- sick -

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you lay in bed, the back of your hand resting on your forehead. you don't know how but you caught a cold and you were feeling horrible. your head was pounding and your body was aching.

you were supposed to be going on a date with your girlfriend today but you just weren't feeling well enough for it. she was supposed to come pick you up soon, you'll just tell her that you don't feel well when she comes over you.

a few minutes later, the front door had opened and shut. "it's only me, y/n." you heard your girlfriend, robin, shout from downstairs. the voice was soon followed by quick footsteps up the stairs towards your room. she knocked on your door. "you decent, sweetheart?" she asked. you didn't say anything. she waited for a few more seconds before cracking the door open ever so slightly, peeping her head through the crack with her hand over her eyes. "y/n? you okay?" she asked, her hand never leaving her eyes. you groaned in response. robin spread out her fingers and looked through the spaces between them, seeing you still laying in bed.

she slowly walked over to you and crouched beside your bed. "what's wrong? are you okay? did something happen?" she asked, worry filling her voice. you slowly rolled over onto your side and faced her. "i'm fine. just a head cold." you explained, your voice hoarse and you gave her a lopsided smile. "a cold? you're sick?" she said, backing up a little. you knew robin didn't like the thought of being sick. "yeah, i'm sorry. you don't need to stay, robin, i know you don't like people that are sick." you said to her, rolling back onto your back.

robin stood up, her eyes never leaving you. "i'm sorry." she apologised before quickly leaving and closing the door behind her. you let out a loud groan. you were sick, you were sore all over and you were all alone. your parents/guardian were away to work and your girlfriend didn't want to be around you when you were sick. you closed your eyes and tried to get some sleep.

a few hours later, you were woken up by a few knocks on your bedroom door. you slowly stood up, wrapped a blanket around your shoulders and waited for the room to stop spinning before you walked over to your bedroom door and opened it. there you saw robin standing in front of you, holding a tray. on the tray there was a bowl of chicken soup, some cold medicine, a glass of water and a single red rose sat on the side of the tray. she held it out towards you and smiled at you sweetly. "i, uh, know you don't really like chicken soup but i heard that it's really good for you when your sick and i kinda had to steal that rose from your neighbours garden so i don't think they like me anymore." she told you. "and it tells you on the back of the box how many pills you can take. oh! also!" she cut herself off before setting the tray down, taking out a piece of paper out of her pocket and sat it on the tray. she picked the tray back up again.

"don't read that until i leave, okay?" she said. it was more of a statement than a question but you nodded anyway. robin held the tray back out towards you again. you took the tray from her and smiled. she blew you a kiss. "i'll call you when i get home, okay? you don't have to pick up if you feel too sick though." she told you before walking downstairs and leaving your house.

you walked back into your room, closing the door and sat on your bed, placing the tray in front of you. you picked up the note robin had left and began reading. 'hey gorgeous, i just wanted to let you know how much i love you. i really wish i could stay with you when you feel like this but i just really, really, really hate the thought of being sick. i feel horrible just leaving you but just know that i love you so much more than you could ever know. i hope you get better soon because i miss you already. i love you so much sweetheart, love robin.' you smiled and placed it on your bedside table. you reluctantly picked up the spoon and began eating the soup.

whilst you were eating the soup, you heard the phone ring. you dropped the spoon, picked up the receiver and held it to your ear. "hey gorgeous!" she exclaimed as you picked up the phone. you heard rustling around on the other end and could picture robin sitting cross legged on her bed, twirling the wire of the phone in her finger. "hey beautiful." you replied, your throat still quite sore. "did you like my note, i was quite proud of it!" she said, her voice getting quite high. you chuckled and glanced over at the note. "yes, i loved it. it was so sweet, thank you robin." you thanked her. you lifted your shoulder to hold the receiver in place before reaching over for the pill and taking it with a sip of water. "now, why did you steal a rose from my neighbours garden?" you asked, looking at the beautiful red rose. "oh, well, red roses mean love and i love you so i wanted to get one." you couldn't help but smile. "it was really difficult though. the thorns really hurt." she complained. you laughed quietly.

you both continued talking for a while more about anything you could think about before the medicine kicked in and made you quite tried. you yawned whilst robin was talking. "oh... am i boring you, gorgeous?" she asked, her voice getting quieter. "what? no! no, of course not. the cold medicine just kicked in and it's making me  feel really tried." you explained. you heard robin let out a breath. "good. i really don't want you to get bored of me." she admitted. "i could never get bored of you robin buckley." you told her, moving the tray onto your floor and laying on your bed. "god, i love you so much, y/f/n." she said. you felt your cheeks get warm at this statement before another yawn came out. "i'm going to hang up now, okay? try and get some sleep, sweetheart." robin told you. "okay, i will. i love you." you said. "i love you more." you could practically hear the smile in robins voice. a few more 'i love yous' were exchanged before robin eventually hang up.

you placed the receiver back to its original place and lay on your back, staring at the ceiling and smiling as you thought about robin. it wasn't long until you felt your eyes getting heavy. you closed them and went to sleep, still thinking about your amazing girlfriend.

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