- milkshake date -

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you and robin walked around the town square. it was a beautiful night, the moonlight was illuminating your girlfriend's beautiful features as you walked down the street hand in hand. you guys decided to go out later at night so you could be close without people judging you. you felt yourself get hungry but, due to the time, there wasn't a lot of good restaurants open. robin looked over at you. "you okay?" she asked, squeezing your hand slightly. "i'm a little cold and quite hungry..." you told her. "well," she says, taking off her coat and placing it over your shoulders. "there's a diner a few minutes away from here." she told you. "sure, let's go there." you told her, pulling her coat closer around your shoulders.

a few minutes later, you reached the diner. you both walked in and sat at a booth near the window. "i'm sorry." robin said. you looked at her confused. "for-?" you asked. "i know it's not exactly the type of place you want to go on a date." she replied, gesturing around to the diner. "it's just... it's better to come out at night." she said and you nodded. you both spoke for a few more minutes before a young looking woman with a baby bump walked over to your table. "hey there! what can i get ya?" she asked with a thick southern accent. robin quickly scanned the menu before placing it down. "i'll just have a cheeseburger and a water to drink, please."  the woman wrote it down in her notepad before turning to you. "and i'll just have the same." you smiled at the waitress before she wrote on her notepad and took your menus away. "that'll only be a few minutes." she said, smiling before walking away.

the diner was quite empty. there was only two more couples sitting at booths spread across the diner. robin looked around and reached over the table to take you hands and squeezed them slightly. you smiled at her and leaned down to kiss her hands. she smiled at you and looked out the window. the streets were empty, the lights were flickering. "this town really is a shithole." she muttered. you laughed and looked out of the window. "it's not that bad, robin." you told her. "uh, yes it is." she turned to face you again. "there's nothing good about this town." she complained. "well, let's make a deal." you said, facing her. "when we're older and we have enough money, we'll leave hawkins, okay? to a place that's more accepting for us." you said, squeezing her hands. robins face lit up as if you just told her she's won a million dollars. "really? you... you really mean that?" she asked, her smile never leaving her face. "of course i mean that." she quickly leaned over and kissed you before sitting back down. the waitress came back with your meals. robin quickly let go of your hands. she gave you a knowing smile and winked  and placed your meals in front of the both of you.

you were both finished a little while later and the waitress had returned. she picked up your dirty plates. "so, are we having any dessert?" she asked. "oh! do you guys have one of those huge milkshakes that people share?" robin asked. the waitress smiled at her. "we sure do! i'll go and get one ready for the both of you." she said before walking away. robin turned back. "a giant sharing milkshake?" you teased. "i saw couples in movies share them. shut up." she sulked, crossing her arms. you laughed at the view. "i was joking robin, it's really sweet." her smiled returned to her face. the waitress quickly returned with the milkshake. "i put extra whipped cream on there for you two lovebirds." she whispered , sliding the milkshake on the table and winking at you both before walking away. robin smirked and looked at you.

she quickly leaned forward and began drinking the milkshake as if it was her last day in earth. "robin, slow down. you'll make yourself sick." she leaned back, whipped cream stuck to her nose. you laughed and picked up the napkin, leaning forward and wiping her nose. she giggled and leaned back. "thank you." she said. you now both leaned forward and started drinking the milkshake. robin leaned back whilst you kept drinking. she held her stomach and groaned. "i think i'm gonna be sick." she groaned. you laughed and pushed the milkshake out of the way. "come on, let's pay and we'll go home, okay?" you said to her. she nodded. you called the waitress over and payed the bill, leaving a tip for your waitress. you held robins hand and walked out of the diner.

she wrapped her arm around your shoulder as you walked to your car. you helped her into your car and kissed her forehead. you got into the drivers side and rolled robins window down, letting cool air blow into her face. she closed her eyes and let the air cool her down. she sighed and reached over to hold one of your hands. you smiled at her and began driving. even though it wasn't a type of date you thought you'd enjoy, you loved talking to robin about your future.

889 words

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