20. Let's continue in my bedroom

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"You never listen to me, do you?" you said as they both stopped in their tracks and turned towards you

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"You never listen to me, do you?" you said as they both stopped in their tracks and turned towards you.

Jimin cursed under his breath but it didn't go unnoticed by you, making you shake your head in disappointment.

"We didn't do anything Ms Kim, we just told him to bring our breakfast and he happily brought it." Jungkook said in a monotonous tone.

"I clearly saw, he was not happy at all. Why do you trouble the poor kids huh!?" you said and folded your hands.

"First of all, he is not some random poor kid. I told him to bring cupcakes that her mother bakes because she owns a bakery." Jungkook said as he slowly took steps towards you.

"And also, it's not like his family needs money! His father is a well known businesses man, so all of this doesn't bother him." Jungkook said as he was standing in front of you just one feet away.

"Whatever I say, you are never going to listen. I'm just wasting my time on you. Leave it, just go to class already." you said and walked away from them.

Jungkook scoffed looking at your back. Jimin came towards him from behind and said, "Bro, I think she is really mad this time. "

"Why would I care if she is mad or not? I've always been like this and always will."
Jungkook said and made his way towards the classroom with Jimin following him behind.

The lunch bell rang and everyone rushed out of their respective classrooms.

The cafeteria was full with students' chattering and yelling as always. Just one table was empty, as always. Waiting for the known devils to claim it.

Jin and Namjoon were going to have lunch with Jimin and Jungkook today.

"Did you think it through? It's great opportunity, Kook. She is a great teacher." Namjoon was still trying to persuade Jungkook to take private lessons from you.

"Yaah! Jungkook-ah, Namjoon is right. I'm telling you to do as he says. Do you understand?" Jin said as he sipped on his drink.

Jungkook agreed for this before but he was just messing around, Namjoon knew it. It took him everything to make him agree on this.

"Argh!! Fine. Just because you're insisting so much. I'll do it, for you. But if I don't like it, then I'm out." Jungkook said and both Namjoon and Jin's face lit up.

"Okay, okay, but trust me, you won't regret this." Namjoon said and resumed his eating.

Jimin was busy smirking and looking at Jungkook with teasing eyes. He noticed it and frowned.

"Jimin, do you want me to go to Mr Min and say that you like him, hm?" Jungkook said and Namjoon chuckled, but Jimin's smirk was long forgotten. Never on this earth does he want that to happen.

"O-oh come on. I didn't even do anything. Why are you threatening me, Kook? And I don't like him, for fuck's sake." Jimin cursed at last, receiving a flying French fry on his cute little face from Jin.

"Ow! Hyung!" He whined but started eating again.

"Oh! Do you want me to go to his house to teach him?" you said with surprise visible in your eyes.

"I'm afraid he won't agree at all if you don't go to his house. I'm sorry, I know I'm asking for a lot but I genuinely care about his studies even if he doesn't. Please help him out this time." Namjoon said with almost pleading eyes and you couldn't say no.

That's how you ended up in front of Jungkook's house.

You gulped. Wait- why would you gulp? You shouldn't be nervous. You scolded yourself internally and took a peek at your phone to see if the address was correct or not.

His house was just some blocks away from yours, just as he said. Looking at his house, now you knew why he behaves so bluntly. He sure is rich. You let out a 'hmm' while looking up at the three story bungalow.

Let's just get this over with; you thought and raised your hand up to ring the doorbell.

You rang the doorbell and waited for someone to open the door. Not long after that, the door opened revealing a not so ready Jungkook with a towel in his hand, rubbing his wet hair with the towel, making you step back with eyes wide open. Not because of his wet hair or anything, but because he wasn't wearing anything besides an Ironman pajama pants.

"Ms Kim, are you shy? But you've already seen me shirtless before." an amused chuckle escaped his lips as his eyes searched for yours.

You were looking at everything around but him. You were mad at yourself because of not being able to control the blush spreading across your cheeks.

"Just shut up. Why are you not ready yet? I told you the time beforehand." you said finally, clearing your throat and looking at him, trying to keep your eyes onto his own dark ones and not anywhere else.

"It's a weekend morning Ms Kim. I'm not used to waking up early on weekends. You can't scold me, at least I tried." he said with an innocent voice but his eyes were glistening with mischief.

He gestured you to go inside the house and he made way for you by pushing himself out of the way. You just silently walked inside and Jungkook closed the door after you.

"You can sit wherever you want Ms Kim, but the couch in the living room looks much comfortable." he said while walking inside with you by his side.

You rolled your eyes at his choice of words but sat down on the couch. Jungkook also sat down on the couch beside you, leaving some space between you two, making your eyebrows furrowed.

"Aren't you going to put something on first? And where are your parents?" you said, looking around the living room.

It was very spacious with photo frames hanging on the walls and perfectly designed furniture. The living room had a big glass window that gave you a nice view of the lawn. It was pretty beautiful.

"Mom is not home this weekend as she is out on a trip with her friends and dad is always on business trips abroad." he said with a shrug as he observed your eyes that was looking around the house. He said that so normally but it sounded sad and it made you look at him.

"Oh! I see, but you don't even have your books here! How are you going to study?" you said, ignoring the urge to ask about his parents more.

"Huh? Oh yes- study! I almost forgot about it." he said with a sheepish smile while scratching his nape.

"You are seriously something, Jeon." you said and shook your head in disbelief, trying to show you were upset but the small smile on your lips gave it away.

"Let's continue in my bedroom. What do you say?" his eyes again shone with mischief.


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