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Sam's POV:

On my way to my house, I couldn't stop thinking about the fact that Colby and I kissed. It just felt so right. But I knew we couldn't happen for I belong to both Rick and Noah. As soon as Colby pulled up to my house, I got out and grabbed my bag. I also put my stuffed dog in my bag as well.

"Hey, Colbs?" I called out to him. "Yeah?" he replied as he turned to me. I then grabbed his chin and placed a gentle kiss on his right cheek. "Thanks for today," I thanked him as I slightly blushed.

"No problem Sammy," he replied as he was also blushing. I then closed his door and walked to my door just as he drove off. I was about to reach for my key when the door was opened and I was dragged in by a very pissed-off Rick.

Rick then flung my bag off of me as he aggressively pushed me up against the wall. My eyes widened as he wrapped a hand around my neck and began to slightly choke me. "Why Did You Kiss Him?!" he shouted at me. I then began to shake as I struggled to free myself from his grip.

At this point, I was glad Nick was always busy every day after school. Since I don't want him to suffer the same fate as me. "Answer Me!" he shouted as he slightly tightened his grip around my neck. "I-I was just thanking him for helping me today," I replied in a shaky tone. Rick then let go of my neck, "Bitch!" Rick shouted at me as he slapped me hard across the face.

I then grabbed my bag, "I Hate You!" I shouted. I soon realized it was a big mistake as soon as I saw his hands turn into fists. "What Did You Say You Slut?!" Rick shouted. I then grabbed onto my bag and ran up to my room and closed and locked the door. I then placed my bag near my bed and took out the dog that Colby gave me and held it up to my chest.

I had just put the dog back in my bag when my door was busted open. "What did you put in your bag?" Rick asked me. "N-nothing I was just about to take out my homework," I lied to him. "Fucking Lier!" Rick shouted as he slapped me once more.

Rick then grabbed my bag and I grabbed the strap pulling it to me so he wouldn't open it. Rick furiously used my bag to push me back onto my bed. He then opened my bag and took out the dog Colby got me.

"Where the fuck did you get this?!" he growled at me. "C-Colby gave it to me," I replied. "Is he your boyfriend?" he asked me. I mean besides the kiss, Colby and I never really asked each other. "S-So What? I Love Him!" I suddenly blurted out without realizing where this sudden confidence came from. I right away put my hands to my mouth as my eyes widened in fear. What Have I Done?!

Rick then ripped the head off the dog. Then he raised his fist and punched me just below my left eye making me fall back. Rick then wrapped both of his hands around my neck. "P-please!" I croaked as I begged him to release me. "Looks like I'm going to fuck you till you remember who you belong to!" he snapped at me.

Rick then took off his belt and hit me with both the belt part and the metal part of the belt. When he was done, Rick then yanked my clothes off of me and raped me just like the day I told him about Noah. Only this time faster and harder.

Once Rick was done and was all changed, he harshly grabbed my chin and made me look at him. "So slut who do you belong to?" he asked me. "Y-you, I belong to you," I replied. "Good," Rick smirked as he let go of my chin.

As soon as Rick left, I wobbly got up and grabbed some fresh clothes and a towel, and quickly showered. Once I got out and was all changed, I quickly texted Colby if he could pick me up so we could talk at his house. Colby replied and said he would be here in less than five minutes.

I then slipped my phone into my pocket and put on a black hoodie. I then grabbed my now decapitated dog and put it in my bag. I then put on some socks and my black vans. I then flung my bag on and quietly made my way downstairs.

I just reached the door when I was aggressively turned around. "Where the fuck do you think you're going?" Rick asked me. "I-I'm going to Colby's to work on our project for English," I told him. "Lies! I bet the two of you are going to fuck huh?" he asked me. "N-no we're not. Our project is due next Monday," I told him. "Besides, my mom gave me permission," I quickly lied.

Rick looked at me, "Who do you belong to?" he asked me once more. I then shudder as I remember earlier's events. "You, I belong to you," I replied to him. "Fine go," he replied as he gritted his teeth.

I then opened the door and saw Colby pulling up. I quickly pulled on my hood and closed the door. I then walked to his car and got in. After Colby pulled out of my house, I quickly turned to look out the window. "Sammy, what's wrong?" Colby asked me. I just sat there not saying a word. I then flinched after I felt something touch my thigh. I turned to see Colby's hand on my thigh. I then turned back to the window and zoned out.

As soon as Colby pulled into his driveway, I then got out, grabbed my bag, closed the door, and ran inside up to his room. Luckily his mom was at work so I won't have to worry about her asking questions.

I put my bag near his bed and I sat down and looked straight at the window. I then felt the bed dip next to me. "Sammy, please tell me what's wrong?" Colby asked me. I sadly sigh as I pulled out my phone and texted my mom letting her know that I'm at Colby's working on our project for English. She replied with an ok and to be careful. I then put my phone on the bed.

"I-I'm sorry Colbs," I said as I felt my eyes tear up. "Sorry for what?" Colby asked me. I then got up and took out my now decapitated stuffed dog. "Sammy what happened?" he asked me after taking the dog from my hands.

Without a word, I sat on his lap facing him and wrapped my arms around him, and sobbed into his shirt. "Sammy please tell me?" he asked once more. I then lifted up my head to look at him and he gently removed my hood. His eyes widened as his hands turned into fists.

"Did he do this to you?" he asked with anger in his voice. I just nodded my head. "H-he saw me kiss you and he got very angry," I then explained everything to Colby. "Let me see," he asked, referring to my bruises. I slowly took off my shirt and hoodie as well as my pants.

His eyes widened as his fists tightened. I then quickly put on my shirt and pants. I then showed him my face and neck as well. "Sammy, you have to tell your mom," he insisted. "No Colby it's fine," I muttered back at him. "No, it's not Sammy. When I see him I'm going to" I quickly cut him off by pecking his lips.

"Please don't Colby, I don't want you getting hurt," I told him. "Let's just work on our project for next Monday," "Ok Sammy," he said back.

Colby's POV:

After about fifteen minutes of us working, I turn to see Sam asleep. I then stood up and grabbed the dog and took it to my mom's room. I then took out her sewing kit and began to sew the dog's head back on.

My mom taught me how to sew when I was sixteen when she first started doing sewing classes at our local community center. Once I finished sewing the head, I cut some red ribbon from the kit and wrapped it around the dog's neck creating a bow tie.

I quickly put everything away and went back to my room. Sam began to stir and I quickly hid the dog behind my back just as he woke up. "Hey, Sammy," I greeted him. "Hey, Colbs," he greeted back. "I have a surprise for you," I told him. "You do?" he asked me. "Yup now close your eyes," Sam did as he was told. "Good now hold out your hands," I told him. Sam held out his hands and I placed the dog in his hands. "Now open them," I told him. Sam opens his eyes as they widen in shock.

"You Fixed Him?!" he asked me. "Yup," I replied. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Sam exclaimed as he hugged me while placing kisses all over my face. "No problem Sammy," I chuckled at him.

"I-I better get going," Sam said. "This better stay here," Sam added as he placed the dog on my bed. "Colbs, think you can get my bag and phone while I go to the bathroom real quick?" Sam asked. "Sure, Sammy I'll meet you downstairs ok?" "Ok," Sam replied.

Once Sam left, I placed his things along with his dog in his bag. I also placed his phone inside as well. I then picked up his bag and my keys and made my way downstairs.

Sam's POV:

As soon as I got home I quickly ran to my room and locked my door. I also put my dresser in front of the door as well. I then grabbed my bag and decided to take out my phone. As soon as I opened my bag I saw that Colby placed my stuffed bag inside. I took it out along with my phone. I placed my phone on its charger and fell asleep holding the dog close to my chest.

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