Dating/The End

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Sam's POV:

"There," Colby sighed as he put the now empty box on the floor. "Thanks for helping me," I said while slightly blushing. "No problem Sammy," he replied with a smile on his face. After staring at each other for about a minute, Colby walked toward me and placed his hands on my waist.

"Sammy, I know you're not ready for this yet but will you do me the honor of becoming mine and mine only?" Colby asked me with a loving look. "Yes, yes, I would love to be yours!" I replied as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"I love you Sammy and I promise to always love and protect you with all my heart," Colby said. "I-I love you too Colbs," I replied back. Colby and I leaned in and kissed. Our mouths moving in sync as always. We were so caught up in the moment that we didn't even hear our moms coming up the stairs.

"Well, I'll be," Colby and I pulled apart and turn to see our moms standing at my door. "Why aren't you two cute together?" my mom cooed. Colby chuckled while I was slightly blushing. "Y-You're not mad right?" I asked with slight fear in my voice.

"Of course not dear." Mrs.Brock said. "If anything we're glad you two are together." "Besides, I know Colby will love and protect you no matter what," my mom added. I'm just glad Colby and I were accepted by our moms.

Third Person POV:

Once word spread out at school, Colby was known as a true hero. As months went on Sam and Colby were voted as the cutest couple. They also started doing Vine which made them very famous. Specifically their "Following Fat People" Vine.

Once Sam and Colby graduated they soon moved to LA where they presumed careers as formerly known famous YouTubers and made a ton of YouTuber friends. Their relationship has also grown very strong.

The End

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