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A/N: Big thanks to @ I_Swear_Im_Ok's story "Thank You," and @Clingybangtan's story "The Struggles For Love," for the inspiration of Rick, Sam's mom's boyfriend.

TW Means Trigger Warning 


Sam's POV:

It's been almost seven years since Colby and I became best friends. So now here we are last day of junior year waiting for his mom to give us a ride home. While we were waiting, I decided to confess to Colby about my sexuality. Although I feel like he might know since he knows I'm a cross-dresser.

"Hey, Colbs?" I asked while looking at him. "Yeah Sammy" he replied. "Can I tell you something?" I asked him. "Sure, what's up?" he asked me. "You see Colbs, I-I'm," I then took a deep breath, "I'm g-gay. I'm sorry Colbs please don't be mad at me." "I'm not mad at you Sammy. I kind of knew besides you cross-dressing, I will always catch you staring at former senior Ryan Gomez with a loving look," he replied. "Hey it's not my fault he's hot!" I said while jokingly scoffing at him. "Anyways," he chuckled. "I'm actually bisexual myself though I mostly prefer boys."

Soon his mom came and took us home. however, what we didn't know then was that Noah had listened to everything me and Colby were saying. Noah had a huge crush on me during my freshman year of high school. But after countless times of me rejecting him, he soon decided to switch upon his feelings and began to constantly bully me instead.

(A/N: Sam only wears shorts and pants)

Time skip to a month into their senior year (September)

It's been a month since Colby and I began our senior year of high school and let's just say Noah already threatened to expose Colby and I about our sexualities. The only way for him to not expose us was by me dating him. I of course declined for I am not into him. So eventually he exposed us and even said that Colby and I were a thing. But of course, since he had no proof no one believed him. Yet he still flirts with me from time to time which in my opinion is very annoying.

I had just arrived home from school since my mom wanted me and my siblings to get home directly after school since she wanted us to meet her boyfriend. They've been dating for months now and she thought it was time for us to meet him. "Kids come here and introduce yourselves!" my mom shouted from the staircase.

We all one by one got down. "Kids this is my boyfriend Rick. Rick these are my kids. Addison, the oldest, Sam, the middle, and Nick, the youngest." she said while pointing at each of us." Hi," all three of us said in unison. "Hey, kids nice to meet ya," (Lol see what I did there) he said with a grin on his face.

While we were eating dinner, I kept getting eerie vibes from Rick for some weird reason. I also caught him staring at me from time to time. "Now kids, Rick is going to move in with us tomorrow so I want you all to respect him," my mom told us. We soon all assured her that we will indeed respect him.

The next day I came home from school alone since my sister went back to her dorm at her college campus while Nick stayed after school for tutoring. So as I was nearing my room I heard Rick talking on his phone inside my mom's room. "She has three kids. A daughter and two sons, though one of her sons is a freak.," I walked to the door, which was closed, and I began to listen to his conversation. "No seriously he dresses like a girl. Ha imagined how they treat him in school. Anyways, her daughter who is in college is a real beauty. Heck, she's even better than her mom. I tell ya any guy would love to be with her. I bet if I was her age I would've totally gotten with her."

I immediately felt myself getting angry. I mean I don't care what he said about me. I was mainly angry with how he was talking about my sister. "Anyways I got to go Chuck. I'll talk to ya later." He soon hung up and the door opened. I just stood there frozen. "Well looks like someone was busy snooping around," he said while smirking at me.

"Oh cut it, Rick," I said annoyingly at him. "I heard how you were talking about my sister and let me just say you're sick," I said while angrily sneering at him. "So what? I meant what I said," he said still smirking at me.

"Which is why I'm telling my mom so she can kick your sick ass out of here!" I snapped at him. "Ha as if she'll believe you, you freak" he spat. "Think about it, you don't want your mom to be heartbroken do you?" "She would prefer having her kids safe than being heartbroken over a sick pedo like you!" I shouted at him as I left.

I was halfway near my room when Rick harshly grabbed my wrist as he brought me back into the room. "Let Me Go!" I shouted as I tried to get out of his tight grasp. Rick then began to eye me up and down. He then smirked at me, "I guess you have to do," "W-what?" I asked confused.

He then pulled me close to him and began to kiss my neck. " Stop Let Me Go!" I shouted. I then kicked him in his privates and ran straight to my room where I closed and locked my door. With that, I decided to relax and start on my homework.

The next day

The next day I got home from school to see Rick sitting in the living room watching tv. "Where is everyone?" I asked. "Your mom took Nick to the Dentist," Rick replied. "Oh," I said back. Rick then got up and faced me. "Which means you and I have the whole house to ourselves," he said smirking at me as he eyed me up and down. I then ran up to my room where I threw my bag on the floor as I closed my door.

TW Rape

Just as I was about to lock it, Rick busted in and grabbed me as he closed and locked my door. He then threw me on my bed as he hovered over me and began to kiss and suck on my neck. I then tried to kick him but he punched me in the gut. I then kicked and punched while he yanked off my clothes leaving me completely naked. I then began to squirm around as I saw him unbuckle his pants.

"No Please!" I begged as he forcefully spread my legs apart. He then lined up with my entrance and without warning slammed into me. Making me scream in pain. I closed my eyes tight and gripped my sheets as he pounded into me very fast. After what felt like forever, I felt a warm liquid inside of me as Rick was sloppily thrusting into me. I opened my eyes just as Rick pulled out.

End of rape

"You sure were a lovely fuck," Rick smirked at me while he buckled up his pants. " Not a single word about this or else!" he threatened while closing my door. I then tried to get up but ended up falling back after feeling a sharp pain going through my lower back. I then painfully got up, grabbed a towel and some fresh clothes and limp my way to the bathroom, and showered. Once I stepped out and got changed, I then cried myself to sleep.

The next day, I got up, brushed my teeth and hair, got changed into black shorts and a white crop top, grabbed my bag and phone, and made my way downstairs. I entered the kitchen only to see Rick standing in front of the kitchen island staring at me up and down. I then grabbed an apple and left. I tried to control my limping on the way to school cause I didn't want anyone to know mostly Colby.

Once I entered school, my limp was no longer noticeable. Well, at least I hoped it wasn't. Just as I opened my locker I felt a hand tap my shoulder making me flinch instantly. "Hey relax Sammy it's only me," a familiar voice said. I then turned to see Colby standing behind me. I then hugged him as he hugged me back. You see Colby and I's lockers were across from each other which was another good thing about being seniors.

"So how's living with your new stepdad so far?" he asked while making me flinch. "W-well technically they're not married but he's ok." I lied to him. He looked into my eyes for some time. "Are you sure Sammy cause I can tell when you're lying and it seems like you're lying right now?" he asked me. "I-I'm sure Colbs," I replied back. He just shrugged it off and our day continued like always. Noah flirted with me like usual and I rejected him as always.

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