards you with a smirk

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"Do you wanna eat ramen with me?" He said and turned towards you with a smirk.

You looked at him, questing his expressions. Why is he smirking all of a sudden?!

He suddenly chuckled at your confused state, making you even more confused.

"Ms Kim, I didn't think you were that innocent! Like, everyone knows about this but you don't." the raven haired boy said with a teasing hint in his voice.

"What about it? You just asked me if I wanted to eat ramen or not! What is special in that?" You asked and he snickered at your words.

"I don't want to ruin your innocence Ms Kim. Leave it. Tell me if you wanna eat or not?" He said and again started walking downstairs towards the kitchen and you followed him, mentally taking a note to ask taehyung about the ramen thing once you get home.

You made your way down to the kitchen table and saw him pulling out an apron, then wearing it.

" Are you eating or not? " He asked as he took out the utensils and other things.

" I'm pretty hungry and I might use it as your pay back for all the times you've troubled me. " You said and sat down on the dining table, after putting all your belongings on the couch in the living room.

He didn't said anything, just shrugged his shoulders while putting the water to boil.

Did I tell you, how fucking fine he looks with that apron on? You watched him do all the things easily as if he was used to it. You got to know so many new things about him in just a little span of time.

His hair was falling down his forehead and wiggling just upon his eyebrows as he mixed the ingredients with one hand and took out the plates with another.

You stopped yourself from staring at him any further before you have to face another embarrassment. Though No one can blame you, As he is one fine piece of art. How can someone resist him?

You wondered if he has a girlfriend or something? You never saw him with any girl in the school. It made you wonder because you were sure, someone like him can't possibly be single.

Stop thinking all this you dumbo-

No but, I mean look at him. That sharp Jaw line which was enough to dominate someone, looked soft right now, soft as a delicate flower petal. The faint scar on his left cheek, was a compliment to his perfect facial features. His curvy lips, looked so soft.

You quickly averted your eyes when he spoke.

" Ms. Kim, do you want any soft drink, with the ramen? " He said in a calm voice, not even sparing you a glance.

But, you could've sworn, you saw one corner of lips lift upwards in a smirk for a second, before his face went expressionless again.

You've most probably been caught. Again.

Just how unfortunate can you be?

You gulped down the saliva, and cleared your throat before uttering a 'yes' to him, and he nodded.

Once the ramen was done, he gave you a bowl of ramen and sat down on the chair across from you.

You looked down at the bowl of ramen and started slurping silently, not looking up at him. well, you can't actually slurp silently but let's just say you managed somehow under the influence of embarrassment.You just wanted to go home at this point.

" Ms. Kim, will you come tomorrow again? I was thinking if I can go to your house- " Jungkook was stopped abruptly by your voice.

" I'll just come here again. You don't need to come to my place. " You said, your gaze falling on him as you speak.

" No- but I wanna go to your place, so I will." He said bluntly with a stubborn voice and stood up going in the kitchen to put his bowl in sink.

You stood up too and followed him inside, putting your bowl beside his.

" I think you are forgetting I'm your teacher jungkook! " you said in an strict voice. Your back was facing him as you were washing your hands while he was standing behind you, drinking water.

You didn't realize you were cornered by him, until his hot breath hit your nape, making you go stiff at your place.

" I was aware of the fact that you're my teacher, all this time, Ms. Kim. Just tell me, who was the one, that couldn't take her eyes off of someone just now? " Those words escaped his lips sending weird sensations through your spine. His voice was an octave or two lower, making his voice sound husky.

Your breath was stuck in your throat, that resulted in making your breathing shallow.

You tried moving and your feet went backwards a little making your back collide with his chest.

" Shut it jungkook. Let me go. " You said trying to sound as composed as possible but failed as your voice came out as only above a whisper.

His hands were placed on the surface of the sink just beside you, trapping you. You couldn't see his face but you could bet he has a huge smirk plastered on his face right now.

" I'll let you go once you tell me you're letting me come to your place tomorrow. " He said as you can feel him breathing near your ear, fanning some of your hair strands as a result.

You gulped at the feeling of his chest pressed against your back. He wasn't going to let you go unless you agree to whatever he says, you knew how stubborn he is.

" Fine. Will you please move aside now? " You said moving a strand of your hair away from your face, just then you heard him back away a little and you sighed.

" Oh fuck- " He whispered as his hand touched the opened water bottle he had put there some seconds ago, making the bottle to fall down on the floor, wetting your blue shirt in the process because of the water splash.

You gasped a little when the cold water made contact with your skin which was protected with a thin fabric of your shirt.

Jungkook stepped away from you and you turned around. He was ready to get scolded by you but his breath hitched as he saw your shirt drenched in water almost fully.

There is no way you can get out of his house looking like this. You wouldn't dare to.

" Fuck- I'm sorry. I just- " He uttered while his eyes searched for a towel or anything.

You didn't say anything, just stood there, watched him go all around the living room searching for something.

He came back with a towel in his hands, carefully taking each steps so he doesn't slip due to the water that was on the floor.

He came towards you hesitantly, keeping his eyes on the floor for some reason.

He extended his hand towards you, gesturing you to take his hand in yours.


He soon caught up on your confused state and said, " Take my hand, it might be slippery here. I'll take you to my room and give you a spare shirt. " He said glancing at you for a brief moment before averting his eyes on the floor again.

You hesitantly put your hand in his, as he clutched your hand tightly, making sure you don't slip and fall. He gave you the towel he had in his other hand.

After you both were standing in front of his room, he awkwardly let go of your hand. He didn't even realize and was holding your hand all this time.

" I'll give you one of my hoodies- if that's okay! Or you can have one of my dress shirts. Um- I don't have anything else that can fit you. " The boy said while glancing around and scratching his nape.


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