- injury -

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*requested by OrngsRGood! thank you for the request!*

you were currently standing in the upside down, clutching a baseball bat in your hands. you were swinging at a bunch of demobats that just wouldn't fly away from you. you had just been separated from the rest of the group about five minutes ago. the demobats started getting closer to you now, biting at your stomach and your back as you tried to attack them. you cried out in pain. you continued trying to attack them but you weren't succeeding. "y/n!" you heard a familiar voice shout. you quickly turned and saw your girlfriend, robin, and the rest of the group running towards you. "robin!" you cried out as the demobats continued to attack you. steve began running faster, grabbing the bat out of your hands as he passed you. he began to attack the demobats. not long after him was nancy and eddie, nancy loading her gun and shooting at them and eddie swinging at them with a rowing boat oar. you ran towards robin and wrapped your arms around her. "oh my god, i thought you were dead." robin cried as she held you closer, burying her face into the crook of your neck. you placed your hand on the back of her head. "i'm fine. i'm fine." you lied. "are you okay?" you asked her. she just simply nodded.

you both stayed like this until steve whistled. "hey, lovebirds, you coming?" he yelled over at you both. robin unwrapped herself from you before taking hold of your hand and walking back to the other three. you all made your way towards the upside down replica of eddies trailer. one by one, everyone climbed up the makeshift rope and flipped back into the real world. robin squeezed your hand before climbing up the rope and landing on her back in the real trailer. you mirrored her actions, wincing as you landed on your back. luckily, nobody noticed. robin helped you up before you all ran across to max's trailer. steve and nancy told max, dustin, lucas and erica what they think the plan should be. eddie sat on the couch, staring blankly ahead while fidgeting with his rings. robin sat with her knees to her chest, her arms wrapped around them. you sat near her, quickly looking down at your now blood stained shirt. 'shit' you thought. you quickly tugged your jacket over the stains, wrapping your arm around your stomach to keep your jacket closed.

you had stayed quiet for the remainder of the conversation, only concentrating on keeping your injuries hidden. "y/n? y/n!" eddies voice snapped you out of your trance. "yeah? sorry." you quickly replied. "everyone's leaving, we're going to continue everything tomorrow." he explained. you nodded. "yeah, okay." robin stood in front of you, holding her hand out towards you. you smiled up at her and took it. she dragged you up before wrapping her arm around your waist. you flinched, making robin remove her arm. "hey, are you sure you're okay?" robin asked as you both walked out of the trailer. you looked over at her and nodded slightly, trying not to make your recent headache any worse. you squeezed your eyes shut for a second before opening them as wide as you could. everything felt like it was moving. you stumbled backwards. "hey, hey, careful." robin said. you looked at her again. spots were now entering your vision. "y/n? y/n? hellooo?" robin said, clicking her fingers in your face. she sounded really muffled. "robin..." you breathed out before your knees buckled from underneath and your eyes closed.

robin's eyes widened as she fell to her knees beside you after you had fell onto the floor. "y/n? y/n!" she yelled, shaking your shoulders. "help! someone help!" she shouted, looking around as tears clouded her vision. luckily, steve hadn't left the trailer park yet. as soon as he heard robin yelling for help, he ran as fast as he could in the direction of her voice. he saw her kneeling on the ground outside of max's trailer, hunched over. "robin, robin, what's wrong?" he asked, placing a hand on her back. steve's eyes also widened when he saw your unconscious body in robins arms. "what happened?" he asked. "i-i don't know. she was acting weird and i asked if she was okay and then two seconds later she collapsed." she explained. "okay, okay. just breathe, robin, she'll be okay." steve assured her. he hooked an arm under your knees and the other under your back, lifting your body into his arms. "we'll take her to the hospital. my keys are in my pocket, just get them and unlock my car and we'll go, okay?" robin nodded as she got his car keys. they both stood up and began walking towards his car. robin unlocked the car and steve laid your body in the backseat before getting into the drives side. robin climbed into the passenger side and held your hand, even though she knew you couldn't feel it.

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