65. The D-day

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"Sis, you're late again

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"Sis, you're late again." Taehyung complained when you were almost successful in sneaking into the house.

"Aish!" You got caught once again.

"No one can get away from the great Kim taehyung's sharp eyes, you know that?" He said, putting both of his hands on his waist now coming towards you from the dark corner.

"Why were you hiding in the corner, tae?" You asked, not really surprised.

"To give some scary brother vibes, you know?" He snickered, leaving behind his cool expressions from before. You shook your head.

"Anyway, why are you so late?" He asked normally now.

"Nothing in particular, we just finished eating late." You explained truthfully, not forgetting to leave out the important details.

"Oh! Okay. Get some rest, I'll go to bed, too." He waved his hand and went upstairs after you gave him a subtle nod.

Finally in the bedroom, you took a sigh of relief. You were not tired but thinking about going to school tomorrow morning was exhausting enough to make you sleepy.

After a quick shower, you hit the bed, falling into a deep slumber in no time.

The day finally comes for which everybody was waiting eagerly. The graduation ceremony.

"Jungkookah!!!" Jimin came running down the hallway and jumped straight into jungkook's arms who was just going to enter into the classroom.

"What are you doing, jimin?" Jungkook held onto him, trying to keep his balance stable.

"Hugging you, of course." Jimin answered, still not letting go of him.

"But why?" Now they were practically hugging in front of the whole class and they all were going to start whispering anytime soon.

"Because this is the last day of school." In the end, jimin let go of him and they both entered the classroom.

"I know, but you're hugging me as if I'm going to disappear starting from tomorrow." Jungkook chuckled but he was just hiding the small spark of sad feeling that he got because of jimin's words.

That's true, after all. They won't be making fun of the teachers anymore, they won't create any more troubles at the school, they won't get bored in the math class, hell they won't even get to sit together at their cafeteria table.

All these things which was their daily routine would now become just a mere memory of their school lives. They sure had the best time of their lives at the school and that's just unforgettable.

"Jungkook?" Jimin shook his shoulder to get him back from his thinking train.

"Huh?" He responded without thinking.

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