- cheater pt. 2 -

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it had been six months since you broke up with your girlfriend, robin buckley, and if you were being honest, you were sort of regretting it. you know that she kissed someone else but you knew how sorry she was and you were starting to think it honestly didn't mean anything. vickie had approached you and told you that it meant nothing and that it was her fault and you still saw robin steal glances at you in hallways and classrooms. you missed her so much but you just constantly reminded yourself what she had done and that she was in the wrong but memories of you and her always seemed to cloud over your other thoughts. you wanted to forgive her but you didn't want to let her think she could just get away with this.

one day, you were standing at your locker, twisting your combination into the lock until it unlocked and you pulled your locker open. when you did, a piece of paper slipped out of your locker and onto the floor. you picked it up and read it. 'meet me please? bleachers, lunch. i just want to talk. - robin.' you took a deep breath when you read it and blinked away a few tears before slipping the note into your pocket and walking away to your class. robin had watched you from her own locker, hoping and that you would meet her at the bleachers. if you felt the same way as she did, she knew you would meet her but if you didn't, she didn't know how she would move on from you.

as you sat in class, you watched the clock as it ticked painfully slowly. your eyes didn't leave the clock for the full period. when the bell finally rang dismissing everyone for lunch, you quickly tided your desk and shot up, rushing out of the classroom and heading towards the bleachers. you looked around and saw robin sitting on them, her head hung low. you took a deep breath and walked over. robin looked up when she heard footsteps. her face lit up when she saw that it was you. she fixed her posture and straightened out her clothes as you walked towards her. you walked over and sat beside her but at a reasonable distance away. you both sat in an awkward silence for a second before robin spoke up. "hey." she said. "hi." you mumbled back, looking anywhere but her because you knew if you looked at her, you would practically pounce on her and not let go.

"how are you?" she asked. "fine." you replied. she nodded before sighing. "listen, y/n, you know i didn't ask you here so we could just have some small talk." she said. you finally looked up at her and crossed your arms. "then why am i here?" you asked her. "i am so so so sorry, y/n." she began. you bit your lip to hold back your tears. "i made sure vickie told you that what happened between me and her meant nothing." she said. "and it didn't, it meant nothing to me and it still does." she added. robin fiddled with her rings. you noticed that she was wearing a necklace you had bought her for her birthday and her ring from a matching set you bought for you both. you were wearing the other one. "but these past six months have been horrible without you, y/n. i mean, just pure torture. i look at vickie and i see absolutely nothing. i feel absolutely nothing." she emphasised the last 'nothing'. you sighed and looked at her. "but i look at you and i see our past, all our happy memories. i see what i hope would be our future. i see the girl that would end up as my wife. i look at you and i feel my heart... glow. i feel my knees get weak and my cheeks get warm. i look at you and feel love." she confessed. "i don't know if you feel the same anymore and i don't blame you but i just... i just needed to tell you. and i needed to ask..." she drifted off at the end of her sentence.

"i needed to ask if you would ever consider coming back to me." she continued, looking you straight in the eyes. "robin..." you whispered. "don't think, just tell me. do you still love me?" you looked at her. "yes." you replied instantly. robins face lit up. "do you... do you want to be with me?" and once again your reply was, "yes." robin smiled and moved lightly closer to you, her hand brushing yours. "can i... kiss you?" she asked. you nodded and she moved your hair away from your face before gently cupping your face with her hands and leaning in towards you. you closed your eyes in anticipation. when your lips touched, you felt like fireworks were going off around you. you placed your hand on the back of her neck and pulled her closer, deepening the kiss. it was a kiss filled with passion and love. she pulled away after a few minutes, all you could hear was the panting coming from you and robin.

she hugged you and buried her face into the crook of your neck. "i missed you so much. so much." she mumbled. "i missed you too." you said, rubbing her back. "but robin," you began, making robin move her head and look at you. "if anything like this happens again with anyone, not just vickie, i am not taking you back again." you told her. "believe me, i am never ever making that stupid mistake again." she said. "you're mine again and i don't intend to lose you ever again." she added. robin took your hands. "i love you too much to lose you again." you smiled and hugged her once again. as you held her in your arms, you felt complete again. you needed her and she needed you and she was never going to lose you again.

1016 words

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