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Next day

Sam's POV:

I was in my fifth-period art class when I had gotten the urge to pee. So after getting permission from my art teacher, I made my way to the bathroom and did my business. As I was finished, I opened the door to leave, but only to come face to face with Noah.

Noah then pushed me back in as he closed and locked the door. He then grabbed my wrist as he dragged me to the last stall and locked it. "Noah please!" I begged as my eyes filled with tears. Noah then slapped me hard across the face as he threw me against the wall.

TW Rape

Noah then pulled down my pants and panties and bend me over as I begged for him to stop. Noah slapped me once more as he slammed into me. "Now moan my name," he said as he began to thrust into me. So I did as I was told, "N-Noah I'm all yours," I fake moaned as tears slipped down my face. Moments later, Noah finished and left.

End of Rape

I painfully straightened up and pulled up my pants and panties and rushed back to class. Soon the bell rang and it was time for lunch. I quickly grabbed my things and ran straight to my locker. I began to put away my things when Colby came and stood next to me. "Hey Sammy, ready for lunch?" he asked.

I just looked at him with teary eyes and without a word, I ran straight toward the bathroom. Once I got in, I slid down the wall, put my knees on my chest and laid my head down, and cried. Moments later the door opened and I began to shake thinking maybe Noah came back for more.

"P-please N-Noah n-no m-more," I begged as I held my eyes shut. "Sammy it's me," I soon opened my eyes to see Colby sliding down the wall to sit next to me. He then pats his lap so I can sit on it. I then crawled and sat on his lap facing him as I wrapped my arms around him while laying my head on his chest.

"Sammy, what's wrong?" Colby asked me once I was calmer. "I-I c-came t-to t-the b-bathroom d-during a-art a-and a-as I-I w-was a-about t-to l-leave N-Noah c-came a-and p-pushed m-me i-in a-and l-locked t-the d-door a-and d-dragged m-me i-into t-the l-last s-stall a-and r-raped m-me," I explained while sobbing into his shirt. "That Bitch!" Colby shouted as he slammed his fist onto the floor making me flinch a little. "T-that's not all he did," I said as I wiped my tears away. "He also forced me to moan his name," I said as I looked at the floor.

Colby's POV:

"That's it, Sammy, you and I are going to tell principal Jenkins about Noah," I told him with determination in my voice. Sam looked up with fear in his eyes. "N-no I can't! He won't believe me," he said as a single tear slipped down his face."Sammy if he chooses to not believe or help you then I will myself cause you're my best friend and I love you," I told him as I wiped his tears away while caressing his face.

Time skip

Sam and I are at principal Jenkins' office telling him everything Noah did to Sam. Principal Jenkins called for Noah while Sam and I waited patiently in our seats. Moments later Noah entered and glared at me and Sam. Sam was just fiddling with his fingers while looking down.

"Mr. Parker, is this true?" principal Jenkins asked Noah after explaining everything to him. Noah then spoke, "No sir, in fact, Sam here wants to frame me. You see sir, Sam asked me to sleep with him because he wanted to. If I would've known that he was going to frame me then I wouldn't have slept with him." Noah then turned to smirk at Sam.

At this point, my hands were now turned into fists."Is this true Mr. Golbach?" principal Jenkins asked Sam who now had teary eyes. "N-no sir i-it's not true. Please believe me," Sam begged. Principal Jenkins looked at Sam and Sighed, "I'm not sure, I need to think." "I knew it," Sam said as he stood up and ran out of the office.

I then turned to principal Jenkins, "He told me that no one would believe him but I didn't listen. Principal Jenkins Sam and I have been best friends since fifth grade, we have never once lied to each other. If anything we're always truthful with each other. Now if you excuse me," I said as I stood up.

"Mr.Brock where do you think you're going?" Principal Jenkins asked me. "To find Sam," I told him as I ran out of the office. I ran straight to our lockers and I saw Sam grabbing his bag and slamming his locker shut.

"Sam!" I shouted as I ran to him. "I told you, Colby, no one would believe me," he said as he looked at the floor. "I believe you," I said as he looked up at me. "You have to believe me, you're my best friend," he said with sadness in his voice. "Which is why I will do whatever it takes to help you," I told him.

I then opened my locker and grabbed my bag. "Colby, what are you doing?" Sam asked me. "I'm leaving with you," I told him. Sam just stood there as I grabbed his hand. "Come on," I said as I led him out of the school and toward my car. 

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