- cramps -

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*requested by Dogcatwyd*

robin stood behind the counter at family video, doodling in a notepad as steve restocked the shelves. she was doodling down some ideas to draw on her shoes later. she was broken out of her trance when she heard the phone ring beside her. she picked the receiver up and held it to her ear. "family video, robin buckley speaking. how can i help you?" she asked, still doodling in the notebook whilst talking. "hey, robin. it's just me." you replied. robin dropped the pen she was doodling with. "y/n! hey! is everything okay? we're still on for tonight right?" she asked, smiling and twirling the cord in her finger. you groaned on the other side of the receiver. "that's why i'm calling. i don't think i can do tonight, robin. i'm sorry." you told her. her smile dropped slightly. "oh, is everything okay?" she was a little worried, you don't usually cancel dates out of the blue. "i'm fine, i just got my period and my cramps are being a bitch right now." you explained.

"oh, im sorry baby." she said. you quietly winced on the other end of the line. "it's fine. i'm sorry for just cancelling out of the blue." you felt quite bad but you really didn't feel up for leaving the house. "it's perfectly okay. don't feel bad, okay? it's not your fault." her voice was soft. "now, you rest, okay?" she told you. "yeah, okay. i love you." you said. her smile returning to her face. "i love you too, sweetheart." she hung up the phone. "hey! steve!" she yelled over at him, making him turn around, a pile of tapes still in his hands. "yeah?" he said, looking over the tall pile. "you need to give me ride home tonight." she told him. it was more of a statement rather than a question but he still nodded nonetheless. "and stop at the store for me too." she said.

you lay in bed, a glass of water and a half eaten bar of chocolate beside it. your hand was lying ver your stomach, the other pressed onto your forehead. you were trying to get some sleep when a knock on the door took you way from your thoughts. you slowly got up and made your way downstairs. you opened the front door and saw robin standing there, a grin plastered onto her face and two plastic bags in her hands. "can i come in?" she asked. "yes, yes, of course." you said, opening the door wider. she walked in, pressed a kiss on your forehead and made her way into the kitchen. you waddled behind her and sat down on one of the kitchen chairs. "nuh-uh." she said, shaking her head and walking towards you. "what? what?" you asked her confused. she shooed you off the seat, moving her hands as if she was shooing away a bird. she walked up close behind you until you were at the bottom of the stairs. "you go and lie in bed. i'll be up soon, okay?" she told you. you nodded and kissed her gently before making your way back to your room.

robin walked into your room after a few more minutes downstairs, holding a hot water bottle in her hand. "oh, god, you're a lifesaver! i love you so much!" you said as she handed you the hot water bottle. "are you talking to me or the hot water bottle?" she asked, jokingly. "i can love two things." you joked, placing the hot water bottle onto your lower back. you sighed as you felt the warmth hit your back, closing your eyes at the feeling. "where does it hurt?" robin asked you, making you open your eyes and look at her. "your cramps, where does it hurt?" she asked again. "mostly just my back and my stomach." you replied. robin sat on the edge of your bed, hovering her warm hands over your stomach. "can i?" she asked. you nodded
and she placed her hands onto your stomach, massaging it gently. she occasionally leaned down to press a kiss to your nose or your forehead.

after a few minutes, she took her hands away from your stomach, making you frown. she stroked your cheek with her thumb before walking out of your room and down to the kitchen. she came back into your room with a plastic grocery bag, placing it beside your bed. she sat next to you in the bed and you sat up. she pulled out a bottle of water and filled up your now empty glass. she then pulled out a bar of chocolate and opened, handing it to you. you brought the chocolate to your lips but your face quickly screwed up at the bitter taste. "urgh! this is dark chocolate robin." you groaned. "i know. it's apparently good for you? i don't know, that's what i heard. i also got you some fruit because they, like, help with sugar cravings without making you eat a lot of sugar." she kissed you gently before placing the bag back down. "i'm gonna run you a warm bath, m'kay?" she said, her face mere inches away from yours and her eyes looking at your eyes and to your mouth then back again. you nodded and she kissed your forehead before jumping up towards the bathroom.

you heard the taps turn off, little droplets of water dropping into the bath. robin walked back to your room, leaning against your doorframe. "baths ready, sweetheart." you got up and walked towards her, giving her a quick hug as you walked by her. "thank you." you whispered before walking into the bathroom. "just shout when you're done." robin said, closing the bathroom door after you got in. you stripped and got into the bath, which robin had filled with bubbles, and let the warm water surround you. you sunk down and let the water go up past your shoulders.

whilst you relaxed in the bath, robin decided to make your bed. she smoothed out your duvet, placing the pillows at the top of your bed. she looked around your room, smiling when she saw photos of you two together. she looked at all of them, each one bringing back a happy memory. she heard the water in the bathroom flush away through the pipes as you walked out of the bathroom, a towel wrapped around you. robin stared at you, wide eyed and practically drooling. "robin?" you said, waving a hand in front of her face. "uh, s-sorry." she blushed, turning away. "i'll, uh, i'll let you get changed." she stepped out of the room as you changed into some comfortable clothes.

you opened the door, allowing robin to come in. you lay in bed as robin searched through your vhs collection before picking one up and placing it into the tape player. she walked over to your bed and got in behind you, wrapping her arms around your stomach from behind you, placing her chin on your shoulder. you melted into her touch. all throughout the movie, she would ask if you were okay and pressed kisses to the side of your neck. you felt so safe in her arms. laying her, in robins arms, felt like home and you wouldn't have it any other way.

1227 words

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