39. I know you want me too!

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The door clicked as you came outside from the bathroom, wearing the flannel shirt he gave you

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The door clicked as you came outside from the bathroom, wearing the flannel shirt he gave you. It was too comfy to be just a simple shirt.

He was right after all! It was so soft and the plus point was that it smelled like him so much! It was so comforting and made you want to hug yourself close so that you can feel the soft fabric even more.

The shirt ended just right above your upper thighs, so it was a bit risky but the comfort won at the end, and you didn't think about the risk of it being too short. He was sitting on the bed but stood up as soon as he saw you.

"What happened?" you asked dumbfounded and went to him. He just stared at you for a moment, fumbling with words in his head.

"Ah, nothing happened! I just- just need to use bathroom." he briskly said and ran inside like a volcano was going to explode if he didn't go.

Oh, well.... you never know!

"What's wrong with him?" you chuntered to yourself and went to sit on the bed.

He came back after some minutes and approached you with awkward slow steps. His hair was swamped with water and he kept ruffling it; maybe to dry it out fast.

"Let's talk!" you suddenly said, making him knit his brows together.

"Huh? About what?" he said and sat down on the bed.

Your heart picked up a pace, quickening your pulse. The bed was pretty large, you both could sleep peacefully but the nervousness of sleeping beside him was too much to take.

"About that- um.." You were fumbling, "let's put a boundary over here, on the bed and you can't cross it! There, I said it." you bashfully said and looked away.

"You're still concerned about it?" he laughed and shook his head left and right, drizzling the water droplets on you in the process. It was a normal thing but why did it make you feel something? He hasn't even touched you yet!

"Of course, I am! God knows what you're thinking about me!" you gasped which was apparently fake and joined him in the small chortle.

But he stopped laughing and suddenly came near you in a heartbeat. You flinched and leaned back on the headboard of the bed with a gasp; this time a real one!

His hands were placed on your both sides, on the surprisingly soft bed. He had a mysterious smile on his face as he stared down at your soul, consuming every ounce of your dignity that had remained with you as far as now.

The one thing you knew was that this boy, will not let you go without teasing the shit outta you!

"You want to know so bad what I think about you, huh? Listen then!" he spoke in a hushed tone. You noticed that he has a penchant of leaning closer to you all the time when he gets the chance.

"N-no, don't-" you breathed out those words but he didn't dislodge from his place, Instead, he lifts his hand up, stroking your cheek before brushing the hair strands away from your face.

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