- emetophobia -

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requested by envybil! thank you for the request!
trigger warning: mentions of vomiting & gagging

ever since robin was young, she hated being around people who were sick. whenever someone was about to be sick, she would go in full panic mode. covering her ears, closing her eyes, turning her head away, etc. she hated it so much. you were aware of her emetophobia so whenever you felt like you were going to be sick, you wouldn't tell her. sometimes she doesn't get the hint and follows you when you walk away from her because she just wants to make sure you're okay but as soon as she hears you gagging she covers her ears and runs away from you. you'll find her when you feel better and she'll still be covering her ears and sometimes she'll be squeezing her eyes shut. it was even worse when she thought she was going to be sick. she'll panic so much and sometimes send herself into anxiety attacks and you'll try your hardest to help her but it doesn't always help.

you were sitting on your bed, your back against the wall as you sipped from your bottle of water. you were watching tv because you had nothing better to do. you stayed home from work because you were feeling nauseous and didn't want to give anyone a potential bug you could potentially have. there was a few knocks on your door. you sat your bottle down and walked downstairs to answer the door. you pulled open the door, revealing a smiling robin. "hey." she smiled, stepping in. you smiled back at her. "hi." you said, closing the door behind her. "i was going to surprise you at work but everyone told me you didn't go in today." she stated. "is everything okay?" she asked, a worried expression on her face. you nodded. "i'm fine, just felt a little nauseous and didn't want to go in case i had some sort of virus or something." robins eyes widened at the word 'nauseous'. you noticed this and placed your hands on her shoulders. "i feel fine now. honest." you told her and she nodded. "okay, okay. have you had something to eat?" she asked. you nodded. "only a piece of toast this morning." you replied. "try eat something else. it might make you feel better." robin said as she kissed your forehead and walked into the kitchen.

robin made you a sandwich to eat before you both went back up to your room and sat on your bed, watching movies. robins head was resting in your lap as you ran your fingers through her short hair. she smiled at the feeling. you looked down at her and smiled too. everything felt so peacful. the peace was over very quickly though. your nausea this morning had come back and it was worse right now. you tried to ignore it and focus on the movie but you felt pains in your stomach. you removed your hand from robins hair and placed it on your stomach. robin looked up at you. "y/n, you okay? you look really pale." she pointed out. you sat up, making robin take her head off of your lap and sit beside you. "y/n?" you were about to say something but another pain hit your stomach. you felt yourself gag. robins eyes widened at the noise. you quickly covered your mouth with your hand and ran to the bathroom, not having enough time to close the bathroom door.

robin was frozen in place, she didn't know what to do. it wasn't long until she snapped back into reality. she could hear you gagging and vomiting in the bathroom. she quickly covered her ears with her hands and squeezed her eyes shut, quietly humming to distract herself. you brushed your teeth to get the aftertaste out of your mouth and used mouthwash. you walked back into your bedroom and saw robin on the bed. you quickly went over to the bed, placing your hand in her shoulder. you gently shook her. she slowly stopped humming but her eyes remained closed. "robin, robin, it's okay." you said but her ears were still covered. you gently placed your hands on hers and removed them for her ears. "robin, everything's fine." you reassured her. she slowly relaxed her eyes and opened them. you softly smiled at her. "are you okay?" she asked. you nodded. "are you?" she also nodded.

robin took a few deep breaths. you wrapped your arms around her and rubbed her back, calming her down. she smiled and hugged you back, pressing a kiss to your temple. a lot of people would tell robin that her emetophobia was a stupid fear and that she had to get over it but whenever she was with you, she didn't feel like she had to change. you loved her exactly the way she was.

819 words

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