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Sam's POV

After Colby dropped me off, I entered my home to see Rick nowhere near the living room. I just shrugged it off as I ran to my room. As I entered my room, I saw a note on my bed. I picked it up and realized it was from Rick.

I'm going to be at my brother's for two days but when I get back I'm going to fuck that tight hole of yours.


After reading and throwing away the note, I felt myself relax a bit so I grabbed my phone and texted Colby. I also asked if I can sleep over at his house since it is Friday after all. He replied saying it was a great idea.

Time skip

Colby and I just finished playing video games and I just beat him. 520-300 to be exact. Suddenly I felt my phone buzz. So I took my phone out of my pocket and my eyes widened as I saw I had gotten a text from Rick.

R: Hey slut send me some nudes!

R: Cause you and I both know damn well what happens if you disobey me.

"H-hey Colbs why don't you pick a movie for us to watch while I go to the bathroom yeah?" I asked him. "Sure Sammy," he replied with a small smile on his face. I then made my way to the bathroom and I closed and locked the door.

I then set up my phone on top of the toilet lid and opened up the camera app. I then pressed record and I slowly and shakily began to undress. Once I was naked, I ended the video and grabbed my phone, and switched the camera from video to picture. I then held my phone up as I took pictures from my neck down. I took about three in total. I then send him the video and pictures.

I then quickly got dressed and left the bathroom. I saw Colby sitting on his bed waiting for me. He then scooted over and patted the spot next to him. I then sat on my designated spot and rested my head on his shoulder.

Colby's POV:

Halfway through the movie, Sam fell asleep with his head on my chest and his arm wrapped around my waist. Suddenly his phone went off twice. Since Sam and I knew each other's passwords, I grabbed his phone and unlocked it. I saw Rick had texted him.

As soon as I opened the app, my eyes widened as I saw what Rick made him do. Which explained why Sam took long in the bathroom. I then saw Rick's newest texts.

R: Damn slut you made me wack it at my brother's bathroom.

R: Can't wait to fuck that tight hole of yours when I get back ;)

I felt myself feeling disgusted. I then closed the app and turned off his phone. I then wrapped my arms around the poor blonde. "Don't worry Sammy, I'll make sure to do everything I can to keep you safe," I promised him while gently kissing the top of his head.

Moments later I felt Sam stir around as he slowly woke up. "Hey, sleepyhead," I said teasingly. "Hey," Sam replied. Sam right away jumped away as he saw himself lying on top of me."O-oh I'm sorry Colbs. I didn't mean to cuddle you," Sam said apologizingly. "It's ok Sammy, I didn't mind," I assured him with a smile on my face.

"Also Sammy, Rick texted," As I told him, I noticed Sam tensed up a bit. "I checked to see what he wanted and I saw what you send him," I added. Sam's eyes widened as tears began to slip down his face. "I-I'm sorry Colbs, I understand if you hate me. I'll just pack my things and go," Sam said as he was about to leave.

I then gently grabbed his wrist and pulled him towards me. Sam tensed up a bit but soon relaxed at my touch. "Oh Sammy, I don't hate you," I said while hugging him. "Y-you don't?" he asked while looking up at me. "Of course not you're my best friend. If anything I'm disgusted by what Rick made you do. But I swear I didn't look, I just glanced for a second when I opened the app honest," I replied to him. "I believe you," Sam said with a small smile on his face.

"Sammy, you should tell your mom," I insisted. Sam just huffed as he sat back next to me and put his knees on his chest. "I know but I can't," he quietly said while looking down at his knees. "Why not? Sammy you can show her the messages as proof," I told him. "Rick will just take my phone along with his and delete his messages so he can just show my mom my messages. Making her think I'm sleeping with him for pleasure," he told me as more tears slipped down his face.

I then hugged the poor blonde, "don't worry Sammy, if she won't believe or help you then I will," I told him. "Really?" he asked me as he looked up at me. "Really, cause it's you and me vs the world," I told him as I gently placed a kiss on his forehead. Sam slightly blushed as he hugged me back.

The next morning, I woke up to see Sam asleep on top of me. I also noticed that my arms were wrapped around him protectively. I felt Sam move in my arms as he lifted his head up. I sighed happily as I gently kissed his nose.

Sam's eyes fluttered open and were filled with shock as he saw how we both woke up in each other's arms. "Morning Sammy," I greeted as I unwrapped my arms. "Morning," he replied as he got up and sat next to me. "Sorry for sleeping on you," he chuckled as he slightly blushed. "It's alright Sammy," I replied as I kissed his nose. Making him turn bright red.

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