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TW Means Trigger Warning

Sam's POV

I was at my locker when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I flinched as I turn to see Noah. "Hey cutie," he greeted me with a smirk on his face. "What do you want Noah?" I asked him while rolling my eyes at him. "I want you to be mine cutie," he replied as he tried to kiss me but I leaned back and put my hands on his chest. "Noah stop," I told him.

"Not until you're mine cutie," he told me as he tried to lean in. "Noah please," I begged as I was now backed up against my locker. "Back off Noah!" Noah and I turn to see Colby walking our way. I then tried to walk toward him but Noah harshly grabbed my wrist. "Ow Noah you're hurting me!" I yelled. He didn't respond and instead tightened his grip even more. Making me yelp in pain.

"Noah Let Go!" I shouted as I felt my eyes fill up with tears."He said to let go now leave him alone!" Colby exclaimed as he grabbed Noah, who right away let go of me, and pushed him away from me. Noah scoffed at us and left.

"Sammy are you ok?" Colby asked as he turned to me. I didn't say anything but hugged him. He right away hugged me back. We then pulled away and grabbed our things for class.

Time Skip

It was now lunchtime and I was just closing my locker after putting away my belongings. I was halfway near the cafeteria when a hand covered my mouth and another was wrapped around my waist. I was then dragged into a nearby janitor's closet. Once I was let go, I then looked around and I saw Noah with a smirk on his face.

I tensed up after seeing Noah eyeing me up and down. "Come on cutie be mine," he said. "N-No Noah!" I said back. Noah then grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards him. His smirk then turned to a frown. "So I see your little boyfriend marked you, but don't worry I'll show you that I'm way better." He then began kissing and sucking on my neck.

"N-Noah S-Stop!" I then kicked him in his privates as I opened the door and left. I ran all the way to the cafeteria where I Saw Colby sitting at our spot. I ran to him and hugged him tightly. "Sammy, what's wrong?" he asked me. I let go of our hug and looked up at him with tears in my eyes. "Noah dragged me to a nearby Janitor's closet where he tried to force himself on me," I told him. "It's ok Sammy I'll make sure he'll never hurt you," Colby assured me with a smile on his face.

Time Skip

I was walking to my last class which was study hall when suddenly I saw Noah. I then tried to run past him but he grabbed my wrist and dragged me back into the same janitor's closet as before. He then pinned me up against the wall with my hands over my head as he began to kiss and suck on my neck.

"Noah Stop!" I begged as I tried kicking him again but failed. "You have no idea how much I want you," he said while kissing my neck. "I'm making you mine right now," My eyes widened as I tried to free myself from him. Noah then pushed me onto the ground where I began to struggle to get away as he took off my shirt and pants. I then opened my mouth to scream just as I saw him reach for my panties when he covered my mouth by releasing my hands.

TW Rape

I then punched and hit his chest as he slipped off my panties and unbuttoned his pants. Then using the same hand, he pinned my hands above my head. He then slammed into me as I muffled out screams of pain. I then closed my eyes tight as he thrusted into me. After some time he finally pulled out.

End of Rape

"Thanks for the nice fuck cutie," He smirked as he buttoned his pants. "Now you're mine," he said as he closed the door. I then painfully got up and quickly put my clothes back on. I then picked up my things, opened the door, and left.

I just made it to my locker just as the bell rang. I opened my locker and put away my things when I heard a voice coming behind me. I turned to see Colby whose eyes widened as he saw me. "Sammy, why are your clothes messy?" he asked me.

Shit, I must've been such in a rush to leave that I sloppily put my clothes back on. Without a word I grabbed my bag and ran straight toward Colby's car. Moments later, Colby finally caught up, "Sam!" he panted as he got to his car.

Once he unlocked it, I right away jumped in, buckled up, and broke down right in the passenger seat. "Sammy, please, what's wrong?" Colby asked with worry in his voice. "N-Noah d-dragged m-me b–back i-into t-the c-closet a-and r-raped m-me," I said full-on sobbing into my hands

"Sammy I'm so sorry for failing you but tomorrow I'm going to kill him!" he said while growling at the last part as he hit his hands on the steering wheel. Colby then started the car and drove me home. 

Once we got to my house, without a word I got out, grabbed my bag, closed the door, and ran to the door. Once I opened my door, Rick pulled me in and closed the door. He then flung off my bag as he furiously grabbed my wrist and eyed me up and down.

"Why are your clothes messy?" he asked me with anger in his voice. I then began to shake as I looked him in the eyes. "Answer me!" he snapped at me while gripping my wrist tighter. "I-I'm sorry but a guy from my class forced me to have sex with him when I-" Slap! I was then cut off by him slapping me real hard across the face. "You Slut!" he shouted as he threw me against the wall. I was just glad Nick was at baseball practice for I didn't want him to see this.

He then harshly grabbed my wrist and dragged me up to my room where he closed and locked my door. He then tossed me onto my bed as he took off his belt. He then slapped me hard across the face again as he began to hit me with the metal part of the belt. Once he was done, he stood me up on my feet.

TW Rape

"Now strip!" he growled at me. I quickly obliged as I shakily began taking off my clothes while he unbuttoned his pants. Once I was fully nude, he then tossed me back into the bed. "Now I'm going to fuck some sense into you!" he snapped as he aggressively slammed into me. I then winced in pain as I closed my eyes tight and gripped the sheets as he inhumanely thrusted into me. Once I felt him stop moving I then opened my eyes thinking he was done only for my eyes to widen as I saw him still in me. "You thought I was done," he then grabbed me and sat me on the edge of the bed, and placed me on his lap but not facing him instead of the other side of my room.

He then wrapped his arms around my waist and slightly picked me up and slammed me down on his dick. I then screamed in pain as he forcefully bounced me. He then gripped my waist tightly as he pounded harder. Then he stopped and pulled out. "Get in the bed on all fours with your butt in the air!" he exclaimed. I did as I was told and he slammed into me once more. He then thrusted at an inhumane pace as the headboard began hitting the wall. Once he was done he pulled out for good this time.

End of Rape

"Remember you belong to me and no one else!" he snapped as he buckled his pants. Once he was gone I slowly and painfully got up, got a fresh towel and clothes, and hopped into the shower.

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