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(A/N I know Sam and Colby met in like 8th/9th grade but for story purposes, I'm making them meet in 5th grade. Also, I know Sam's mom's maiden last name is Olsen but we're sticking with his dad's last name for story purposes. )

We were just kids when we fell in love

Not knowing what it was...


Sam's POV:

"Come Back Here You Turd!" I fearfully panted as I ran from Mike, George, and Mason. Who are they you may ask? Well, they're my bullies. They usually just tease me while shoving me and tripping me here and there. Today, however, they were extremely mad at me. I was making my way to eat my lunch when I accidentally bumped into Mike, the main leader, and made him spill his entire lunch on him. So I dropped my lunch and ran out of the cafeteria.

I quickly and quietly hid in the boys' bathroom near the door hoping they wouldn't enter and see me. Mike and his gang always make fun of me because I like wearing girl clothes. Which is why they call me Sissy Sam. It's not my fault I like girls' clothing, my older sister and I would always play dress-up with her and mom's clothes. At first, I felt weird wearing girl clothing but now I love it. My mom loves it when I wear girl clothes.

My dad, however, hated it so he would always beat me up without my mom knowing. That is until she came home from work early and walked in on him beating me up. She ended up divorcing him and getting full custody of me and my sister, Addison. At the time she was pregnant with my younger brother Nick. So he never got to meet our dad. My principal didn't like me wearing girl clothes either that is until my mom threaten to not only call the board of education but to also sue the school. Since then the principal allowed me to wear what I wanted.

After waiting for about five minutes, I quietly opened the door and looked around to see if the coast was clear. Once seeing the coast was clear, I quickly got out of the bathroom and ran. I just turned the corner when I suddenly bumped into Mason. "Well well well look who we have here," he smirked. "Hey, guys I found him!" He yelled. I saw Mike and George running up to us in the distance.

I then turn around and began to run when Mike grabbed the back of my shirt and yanked me harshly to the ground, making me fall on my butt in the process. "So Sissy Sam thinks he can run and hide from us ey?" Mike smirked evilly. "I-I'm sorry! P-please don't hurt me," I begged with fear in my eyes. "P-please don't hurt me!" Mike mocked me as he and his friends began to laugh at me.

"Sissy SamSissy SamSissy Sam!" They chanted repeatedly while kicking me. All I could do was cover my head and face the best I could while tears slipped down my face. "Hey!" a voice called out which made Mike and his friends stop kicking me. I looked up to see a brunette-haired boy with ocean blue eyes walking our way.

"What do you guys think you're doing?!" he asked with anger in his voice. "Look Cole I get you're new and all but this doesn't concern you," Mike replied to him. "It does if it means helping someone who's getting bullied," Cole, now knowing his name, replied.

"What's going on here?" our teacher Ms. Maywood asked after seeing us in the hall. "Nothing Ms, Cole here wanted to fight us," Mike replied while smirking at Cole. "Cole, you've only been here for half a day and already you're causing trouble?"Ms. Maywood asked while scolding him.

"No Ms that's not what truly happened, you see I finished my lunch early so I came to the bathroom because I had to go. So when I came out I just turned the corner to get to class early since I had nothing else to do when I saw Mike and his friends kicking Sam while calling him Sissy Sam. All I did was stop them from hurting him worst honestly." Cole explained.

Ms. Maywood then turned to me," Samuel, is that what really happened?" she asked me. I looked at Mike and his friends and then back at Cole, who I saw had a pleading look in his eyes. His eyes also gave me a sense of security. I then looked at Ms. Maywood, "Y-yes Ms it's true but only because I deserved it since I accidentally made Mike spill his lunch on himself," I replied.

"Well, I'm letting you all off with a warning, next time this happens again I'm sending you all to the principal's office, got it?"Ms. Maywood scoffed at us. Soon Mike and his friends left, leaving me and Cole staring face to face.

"Hey, you ok?" Cole asked while helping me up. "Y-yeah I'm fine. Thanks for helping me," I replied with a small smile on my face. "No problem but may I ask why they bully you?" he asked me. "Just cause I wear girl clothes. Hence why they call me Sissy Sam. But they only tease. shove, and trip me here and there. Today, however, as I told Ms. Maywood, Mike and his friends chased and beat me up because I accidentally spilled his lunch all over him," I explained.

"Well, I for one don't care if you wear girl clothes. I think you look good wearing them," He replied with a toothy smile on his face. "Thanks," I replied with a smile on my face. "Where did you move from?" I asked him. "I'm from Illinois which is six hours from here," he replied. "Anyways do you want to be friends?" "Sure!" I replied with a huge toothy smile on my face.

(A/N: I'm actually from Illinois so I thought I make Colby move from there. Also The distance from Illinois to Stanley, Kansas is six hours. I remember someone said in a Solby story that they were from Stanley, Kansas. So I based my info on them though I don't remember who specifically it was.)

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