23. Something's definitely up!

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That sounded weirdly cute coming from his mouth. All of the time either he is being sassy or he is just bluntly mischievous. This time he looked like he was actually sorry for spilling water on you by accident.

He rushed inside the room and towards his closet and pulled out one of his black hoodies. He extended his hand towards you, his eyes were fixed onto yours.

You took the hoodie from his hand and he retreated his hand slowly and just stood there in front of you. You looked at him with a questioning gaze.

"What?!" he uttered mindlessly after he saw your expressions.

"What, what?! Are you just going to stand here and see me change?" you said and watched his cheeks go pink as he registered your words in his head.

"Oh! I'll go outside," he said and made a gesture towards the door by his hands, flustered; and hastily walked out, closing the door on his way out.

That's how you ended up wearing his hoodie that looked so baggy on you but you didn't complain, the reasons being; first: you had no other choice, second: it smelled so good, it smelled like him.

You reached home, when it was nearly noon. You were anticipating an encounter with a loud ass Taehyung once you get home. Knowing him, he is going to make a huge fuss about the hoodie thing. You sighed and opened the front door.

"Why are you so late, missy? I thought you didn't like that boy? But here you are, spending almost half of the day at his house." there he is! He was sitting on the couch watching TV.

You didn't say anything and kept walking towards the stairs but your steps came to halt when he spoke again.

"Woah!! Now you don't even answer me. Wow! I'm hurt- what the fuck!" he was whining as always and making a sad face but his expressions changed from fake hurt to really surprised.

"If I'm not wrong this must be...." he started with a teasing tone and trailed off at the end, smirking, as he saw you wearing an unfamiliar hoodie.

"Yeah, yeah, you're always right. It's Jungkook's. He lent me his hoodie 'cause he accidentally spilled water on me." you said and rolled your eyes at Taehyung's squealing figure.

"Are you sure you're not living in some kind of K-drama or Wattpad book? Baby sis, I think you should just stop lying that you don't like that boy." Taehyung said and resumed his movie.

"What is Wattpad?! Never heard of that- leave it, but I think you should stop dreaming that I like that boy!" you spat at him and he just shrugged his shoulders with a grin attached to his lips.

You scoffed and was just going to walk away but remembered something.

"Tae! What would you answer if someone asks if you want to eat ramen with them?" you asked and he again paused his movie turning his head towards you with a raised eyebrow.

"Huh?! Who asked you that?" he said, standing up from the couch, now standing near you.

"Jungkook asked me and, he was behaving weirdly so I asked him why and he said I'm too innocent so he won't tell me. Then we ate ramen." you said with a confusing tone waiting for tae to say something.

"Woah! He can flirt too, huh?! I see..." your brother said more like sang the last part and made a thinking face with his fingers tapping on his chin.

"Do you know what does it mean?" you asked and he started laughing, resulting in you making a disgusting face as you saw him laughing his heart out.

He is so weird. But hey, he is your twin brother, so... no comments.

Finally his laughter died down and he gestured you to come closer, which you did.

He whispered something in your ear about the ramen thing making your eyes go wide, and he again started laughing. It's the usual Taehyung behavior.

"I can't believe you don't know about this. Everyone knows, Y/N. Damn! I can't!" he said in between his laugh which was now just some small giggles as he tried catching his breath.

You were still speechless but made your way towards your room, leaving the still giggling Taehyung behind, not forgetting to smack his head before walking away.

Meanwhile, Taehyung thought he must meet this Jungkook boy again and get to know him.

There were two reasons for why he was so curious about him: he actually liked the boy, not because he was good looking or anything but after listening all those stories from you about him helping you occasionally, he knew the boy had a good heart, he just didn't want to show it.

And the second reason being, he wanted to make sure no one can take advantage of his only sister, whom he loved with all his heart. He just wanted to double check the said boy and his personality. He was sure about his assumption but he still needed to make that sure his sister is safe.

To say you were fuming with anger will be an understatement, but it was more because of embarrassment of not knowing about the ramen thing. But who can blame you, not everyone is aware of those silly trends on the internet. You were one of those rare people, yeah, you could say that.

You sighed, thinking about all this and just stormed into the bathroom to freshen up, trying to get everything off your mind.

"Jungkookie!!! I missed you so much bro!" Jimin said happily as soon as he saw Jungkook coming out of his car.

"Jimin, you literally saw me two days ago. Stop overreacting on every topic." the taller boy uttered while locking his car and then swinging back the keys in his pocket.

Jimin laughed at his friend but sneaked a hand around Jungkook's shoulder as they both walked inside the school campus.

Everyone eyed them up, but they could care less. Who wouldn't look at you, if you look like them? They grew used to people staring at them all the time.

"Have you planned anything for next weekend yet?" Jimin said with a knowing smirk on his pretty face.

"Are you properly awake yet, Jimin? It's Monday, the weekends just ended and you're talking about next weekends already?" Jungkook chuckled at his friend's silly words.

It was not unusual for Jimin to behave like this, he was always that bubble of energy, hopping around Jungkook all the time and Jungkook never complained. He liked- loved the other's company.

"No, silly! I'm talking about your birthday. Did you forget? Even if you did I won't let you, I want a party." Jimin said and Jungkook made an 'o' face after realizing what Jimin wanted to say.

"I almost forgot. Don't worry, I'm thinking about something." Jungkook said lowly, but Jimin saw that smirk on his face.

He knew, something's definitely up in his evil mind!


Stay tuned for jungkook's birthday, lol.
And yeah, don't forget to comment. Your comments make my day! ^-^

Ps: I'm surprised to see how so many people don't know about the "Do you wanna eat ramen with me?" slang, so I decided to just explain it here.
In Korean, it sounds like, "Ramyeon meokgo gallae?" which means asking for a hook-up, or having s*x.
It's almost like a Korean version of saying, Netflix and chill.

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