- russian base -

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*this was requested by Dogcatwyd thank you for the request! also i don't remember exactly what happened so bare with me!*

steve and robin were pushing the door shut as the russians were trying to open it on the other side. erica and dustin had found a way to escape. dustin lifted the metal cover and erica jumped in quickly. you held up the metal cover and dustin jumped in after erica. "robin, steve, come on!" you shouted over to them. robin shook her head. "go, y/n! just go!" robin yelled as the door was almost opened. "no! just get over here!" you yelled, tears forming in your eyes. "y/n, please just go!" she shouted. you looked down at your escape route then back to robin. she gave you a sad smile and mouthed 'i love you' before you jumped into the exit, dropping the cover. you heard the door bust open and heard multiple men yell in russian. you blinked your tears away before making your way to dustin and erica.

the three of you walked around the long halls, you walking in front and faster than the other two. "jesus, would you slow down?" you heard erica yell from behind you. you stopped and turned to face them. "i'm so sorry that i'm trying to find a way to save my girlfriend!" you snapped before turning back around and started marching away. dustin and erica looked at each other before dustin ran up beside you and grabbed your arm, slowing you down. "look, y/n, we're all worried about them but we can't turn on each other, okay?" dustin said.

you opened your mouth to respond but you were cut off by erica. "hey, nerds! check this out!" you both ran over and saw erica pointing towards some sort of car. dustin ran over, sitting in the drivers seat. "there's no keys." he said. "well, get up and look for them!" you yelled, your eyes scanning the room for the keys. erica searched one side of the room as you searched the other side. dustin jumped out of the car and towards a box on the wall, grabbing a thin metal wire off of the table and picking the lock. he grabbed the keys once he opened the box. "got them." he said, holding them up. he jumped back into the drivers seat. you stood in front of the car, hands on your hips. "what do you think you're doing? move. now." you said sternly. dustin groaned and moved to the passenger side as you got into the drivers seat. erica jumped into the back, holding a metal rod. dustin turned and looked at her. "what is that?" he asked. she smirked and pressed a button on the bottom as blue lines of electricity came out of the rods of the top. dustins eyes widened as he turned back round. "eric as for a taser." he faced you. you looked back at erica then to dustin. "let's get these sons of bitches." you said before turning the keys and driving off.

you stopped the car and the three of you jumped out, beginning to walk around. you stopped in your tracks when you saw a room surrounded by guards. you jumped back and faced the kids. "we need a distraction so we can get into that room." you told them. dustin looked around, looking for a way to cause a distraction. erica slowly zipped open her bag and pulled out the glass tube with green liquid. she stood up and gestured for you all to back up before dropping it. it quickly melted a hole in the floor. you heard the russians get closer. you grabbed the kids arms before running into a separate hallway.

when you heard all the russians around the corner, you decided to keep going further into the hallway before reaching a door. you peeked into the window. in there you saw robin and steve tied onto chairs, back to back. you also saw a russian doctor walking towards the both of them with some sort of medical instrument in his hand. you grabbed the taser out of ericas hand and pushed through the door, lunging towards the doctor and electrocuting him. he shook and fell onto the floor. "y/n?" you heard robin say, trying to turn her head to face you. dustin ran in and undone the ties on steve as you did the same for robin. as soon as she could move her arms, she threw them around your neck and held you close. she was squeezing you quite tightly. "oh, i missed your face, y/n." she said as she squeezed you even tighter. you broke free from her grasp. she groaned when you pulled away. you helped her stand as you wrapped your arm around her waist, helping her stand straight. she wrapped her arm over your shoulder and pulled you closer. "okay, robin, you need to get ready to run okay?" you said as you let go of her waist. "wait, wait, wait!" she yelled, making you all stop. she grabbed your hand. "okay, i'm ready." all five of you made a quick exit back towards the elevator.

once you all reached the elevator, dustin closed the doors and it shot up, slowly taking you towards the mall.steve was surfing on a trolley when robin pushed it, sending him flying. "wipeout!" she laughed, throwing her hands in his direction. they both laughed. dustin made his way over to steve, tapping his face and checking his eyes. "his pupils are super dilated." dustin said. "is he drugged?" erica asked. "i don't know. steve, steve, are you drugged?" he asked him, still checking his eyes. "how many times, dad? i don't do drugs, it's only marijuana." steve replied, pushing dustins face away slightly.

you turned your attention towards robin, who was now standing right behind you with her chin on your shoulder. you turned to face her and sat her down, sitting between her legs so you could check her pupils. she placed her hands on your waist and pulled you closer. "robin, robin, stop. i need to check your pupils." you explained, removing her hands from your waist. "sweetheartttt." she whined, wrapping her arms around you and trying to pull you closer. you pulled back and looked at dustin. "yup, they're definitely drugged." you went to stand up but robin pulled you back down into her lap, wrapping her arms around you once again and burying her face into the crook of your neck. "don't leave me again, y/n." she placed a gentle kiss to the side of your neck. the elevator came to a halt and the metal doors creaked open. you stood up and helped robin and steve up, pushing steve out of the elevator. robin took your hand and intertwined your fingers as you walked out of the elevator.

the five of you all rushed towards the mall and ran to the food court, heading towards scoops ahoy. "come on, go, go, go." you said, getting everyone in before running in yourself. dustin ran to the back and went to the door him and the rest of the party would sneak into the cinema through only this time, it was being guarded with russian soldiers. dustin was dragging steve behind him as you did the same with robin. when you reached the cinema doors, dustin pushed them open and headed towards a random cinema screen, steve grabbing a bag of popcorn from the bin as he did so. the screen was playing 'back to the future'. you scanned the seats, trying to find five spare seats. you found two on the left at the very front and three on the right on the same aisle. you ran down the stairs and sat robin down, dustin sat steve down beside her. "sit here. don't. go. anywhere." dustin said, pointing at them both before heading to the other seats with erica. you went to join them when robin tugged in your hand, pulling you back.

"sweetheart, you said you wouldn't leave me again." she whined, making people around her groan and shush her. you crouched down in front of her. "robin, i'll just be over there, okay? you just stay here and... eat your trash popcorn." you told her, making steve grab his popcorn away. you gently squeezed her hand and tried to let go but her grip on your hand tightened. "robin, i have to go. i won't be far, i'm not leaving you okay?" you said, cupping her cheek as she leaned into your touch. people around you were getting annoyed. you wiggled your hand away and pressed a quick kiss to her hand before walking over to sit beside erica.

dustin was just sitting down as you walked over. "do any of you have batteries? double a?" he asked, panting. "why would we have batteries?" erica asked him. "why wouldn't you? i always carry batteries." he replies. "then why are you asking us if we have any?" you whisper-yelled. "'cause i need eight!" he whisper-yelled back. "eight?!" you and erica said simultaneously. "shit, we need to go to plan b." dustin said, leaning forward slightly in his chair. "what's plan b?" erica asked. "shit. where are they?!" dustin said, raising his voice a little. "who?" "tweedledee and tweedledum, idiot!" you and erica looked over to where steve and robin were sitting and they weren't there.

1585 words

i'm gonna make a part 2 soon so yeah!

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