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I know your heart is hurting, you think the road has end

You may just feel that blade you're holding is your only friend

But baby don't cut, baby don't cut,

You can do anything, just promise baby you won't cut...

Next day

Sam's POV:

TW Self Harm

I was at my locker about to get my things when I was turned around only to be face to face with Noah. I began to shake in fear as my eyes widened as he placed his hands around my neck, choking me tightly.

"You Just Had To Open Your Mouth Did You?!" he shouted as he choked me tighter. "I-I'm s-sorry," I choked out. He didn't say anything but squeezed my neck even tighter. "N-Noah..c-can't..b-breathe," I choked, having it sound more like a whisper as my eyes filled with tears.

Suddenly Noah was forcefully yanked off of me. I then gently held my throat as I managed to control my breathing. Once I was able to breathe I quickly looked to see Colby punching Noah in the face.

"You Fucking Bitch!" Colby yelled as he pushed Noah to the floor. "Come on Brock, why are you always defending him? Don't tell me you like this slut?" Noah taunted. Colby's eyes got darker as his fists tightened.

"Face it, Brock, Samuel here is only good for fucking not loving. I mean seriously, who would love someone as useless as him? The only thing he's useful for is for a good fuck," Noah said as he smirked at me and Colby.

At this point I couldn't handle it, I grabbed my bag, shut my locker, and ran. I ran out of the school all the way to the abandoned warehouse where I slid down a wall, put my head on my knees, and cried.

Colby's POV:

"Fuck You, Noah!" I shouted as I punched him in the face. "Sam is the most amazing person I know. Sam deserves all the love in the world. Sam is unique and special and I wouldn't trade him for anything in the world."

I then ran out of the school in search of Sam. I suddenly remembered about the abandoned warehouse we used to explore. I then made my way to the warehouse. Once I arrived, I began to carefully search for Sam.

Sam's POV:

After crying for about a good solid five minutes or so, I raised my head and spotted a sharp piece of glass. I grabbed it and held it against my left wrist. I began to mentally argue about whether I should or not.

"Sam No!" I then lifted my head to see Colby running toward me. He took the piece of glass from my hand and threw it as far away from me as possible. Colby then sat next to me and patted his lap.

I then sat on his lap facing him as I buried my head in his chest. "Sammy, did you hurt yourself?" Colby asked as he was inspecting my arms. I shook my head no as I began to sob into his shirt. Colby just rubbed my back while saying sweet nothings to me.

"What's the point Colbs?" I said once I was calm. "I'm nothing but a sex toy. I might as well just die," I said as tears slipped down my face. "No, Sammy you're wrong," he said as he raised my chin to look at him. "You know what I told Noah?" he asked me. "What?" I replied as I sniffled. "I told him that you're the most amazing person I know. That you deserve all the love in the world and that you're unique and special and I wouldn't trade you for anything in the world."

"Sam I loved you since the first day we met. I remember how cute you looked in your Disney princess shirt. I never understood what love was until now. You mean the world to me Sammy so promise me to never cut," Colby said while staring into my eyes.

"I-I promise," I said as a soft smile made its way across my face, I then felt myself blush. Colby then wiped the tears from my face. We both began to lean in until our lips met. Our lips moving in sync as they fit perfectly together.

We were so lost in our own world that we didn't hear the ascending footsteps coming our way. "Well, well, well look who we have here" Colby and I right away jumped apart as we look to see Noah walking our way. I felt Colby tighten his grip on me as I began to shake in fear.

"Looks like I was right Brock you do like the slut," he sneered at us. "What the fuck do you want Noah?" Colby growled at him. "I came to talk to Sam," he said while looking at me. "Fuck off Noah!" Colby snapped at him."Make me Brock!" Noah taunted back.

Colby then let go of me and stood us up on our feet. Colby then protectively pushed me behind him. Colby then punched Noah in the face. Noah then punched Colby who tried his best to dodge it but failed. "Colby!" I yelled as I saw Colby fall to the ground. I then tried to run to him but Noah grabbed my wrist.

"L-Let Me GO!" I shouted as I kicked him. Noah began to drag me away as I turned to see Colby getting up. "Colby!" I shouted in fear. Colby then began to run toward us, making Noah run while pulling me with him.

Noah then dragged me into a nearby closet where he threw me against the wall. "I thought I told you that you belong to me!" he snapped as he walked toward me. "I-I'm sorry," I said as I shook in fear.

Noah then grabbed a fistful of my hair as he threw me to the floor. Noah then began to kick me repeatedly. "S-stop please!" I begged. "Shut up you slut!" he growled at me as he kicked my stomach.

Suddenly the kicking stopped as I look to see Colby fighting Noah. Moments later we heard sirens nearby. Colby grabbed my hand and we got our bags and ran all the way to his car and drove off.

We soon arrived at his house where he began to take care of me. "I'm so sorry Sammy," Colby apologized while placing a kiss on my nose. "It's ok Colbs" I replied while hugging him. Colby hugged me back.

When I got home Rick used me as always. When he was done I showered and got dressed and fell asleep while holding my stuffed dog against my chest.

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