- russian base pt.2 -

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trigger warning: mentions of gagging & being sick

you made your way towards the stairs, looking back at erica and dustin. "you two stay here in case the come back, okay?" they nodded and continued watching the movie. you ran through the hall of the cinema, your heart racing when you thought about robin. what if the russians got her?

you ran out of the cinema when you heard two familiar voices bickering about 'back to the future'. you turned the corner and saw steve and robin standing beside the water fountain. "okay, it's my turn, you've had enough." robin groaned and pushed steve away from the water fountain, pressing the button down and drinking the water. "robin, steve, we told you to stay put!" you snapped, walking over to them. "hey, y/n!" steve exclaimed, shooting you a toothy grin. "okay, still high. great." you mumbled to yourself

robin turned her head when she heard steve mention your name. she threw her arms in the air. "sweetheart! you're here! you didn't leave me!" she smiled as she enveloped you in a tight hug. you couldn't help but wrap your arms around her and rubbing her back. your moment of closeness was interrupted when steve called on robin. "robin, look at the ceiling." he said, staring at the ceiling in awe. robin let go of you, planting a kiss onto your forehead before stumbling over to steve. she looked up to the ceiling, mouth agape. "wow. it's beautiful." she said. they both started slowly spinning and bending their necks whilst still looking at the ceiling.

robin slowed down and you heard her gag slightly. she slowed down until she completely stopped, she placed her hand over her mouth while steve was still spinning. you walked over to steve and pushed him back into the cinema. "go. go get dustin." "but the ceiling-" he said, sounding rather sad. "go, steve!" you yelled. he looked down and walked into the cinema. you heard robin gag again and she ran over to you, clutching your wrist and dragging you to the bathroom with her.

she pushed open the bathroom door and ran into the stall, letting go of your hand and holding onto the sides of the toilet. you held her hair back as she was sick, stroking her back and comforting her. she coughed and flushed the toilet leaning against the wall as you leaned against the stall. you pulled a piece of mint gum out of your pocket and handed it to her. "so your mouth doesn't taste like puke." you told her as she placed the gum in her mouth. she looked up at the ceiling. "hey, hey. the ceiling, it isn't spinning anymore." she said as she smiled at you. you reached over and squeezed her hand. "what if i puked it all up?" she said. "want me to ask you some questions?" you asked. she nodded and put on a russian accent "interrogate me." she said. you laughed. "okay..." you paused as you thought about a question. "when was... the last time you peed your pants?" you asked her. she leaned her head back against the wall and looked at the ceiling. "uh, today." she answered. you laughed. "what?" you said, still laughing. "you weren't there! it was when the russian doctor pulled out a bone saw! it was scary! and it was only a little bit!" she tried to defend herself but ended up laughing too. "okay, it's definitely still in your system."

"can i ask you one?" she asked, looking at you. you smiled at her. "i'm not high, robin." you said. "i know, i know but i still want to ask a question." "sure, go ahead." she took a deep breath. "have you ever been... y'know, in love?" she asked, looking back up at the ceiling. your eyes slightly widened at the question. you and robin haven't said the 'l' word yet but you really wanted to. what a better place to say it than a mall bathroom after your girlfriend just spewed her guts out because she was drugged by russian soldiers? you leaned your head against the stall wall. "yeah, pretty recently actually." you replied, making robin look at at you. you kept your head upwards. "who?" she asked, hoping you would tell her you loved her. "where's the fun in just telling you the name?" you joked, looking at her now. "well... what are they like?" she asked, taking the now tasteless chewing gum out of her mouth and throwing it in the bin beside her. robin was desperate for you to describe her.

"well, she's super smart, smarter than me, smarter than anybody i know really. i mean, she can crack top secret russian codes and she's super pretty. like, drop dead gorgeous if you ask me. and her smile, god, her smile could light up an entire room. her laugh is like music to my ears and her eyes? i could stare at them for hours. she has the most prettiest blue eyes you'd ever see. we never got along in school, which i still don't understand but whatever. she gets excited over the littlest things, which i think is adorable. she can't drive, um, but that doesn't bother me because that means i get to drive her to work everyday and i get to drive her home from work everyday and that means i always spend time with her." you reached over and grabbed her hands. "and i just loved her so goddamn much." you said, placing a kiss on her hands. "i love you so much, robin buckley." you leaned over and kissed her gently, bringing your hands up to the side of her neck. she placed her hand behind your neck and pulled you closer, deepening the kiss. you both pulled back a few minutes later, both a little breathless. she rested her forehead against yours and closed her eyes. she smiled. "i love you too, y/f/n."

you sat back, still holding her hand and squeezing every so often. you sat in comfortable silence before robin spoke up. "can i confess something?" she asked, playing with your fingers. you nodded. "of course."  she straightened her posture against the wall. "you know how you said we didn't get along in school?" you nodded. "it wasn't because i didn't like you. it was because... i was jealous." she admitted. you were confused. "jealous? why?" you asked, sitting up a little straighter now. "you remember mrs. clicks class? i sat behind you?" you looked down, trying to remember the class. "yeah, yeah, i remember." you said, looking back up at her. "you remember you had a crush on someone in that class? and every single period you couldn't take your eyes off them and... i used to go home and scream into my pillow because you would never notice me." she said, looking down as she played with your fingers. "and i don't even know why you liked them so much. they never did well in class, they were so disruptive and they weren't even that good looking!" she continued. "so, i was mad. not at you... but just that you didn't notice me and you only noticed them. the entire period. it was like you're eyes were glued to them. so i took it out on you and i regret that so much." she sighed and let go of your hand. "it's stupid, i know." she put her head in her hands. "hey, robin, no." you took her hands away from her face and took them into your own hands. "i'm glad you told me and to be honest, i did notice you. i noticed you all the time. you were the pretty girl who sat behind me in mrs. clicks class." you told her. robins smile grew wider and weirder by the second.

robin put her hands onto your waist and pulled you closer to her until you were eventually sitting in her lap. you pushed the hair out of her face and put your hands on the side of her neck, your thumbs gently stroking her jawline. she leaned forward and kissed your nose before kissing your lips. she pulled back quite quickly but stayed mere millimetres away from your lips. "i love you." she muttered. she pressed another kiss to your lips, this time for a little longer. she pulled back again. you blushed when you realised you moved closer to her as she moved back, basically chasing her. "so much." she said. she began pressing kisses on your cheek and down to your jawline. "my. gorgeous. gorgeous. girlfriend." she said in between kisses. robin pulled back and looked at you, smiling before the bathroom door bust open revealing a very out of breath dustin and steve, erica close behind them.

"see? told you they snuck off." steve panted, running a hand through his already messy hair. you laughed and robin shook her head. you got off robins lap and stood up, holding out your hand to help her up too. she wrapped an arm round your waist and walked out of the bathroom with you, following after steve, dustin and erica.

1537 words

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