62. Blessing or Curse

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"Noona?" A small voice called out as you were sleeping soundly

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"Noona?" A small voice called out as you were sleeping soundly.

You ended up huddling beside him after he slept. His fever had gotten down when you decided to sleep.

The whimpering voice woke you up. You got up on the bed in a heartbeat.

"Kookie? What happened?" You said groggily, still sleepy.

"Cold. I'm cold, help me." He said and clenched the covers more onto himself.

You touched his forehead to see that he was having a fever again. His body was burning but he was feeling cold. But, he was fine when he slept. What happened after that?

"Don't worry, hm? I'm doing something. You'll be fine soon." You said, worried as he nodded slowly.

You got up and searched for the medicines and made him have it. Will he really be okay? Should you inform Mrs jeon about this? Does he need to be taken to the hospital?

You were contemplating what to do, but nothing was settling inside your mind.

You decided to wait for the medicines to sink in and have some effect. You couldn't get him to the hospital alone at night, you'd probably need some help so without panicking you waited patiently for a while.

"Jungkook, are you feeling okay?" You asked softly after a while. He seemed to be in a relaxed state.

"I'm okay. But..." He trailed off, eyes still closed as he fished around for your hand. You took his hand in yours.

"But?" You asked.

"I need warmth." He muttered in a small voice.

"You need another blanket? Should I get one more?" You proceeded to get up but he pulled you back.

"No, no. I need your warmth." He said and opened his eyes. His breath was short but felt hot on your skin as your hand stroked his cheek.

"I'm freezing." He again said, leaning in your touch.

You gulped, considering the pros and cons of doing what he is suggesting you to do. Is that really okay?

You shook your head. Of course it's okay. You should do whatever it takes to make him feel better. He needs you. You took a deep breath, going inside the covers beside him.

"Can you get up?" You asked and helped him sit up.

"Listen to me. You need to get out of these clothes. Let me help you." he looked at you before nodding. His shirt was wet with sweat, it wouldn't be good if he caught a cold because of it.

You slowly got him out of his shirt and pants as he slumped back down on the bed as soon as you were done. He had no energy to do anything. You quickly covered him with the blanket again and he curled up in a ball.

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