- anxious -

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*this was requested by Midnight4Lifers thank you for the request! if you want me to change anything, just let me know.*

ever since you were a child, you would get anxious very easily. social gatherings were one of the things that set your anxiety off the most. the loud noise of everyone talking at the one time, everyone being so close together. when the thought of it made your heart beat quicker.

you didn't tell a lot of people about your anxiety, you didn't want anybody to look at you differently. someone who did know was your girlfriend, robin buckley. she made you feel so safe and never made you feel any different. she always did what she could when your anxiety got bad. she knew what triggers it and always avoided doing things that would trigger it.

one day, robin had asked if you wanted to go to the mall with her. this was one of the only days robin didn't have to work at scoops ahoy so you told her yes, she got so excited. you loved seeing her like this. you changed into some nicer clothes, putting on cherry lip balm and collected your car keys, heading out to the car and waiting for robin. once she got in she leaned over and pressed a quick kiss to your cheek. you smiled and took her hand, placing your other one on the steering wheel as you began driving. robin played with your fingers as you drove whilst talking to you about all the new shops at the mall, her voice getting higher when talking about her favourite shops.

once you reached the mall, you drove to the parking lot and tried to find a space. it was rather busy but you just took a deep breath. 'maybe it's just the workers cars' you thought to yourself. you eventually found a spot and parked. you and robin got out of the car and robin walked over to you. she quickly looked around, making sure nobody was around and pressed another quick kiss to your cheek before grabbing your hand and practically dragging you into the mall.

as soon as you walked in, all you could see was a sea of people. you felt your heartbeat quicken and your breathing speeding up. the mixture of people talking, the sound of shoes screeching across the floor and the music blaring out of the shops was just too much for you. you tried to slow your breathing and somehow managed to slow it just enough. robin noticed this and looked over at you, squeezing your hand. "hey, you okay?" she asked, concerned. you looked over at her and nodded. "yeah, yeah. i'll be okay." you reassured her, trying to convince yourself at the same time. robin believed you and dragged you further into the mall.

the further you went into the mall, it only got busier. it was getting too busy for your liking. you felt your heartbeat quicken once more and felt your free hand shake slightly. you clenched it into a fist, not wanting to ruin robins fun. she hadn't seemed to notice anything this time, she was too busy looking in the window of a shop. you smiled weakly as you watched her.

you stood there beside her and you felt someone walk into you, pushing you. they looked back and mouthed sorry but returned to their friends and began laughing. what were they laughing at? was it you? did they mean to do that? why would they do that? your throat felt like it was slowly closing and your eyes darted across the busy mall. it felt like everyone's eyes were on you. it felt like it was getting warmer and warmer with every passing second. you tried to concentrate on your breathing but you couldn't concentrate hard enough. your breathing sped up as your palms started getting sweaty. you removed your hand from robin's and quickly wiped that palm of your hands on your trousers. robin looked over at you, confused why you pulled your hand away. her eyes widened when she saw you, struggling to catch a breath. "hey, "hey, y/n? look at me. are you okay?" she asked placing her hands on your arms. you stared at her as you tried to catch your breath. "robin." you managed to breathe out. she grabbed your hand again and dragged you to the food court.

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