Safe and Sound

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Colby's POV:

"Nice job kid, if it wasn't for you and your friend's quick thinking we wouldn't be able to save Sam in time," officer Brown said with a smile on her face. "Now, let's get you both back to the station." With that, Sam and I rode with officer Brown back to the station. On the way back, Sam just held me tight and fell asleep with his head on my chest. I contently smiled knowing that the boy I love is now safe and sound in my arms.

Once we arrived at the station, Sam right away ran into his mom's arms where they both cried in each other's embrace. My mom then came toward me and hugged me as well. "Oh, my brave boy, I'm so proud of you."

Soon enough we all released ourselves from our hugs. Ms.Goldbach came toward me and hugged me real tight. "Oh, Colby, thank you so much for helping us find my Sammy." "As I said Ms.Goldbach I'll do anything to guard and protect Sam with all my might," I replied with a smile on my face. I then turn to see Sam smiling with a small blush coating his face.

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