37. Netflix and Chill

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The heck!

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The heck!

Jimin isn't here yet? He went to fetch his phone but hasn't come back till now.

Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion and the wheels inside your head turned, trying to understand the situation.

"What are you doing here, Ms Kim?" Jungkook said, cocking his one brow at you.

"Jimin; he said that you ran away and you wouldn't even pick up the call so he told me, I needed to be here in order to bring you back- but why the hell is he not here now?" you told him in a hazy voice, but you were just mumbling to yourself at this point.

"Oh, I see," Jungkook said humming and made a fake 'I understand your situation' face.

"Yaah, are you for real? Just 'oh, I see'? And where in the freaking world is Jimin?" you said with wide eyes. If Jungkook had to say something on this, he would say you looked like a lost puppy.

Your mind was just processing everything slowly. Were you by any chance, tricked by someone?

You gasped and took long strides towards the front door only to find it closed shut. You tried opening it but it just won't budge. Did Jimin really go back without you? But why? And what about Mr Choi now?

What in the sweet sugar's freaking territory was happening?

You cursed under your breath and turned around to face Jungkook again. He was just standing there, eating peacefully like he doesn't give a fuck about what was happening around him!

You panicked and remembered your phone. Oh shit! You forgot your bag home.

"Jungkook, what kind of game is this? Let me go back right now!" you demanded but he just snorted at your words.

He calmly put the donut down on the table and came towards you while dusting his hands off in a fancy way. His lips were busy being tugged up in a nasty grin.

A grin that looked delicious, making you want to stare at him and those beautiful pair of lips but you were not in the situation to think all this. He was still coming your way.

"It's not a game, Ms Kim! Maybe I'm just too selfish to let you go. Did he make you feel good? Do you like him, too? You must be so happy to go with him and I ruined everything, right? Tch! So bad, so bad!" at this point, you are convinced that his voice has magical powers of making someone go haywire.

"What are you talking about? Why do you always beat around the bush, Jungkook?" you said with frowned eyebrows and a 'so done' face.

His feet never stopped. His lips still had a sly smile on. The rain was still pouring hard making the atmosphere turn dark and cold. The rain droplets hit the window glass, producing a subtle rhythm that was very calming but it didn't help your situation.

He soon was just a foot apart from you. His intoxicating scent once again attacked your senses that made you take a deep breath; to let the sweet smell enter your nervous system and hack it down completely.

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