68. What's in the box?

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[Caution: slightly mature content ahead]

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[Caution: slightly mature content ahead]

It was not the day when the sun is shining in all its glory. The sun was up but the fluffy clouds were all over the sky making the atmosphere rather cloudy.

The flowers were all in bloom as the butterflies flew around the trees and plants, searching for the perfect flower for them and in this apparently nice weather, you were at jungkook's place.

Of course, he'd be able to convince everyone so they let you come here. The day has finally come when you had to spend a night alone in the house with jungkook.

While you were nervous, jungkook was actually enjoying his time with you as you both were sitting on the couch watching a movie together.

"Noona." He said, his eyes still on the screen.

"Hm?" You replied without glancing away.

"Can I put my head on your lap?" He now looked at you, asking for permission.

"Oh? sure." You couldn't help but smile as he happily laid his head down on your lap, facing the TV screen.

Everything was perfectly on its place and you thought this was the perfect way to spend time with your lover. Anyone would feel that, right?

"Wow, they sure know how to create the mood, don't they? Look at those dark, gloomy rooms." Jungkook spoke up, sharing his thoughts about the movie scene.

"Yeah." You nodded although he couldn't see you.

"Should I get some popcorn?" He got up, looking at you.

"Why not?" You said as he paused the movie and went to the kitchen.

After a couple of minutes, he came back with two fancy looking glasses and some popcorn in other hand.

"Huh? Why did you bring the glasses?" You asked out of curiosity.

"To drink, of course!" He shrugged. He went back into the kitchen to get a bottle of wine.

"Wine? Right now?" You chuckled at his choice.

"Yeah! Why not?" He sat down, popping a popcorn into his mouth as he resumed the movie.

"Beacuse.. think about it." He turned towards you. "If we drink at night, and...." He trailed off, lips edging upwards.

"And?" You blinked.

"And... what if we make a mistake?" There it is! There's the infamous smirk of his.

You smacked his shoulder as he broke out into a pit of laughter.

"Focus." You reminded him and he turned towards the screen again.

You didn't realise when the sun started to set in the orange shaded sky while you watched movies with him and having a sip of wine now and then.

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