- cheater -

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you sat on your bed, your head in your hands. you were all dressed up to go on a date with your girlfriend, robin, but she cancelled for the fourth time this week. every time she cancels, it's always for the same reason, vickie. robins new 'friend' was getting in the way of your relationship. you wanted to say something the second time she cancelled but you figured it was just a coincidence. but, if one's an incident, twos a coincidence and threes a pattern, then what the hell is four?

you decided to change into some comfortable clothing and just watch tv, seeing as you weren't going anywhere. you were near the end of the episode of the tv series you were watching when you heard a knock on your front door. you groaned and paused the tv, making your way down to the door and opening it. "hey, baby!" a smiley robin greeted. you gave her a half-hearted smile. "hey." you said. robins smile dropped a little when she noticed your mood. "can i... come in?"she asked. you shrugged. "yeah, sure." you replied, slightly opening the door a little more. she walked in and kissed your cheek but you just stared straight ahead, keeping the door open. "uh, babe, what're you doing?" she gestured to the still open door. "isn't your girlfriend joining us tonight?" you snapped, still not looking at her. robin was taken aback by your comment. "my girlfriend? wha-what're you talking about?" she asked, shaking her head as she spoke. "vickie." you said, slamming the door which made robin jump.

"vickie and i are just friends, y/n." she explained, reaching over to take your hands. you pulled your hands back. "sure. just friends. whatever." you scoffed, crossing your arms and rolling your eyes. robin could physically feel her heart breaking, why would you think she would cheat on you? "i'm being serious, y/n. we're just friends." she repeated. "if you were just friends you wouldn't be cancelling our fucking dates for her, robin!" you yelled. robin just stared at you in shock. you'd never been this angry at her before. "okay, you're making a big deal out of nothing, y/n." she crossed her arms, mirroring your stance. this made you even more annoyed. "i'm making a big deal about nothing?! are you serious?! i've seen the way you look at her robin! i swear, it's like i don't even exist to you ever since you met her!" you yelled, pushing passed her and walking into the living room.

she followed you. "you're overreacting! nothing happened between us, i swear!" she yelled, sounding a little guilty at the end of her sentence. this made you stop in your tracks. you didn't think anything had happened between them, you were just feeling a little insecure. did something happen between them? "what?" you asked, refusing to turn around and face her. "what do you mean 'what'?" she asked you back. she was fiddling with her hands as she waited for your response. "why did you say that nothing happened between you two? i never accused you of doing anything with her." you replied, your voice now quieter. "i just, uh, i just thought that's what you were getting at?" she sounded as if she was trying to convince herself. you felt yourself tear up slightly but quickly wiped them away and turned to face her. "tell me the truth, robin." you started walking slightly closer to her. "what happened between you two." you stopped and looked at her, waiting for her response.

she looked down at her feet then back at you. you saw tears in her eyes. "it was nothing, i swear." she babbled. you felt the tears return to your eyes, rolling down your cheeks as you blinked. "robin, please. just... just tell me the goddamn truth." you cried. "it... it was just a kiss, i swear, that's all." she admitted. "oh my god. oh my god." you broke down in tears. you ran your hand through your hair and walked into the kitchen. "i swear, it meant nothing and i regretted it as soon as it happened. please, you need to believe me sweetheart." she begged. "don't call me that." you scoffed. she began walking towards you but you pushed past her and ran into your room. she quickly chased after you. "sweeth- y/n, wait!" she yelled as she chased you.

robin caught up to you when you reached your room. you opened your closet door and began grabbing every item of clothing that belonged to robin and threw them at her, tears clouding your vision. "y/n, y/n, stop!" you ignored her and walked to the other side of your room. you picked up a locket that robin had bought you for your birthday, a photo of you and her in it, and threw it at her. "there! give that to vickie next time you see her!" you screamed. she dodged the locket. she gave up on trying to explain herself to you. you opened the drawer on your bedside table and took out the mixtape that robin had made for you. she had written "for the love of my life" with hearts around it on the front. you also threw that at her. "and you can play that god awful mixtape for her too!" you added before walking over to her. "now take all of your shit and get the hell out of my house!" you screamed. you took a spare bag you had in your room and threw it in front of her. robin didn't protest. she just began packing her stuff into the bag, her hands shaking as she does so.

once she was done, robin looked at you, her eyes red from crying. "don't look at me like that! i'm not the one that... that cheated on you!" you cried, your voice cracking and your head thumping from crying so much. "y/n, please, just let me explain." she pleaded. you scoffed. "explain?! what is there to explain?! we were together and you kissed vickie!" you yelled. "i know. and i regret it. i regret is so much. i don't like her, y/n, i love you. i love you so much." she cried. you shook your head and squeezed your eyes shut to stop yourself from crying. "stop! just stop!" you began. "just... get out. get the hell out of my house!" robin had given up at this point. "fine. i'll leave." she turned around and walked down towards your door. you followed her with your arms crossed. you saw her open the door and step out. she gave you one last sad look before leaving your house.

you ran up to your room and slammed the door. you looked around your room and everywhere you looked was photos of you and robin, smiling. you screamed and began picking up the photos, ripping each and every one of them. when you were done, there was ripped pieces of paper on your floor. you couldn't hold it in any longer. you broke down once again but this time, your knees gave in and you fell to the floor. you brought your knees to your chest and placed your head on your knees, letting out loud sobs.

you couldn't believe what had just happened. the girl you thought loved you more than anything else in the world had kissed someone else. there was only one thought circling your mind.

was she ever really in love with you?

1264 words

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