Love/First Date

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But darling just kiss me slow

Your heart is all I own

And in your eyes, you're holding mine...

Third Person POV:

After pulling out of the school parking lot, Colby grabbed Sam's left hand and caressed it. "Where are we going?" Sam asked. "You'll see," Colby replied with a soft smile on his face. Moments later Colby pulled up to the mall and parked in the parking lot. "Come on!" Colby said as he and Sam got out of the car.

Once both boys got out, Colby bought some Chinese food to share with Sam. The two boys smiled as they reminisced about their childhoods as they ate. After lunch, Colby took Sam to Dave & Buster's, where the two played their hearts out.

After about an hour and a half, Sam and Colby began to collect their prizes. Colby had gotten Sam a cute brown stuffed dog. While Sam, on the other hand, had gotten Colby a cute stuffed koala. Once both boys picked out their prizes they both left the mall and got in Colby's car.

"Hey, Sam?" Colby began to speak. "Yeah?" Sam asked. "I actually got this for you," Colby said as he gave Sam the stuffed dog. "Aww thanks, Colbs," Sam said as he grabbed the dog. "I also got you this koala," Sam said as he gave the koala to Colby. "Aww thanks, Sammy," Colby said as he grabbed the koala.

Soon Colby drove out of the mall parking lot and took Sam to a nearby park.

Colby's POV:

"Um, Colby, why are we in the park?" Sam asked with a confused look on his face. "To have some fun of course," I replied with a smile on my face. "Come on!" Sam and I got out of the car and ran to the empty playground.

I then chased Sam up and down the slides, then we decided to take a break and went on the swing set. Sam and I sat next to each other and caught our breaths. After about a minute of us sitting, I got up and stood behind Sam and gently pushed him.

Hearing Sam laugh as we played was music to my ears. For I truly missed seeing him happy and carefree. After about a minute of swinging him, Sam and I began to play tag like when we were kids.

We were on our final round of tag when I decided to hide behind a tree. I saw Sam stop running and began to look for me. As he was distracted, I quietly sneaked up behind him and tagged him. "Got Ya!" I shouted as I jumped on him, making Sam fall to the ground as I landed on top of him.

We both began to laugh like crazy until we stopped and stared at each other. I then smirked at him as I began to tickle him. Sam laughed and squirmed around begging for me to stop. I then stop tickling him and we both stood up and faced each other.

After staring at each other for about a minute, without thinking I then put my hand on his cheek and leaned in. "Colby what are y-" I then cut him off by placing my lips on top of his soft ones. Sam stood there in shock for about thirty seconds until I felt him relax and kiss back.

Moments later, Sam pulled back. "Colby we can't," he said as he looked down. "Why not?" I asked him. "I belong to Rick and Noah," he replied as tears slipped down his face. "Besides, no one will love someone who is used," "Sammy look at me," I said as I lifted his chin so he can look at me.

"Sammy, you belong to yourself and no one else. Besides, you're more than enough for me" I told him. "But Colby-" Sam was about to speak but I cut him off. "I love you, Sammy," I told him. "I love you too," Sam replied.

"We better get going," Sam spoke. "You're right, let's go," I said back. We both then got in my car and left.

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