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A/N: Special thanks to @ChuckysChild's story, "I Will Always Love You,"  for giving me the inspiration for having Rick and Noah work together. 

Next day

Sam's POV:

Colby and I were about to leave the school when Colby faced palmed himself. "What's wrong Colbs?' I asked him. "Hey, Sammy, think you can wait for me outside while I get my math book from my locker?" Colby asked me.

"Sure thing Colbs," I told him. As Colby went inside, I sat down on the top step with my bag next to me. I took out my phone and began to play Candy Crush. As I was in the middle of my game I heard footsteps coming my way.

I turned off my phone and looked up to see Noah walking my way. I then stood up, slipped my phone into my pocket, grabbed my bag, and opened the door. I had just put my foot through the door when I was grabbed from behind. As I struggled to get free, I felt my bag get flung off of me toward the floor. I then got free and was about to grab my bag when Noah grabbed my waist with one hand while covering my mouth with his other hand.

As I was getting dragged down the stairs, I began to struggle against his grasp on me but failed. Soon I was placed in the back seat of a car. Once Noah strapped me up and closed my door, I look to see Rick in the driver's seat.

"Hello Slut," he evilly greeted me as Noah got in and strapped himself in. "H-How do you guys know each other?" I asked as we drove away from the school. "We met in an alleyway," Noah replied. "Since you're the only one we want, we decided to come up with a plan to kidnap you," Rick added. I just sat there shaking in fear.

Colby's POV:

I had just opened the school doors to realize that Sam was gone. I know Sam wouldn't leave me for he always told me either in person or by text when he has to leave. I looked to my right to see Sam's bag on the floor.

As I picked up his bag, my eyes widen as I came to terms that Sam was kidnapped! I then called Sam's mom and told her to meet me at the police station near the park. I then called my mom and told her the same thing.

Once I got to the police station, I saw my mom and Sam's mom parked near each other. They then got out of their cars and ran to me. "Colby dear what's wrong?" my mom asked me. "Where's Sam?" Ms.Goldbach asked.

"I-I'm sorry Ms.Goldbach, I went back inside the school to get my math book from my locker which only took less than five minutes. I even asked Sam if he was ok to stay outside and wait for me and he said he was. When I came back, Sam was gone. I only found his bag outside." I explained to her.

"Oh, My Poor Sammy!" Sam's mom exclaimed as she sobbed into her hands. "I'm sorry," I apologized once more. "If I would've known this would happen-" I was then cut off by mom. "Colby dear, none of this is your fault," she assured me.

My mom and I held onto Ms.Goldbach as we entered the station. Once inside a kind police officer asked us if we needed help. We nodded our heads yes as we followed him to his office. Once we were seated, he asked us what the problem was. I then explained everything just as I told my mom and Sam's mom.

"Do you have his bag with you?" the officer asked me. I nodded my head yes. "Think you can bring it so we could dust it for fingerprints?" He asked me. I nodded my head as I went to my car and grab Sam's bag.

Once I entered the officer's office, I also saw a female officer standing there as well. "Hello my name is Officer Brown, I would like to examine your friend's bag," she told me. I nodded my head as I gave her Sam's bag.

I then widen my eyes as I remembered Rick and Noah. "I think I know who took Sam!" I exclaimed. "Who young man?" the female officer asked. "Rick and Noah," I told her. I then explained to both officers about Rick and Noah and what they had done to Sam at home and in school.

"I'm positive they took Sam so they could use him as their sex slave," I told them. "Seems like a possible lead," the male officer replied. "Officers, I know it was them mostly with the proof I got from Rick," I said back. "Do you still have the proof?" the female officer asked me.

I nodded my head as I took out my phone and pulled out the video. "I got the video from my spycam that I secretly stuck onto Sam's bag. I exported the video to my phone during technology class since we had a free period," I told them as I gave them my phone.

Once they watched the video, both officers looked at each other. "Looks like we have a lead," the male officer spoke out. "Now young man, we need you to help us," the female officer said. "Since we know that Sam trusts you we need you to wear an earpiece and go with other officers so we can get Sam back. Now, are you in?" the female officer explained. "Anything for Sam," I replied.

"Now we just need a location," the male officer said. "Knowing Sam, I know he still might have his phone so I know for a fact that he'll manage to tell me where he is," I replied. Now, all we had to do was wait for Sam to text me.

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