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Time skip to the afternoon

Still Colby's POV:

Sam and I are now at the grocery store since my mom texted for me to get some groceries. We both decided to split the list in half. Six items for me and six for Sam. So now I'm at the produce section where I need to get a bunch of bananas, a bag full of broccoli, a bag of spinach, some apples, a head of lettuce, and some tomatoes. Sam, on the other hand, has to get a basket filled with canned goods.

Sam's POV:

I had already gotten two cans of food in my basket. So now I just needed four more to go. I began to reach for a can of mixed vegetables when I felt a hand on my butt. I then turn to see a man in his forties or fifties smirking at me.

"Nice ass you got there cutie." "Yeah whatever," I said as I rolled my eyes at him. I turned and grabbed the can when he gripped my butt again. "Can you please stop?" I turned and asked him as I placed the can in my basket. "Whatever you say cutie," he smirked at me. I then huffed as I turned back around and looked for canned tomato sauce.

Just as I reached for it, I felt the guy stand behind me as I felt his hand on my crotch and squeezing it. Making me drop my basket as I turn to face him. "C-can you please leave me alone?" I asked him in a shaky stern voice. "See you around cutie," he winked at me as he left. I then turned to grab the last of my items.

I had just grabbed the last item when I felt a hand on my shoulder, which made me jump and flinch as I turned around to see Colby with his basket filled with his items. "Hey, Sammy, why so jumpy?" he asked me. "O-oh no reason Colbs," I replied to him.

Just as Colby and I went to pay, "Hey Colbs, I'll wait for you outside ok?" "Ok Sammy," he replied with a smile on his face. I then went outside and stood near the door. I then pulled out my phone to pass the time.

As I was in the middle of playing Candy Crush, I heard footsteps near me. Thinking it was Colby, I asked while turning my phone off and slipping it into my back pocket, "Hey you ready to go?" "Sure thing cutie," my eyes widen as my head shot up to see the same guy from earlier.

"O-oh sorry thought you were someone else," I told him. "Who did you have in mind?" he asked while eyeing me up and down. "M-my b-boyfriend," I replied while stuttering. "Your boyfriend? But I didn't see you with anyone cutie," he said. "Why don't you come with me?" he asked me.

"N-no thanks," I said as I stepped back. "Oh come on, you and I will have a great time," he smirked while walking toward me. I turn to see Colby coming out with four bags. "Babe!" I said as I went and helped him.

"Just go along with it," I whispered."Here babe let me help you," I said as I grabbed two bags with my right hand and wrapped my left hand around his left arm. The guy just scoffed at us. "Pff he's your boyfriend?"

Colby's POV:

"Yes I'm his boyfriend," I growled at him. "Oh come on cutie I can be so much better than him," he smirked as he reached out for Sam. I then put my bags down next to me and gently pushed Sam behind me protectively.

The guy then glared at me as he tried to get Sam again but I aggressively pushed him back. "Back Off Man!" I shouted at him. Then a security guard showed up, "Is there a problem here?" he asked us. "No sir I was just leaving," the guy said as he left.

The security guard then asked me and Sam if we were ok. I told him about what the guy did to Sam when he was outside. While Sam, who was still shaking in fear, told him about what the guy did to him inside the store. The security guard then told us that he was going to check the security cameras and post pictures of him so shoppers can be more aware next time.

After placing the bags in the back seat, Sam and I got in the car and buckled up. "Thanks for the help babe," I said teasingly while pulling out of the store. "Shut up!" Sam laughed as he playfully punched my arm. "T-thanks for helping me back there," Sam said.

I gently grabbed his left hand and interlocked our hands together. "No problem Sammy," I said with a smile on my face. Sam just slightly blushed as he smiled and slightly tightened his grip on me. 

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