21. Eat ramen with me

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"Let's continue in my bedroom, what do you say?" Jungkook says carelessly while still drying his hair with the towel

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"Let's continue in my bedroom, what do you say?" Jungkook says carelessly while still drying his hair with the towel. You snapped your head towards him, listening to his words.

You narrowed your eyes on him and he joined his eyebrows together, confused.


Why the fuck is he still shirtless?!

"What?!" he said, being bewildered by your gestures.

"Watch your words, Jungkook. Why are you always like this?!" you said while fidgeting on your seat.

As soon as he registered your words in his head, he halted his movements and frantically waved his hands while saying,
"No- I mean, I didn't mean it like that. I said, let's go, study in my bedroom 'cause my books and everything is there."

His face which was always smug and carefree looked so innocent right now that you almost chuckled looking at his face. He was adorable, only when he doesn't do what he normally does.

He caught on your expressions and composed himself before clearing his throat.

"I mean, I would like what you first thought and all but I'm not that bad, you see. Besides I don't wanna scare you when you're alone with me." he said with a scoff, his usual self coming at surface again.

"You little- I can't with you!" you said and got up from the couch because of his words.

"Chill! I won't do anything," he said but came closer to you and leaned down, while whispering, "unless you want me to."

Just like that, he walked away from you and towards the stairs, but you were still stiffly standing there.

"Come on!" he said while giggling as he walked upstairs and you blinked before following him.

He led you to the hallway upstairs, there were so many rooms. He walked to the most further room at the end of the hallway and stopped abruptly making you almost hit your forehead on his muscular back.

He turned around but flinched as you were standing so close to him, but stepped back a little while running a hand through his hair and opened the door.

God! He is so unpredictable!

"Make yourself comfortable, Ms Kim." he said and went inside a sliding door that seemed like a closet door.

You awkwardly sat on the chair that was situated at the corner of the room with a study table in front of it.

His room was surprisingly neat and clean. You were expecting it to be a disaster, but I told you so! He is so unpredictable!

There were many Ironman figurines on the shelf and some books here and there. He didn't look like the type to read books though! And yeah, he even had some pictures posted on his wall without a frame, looks like he himself just stuck them on wall. Your gaze went to the camera sitting on the bedside table. Describes the photos on the wall! So, he clicked those pictures himself!

A sudden opening of the closet door, brought you out of the turmoil of your thoughts and your eyes trailed to the closet door.

Jungkook emerged from the closet, clad in a pair of oversized white tshirt and shorts. How does he manage to look so good in everything he wears?!

"Let's get started. What do you want to study first?" you asked as you turned towards him, still sitting on the chair.

"If I say honestly, I don't wanna study but if you insist then probably start with English as I love the way you teach engl- uh- I mean it's your subject so start with it." he almost said something that he didn't want to say but covered it with a lie while looking outside of the window of his room.

You bit back a chuckle by folding your lips in a straight line and nodded.

"Okay, You are pretty good at it already, I've seen your answer sheets but I don't understand why you don't score well in other subjects! It's like you purposefully don't want to get good scores, Namjoon told me that." you said as he took another chair and sat beside you, facing the table.

"No! I don't do it purposefully, obviously!" he said but it was clear he was lying as his hand went to his ears, scratching them a little.

"Don't lie. I heard your sentence back then in the classroom, it was pretty descent." you said, avoiding his eyes at the mention of that day when he wrote the sentence for you.

"Oh, that? It's actually because I can do good if I'm interested about the said thing." he said with a shrug but your mind was stuck at his words.

What does he mean by interested about something?! That sentence was about you right?! Oh-

Naah! He is just blabbering anything.

"Okay, okay, let's just start studying already." you said and opened the book. He groaned a little but concentrated eventually.

You made him revise all the previous lessons of English and he understood well. But when it came to other subjects, he started getting bored. It was like he could never concentrate properly, but you made him understand everything with so much effort.

He is good at studying, he just doesn't want to study. Well, Namjoon didn't lie after all.

"Finally! I'm so tired, damn! I thought my brain was going to malfunction. Please, I can't look at the book for even a second anymore." he said as he nearly hurted himself by banging his head on the table.

"Okay, okay. You did good, now you are free to do whatever you want." you said with a sigh and stretched your hands a little, still sitting on the chair.

"Do you want to eat something?" Jungkook asked as he looked at you, making you stop in your movements.

"Hmm?" you questioned him, not believing he is asking something like that!

"I said, do wanna eat something? It's been so long since we're sitting here so I thought you might be hungry. Nothing else." He said, standing up and you stood up too, walking out of his room, following him.

"Do you wanna eat ramen with me?" he said and turned towards you with a smirk.


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