49. The best night

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"Who'll be sleeping in my room?" Taehyung asked

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"Who'll be sleeping in my room?" Taehyung asked.

"Oh!! It must be me! I'm your dear friend, Taehyung-ah!" JImin's puppy eyes sparkled.

"Sure Jimin! It's been many days since we did a sleepover," they both did a fist bump and chuckled. You smiled at how adorable they both were.

"Then what about me? Where will I go?" Jungkook asked innocently. Like, you can seriously sense the innocence in his voice.

"You... you can sleep with Y/N! Simple as it is! This is a good bonding chance!" Taehyung patted your shoulder and you smacked his arm away.

"Why? And how? Dad is home, can't he sleep with dad?" You said and glared at him.

"Poor boy won't be able to sleep at all. Don't you know dad's snoring habits? Don't be so heartless now, let him be with you!" Taehyung gave you his best smile to smother you in his cuteness.

"Argh! Why only me? Why?" You whined.

"He can't sleep in here because it doesn't feel good, when we all are nicely sleeping in bed but he's here, all alone." Taehyung's face went sad. He's so good at acting, everyone knows that.

"My best friend can't sleep on the couch instead! Problems of being born in a rich family, you know?" Jimin helped tae.

"Also, the guest room isn't cleaned for months. He only has you now! You gotta accept this," he snickered. Now he got you wrapped up on his finger. You have to listen to what he says, because there's no other option.

"Okay! He can come with me," you sighed but little did you know how happy Jungkook was!

"Yay!! It's settled then! Let's go! Jungkook you come with us and when it's time to sleep, you can go to your Noona, hm?" Jimin wiggled his brows professionally, but it just made him look like a clown. A cute one though!

"Woah! Did you guys really kiss? Oh my gawd! You go, bro! You killed it!" Jimin's eyes went wide and Taehyung giggled.

They were playing truth or truth and Jungkook was exposed. He had to tell them about you both kissing. Of course those two will target these topics. They love gossiping about Jungkook and you!

"Okay, okay! I don't think I can play anymore. I want to go sleep!" Jungkook yawned and stood up from the bed.

"Just say that you're desperate to be with her. We know that already!" Taehyung laughed.

"Maybe... but I really am sleepy. Let me go, okay?" He smiled at them and they nodded as he scurried away out of the room.

Taehyung gave him his clothes to wear so he was comfortable enough. He made his way to your room with a giggling heart. He was so happy and excited too.

"Knock knock! It's me, your Kook!" He knocked on your door before chuckling.

You opened the door only to get tackled by him in a hug. A bone crushing one.

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