69. breathless whispers ¹⁸*

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[Caution: continuation of mature content from the previous chapter]

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[Caution: continuation of mature content from the previous chapter]

"Wait-" your tried to make out a coherent sentence.

"Haven't we waited enough?" He kept his face close to yours, never leaving your eyes.

"I'm just... do you have the... um-" no matter how much you try, the words kept getting stuck underneath your tongue.

"Condom? Don't worry, I've prepared everything." He smiled brightly.

"What? Have you been planning this all along?" You blinked, not believing him.

"Not really. This was just for precautions. Leave all that. Focus only on me." His hand went around your waist pulling you closer as you slid down on the couch, now your head was on the seat of the couch as he hovered over you.

He slowly bent down, one of his knees were rested in between your legs, really close that made you feel the heating sensation in your lower stomach just by thinking about it. His hands, firmly on the sides of your head. You could even listen to his breathing in the silence.

His lips finally met yours. The way they describe in a romance novel, there wasn't a spark of electricity instead it felt warm and soft; something that can melt you or energise you even without that so called spark. The platinum chain that he wore everyday was teasing you today whenever he moved his head as it felt cold on your skin.

When he put all of his mind into only one thing which was kissing you, you felt like you were burning and he had took control over your mind too making it hard for you to think properly. When his lips moved in sync with yours, gently nipping on your lower lip as he tried to invade your mouth through his tongue, had you feeling breathless.

You gave in, opening your mouth as his tongue smoothly slid in, clashing with your own. You moaned without realising, gripping his forearm in the process. He too didn't hold back to express anything this time, slowly yet passionately sucking on your lips as if inhaling you in.

He pulled back, breathing heavily as he retreated from you only to walk to his closet, fishing out a golden packet from underneath a pile of accessories while you watched him almost tumble down after hitting his toe on a foot of the table, eager to come back to you.

"Come here." He pulled you up by your waist, leading you to the bed, not forgetting to lock the door before he came back to you leaving a sloppy smooch on your lips before positioning himself in between your legs again.

He slowly slid his hand down to the hem of your shirt, teasing your skin by touching it gently, earning a gasp from you. Your back arched when he slipped his hand totally inside your top, feeling your skin.

"I'll be honest, I've been going crazy just to touch you like this from the day you wore that black shirt and dared to scold me in front of everyone." He said in between the kiss as his lips brushed past yours only to land back on your cheek.

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