19. Low and seductive

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You successfully stopped Tae from exposing you in front of Jungkook

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You successfully stopped Tae from exposing you in front of Jungkook. After he stopped struggling and laughing you left his mouth free, and he caught his breath after laughing so much.

"You think she can get a boyfriend? Also someone as handsome as me?" Tae said, flipping his hair in proud making you smack his arm again, but his proud got drained by jungkook's reply.

"That's maybe, because she can get someone better?!" Jungkook said hesitantly, not sure why he's taking your side.

"Wow! You are constantly surprising me, bro! Obviously, I was just kidding, Y/N deserves the best and if someone dares to hurt her, I swear I'll break their bones till they can't breathe." Tae said and his expressions went from lovely to angry so fast.

How in the fudge does he do that?!

You were speechless; He never told you anything like this before. You both are always bickering but you knew he loves you and you do too.

"Okay, okay. Let's stop this discussion now. Jungkook, You must be cold because of the water, you should go home." you said reluctantly and he just nodded before walking away.

Tae was smiling at Jungkook, making you arch a brow. He was angry when he saw all that, but his anger got melted after knowing it was just a misunderstanding.

You never really talked about any guy or something like that to him. Even if you both are twins and he's just 5 minutes older than you he still thinks he needs to protect you and wants best for you. He lowkey ships you and Jungkook, but he wouldn't dare saying that to you, He would, only if he wants to get beaten up.

"Oh, hello? Mr Kim, let's go. What are you waiting for?" you said and also walked outside, finally breathing some fresh air.

"Wait for me- " he yelled and also joined you afterwards.

"Baby boy~ did you like the cookies I made for you last time, hm?" that melodious voice asked as Jungkook felt someone caressing his hair.

Jungkook just hummed and closed his eyes, feeling the soft touch on his scalp.

"You are a good boy, right?" the voice said smoothly and he felt someone caressing his right cheek, he instinctively leaned at the touch while nodding his head.

"But, lately you've been so naughty. Don't you think you need a punishment?!" the voice turned low and it almost felt seductive to his ears.

But his mind was so occupied in the soft touch that he couldn't think about anything else and nodded his head, again.

He felt two arms circling around his waist and and then trailing up to his back that felt like feathers were dancing around on his body.

His eyes were closed all this time. He just listened to the beautiful voice that still felt familiar but he couldn't recognize it, because it was all a blur.

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