Kidnapped Part 2

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Basically, the room Sam is in is kinda like the room from "The Loud House." 

Sam's POV:

We'd been driving for about fifteen to twenty minutes when we finally pulled up at a gas station. "Ok I'm going to go get gas," Rick said. "Well I'm going to the bathroom," Noah said back. "You slut stay here or else!" Rick growled at me. I just nodded my head as I slightly shook in fear.

As soon as Rick and Noah entered the gas station, I then quickly took out my phone and went to Snapchat. I snapped a picture of the gas station and sent it to Colby. I then turned on my location as well. Colby replied asking if I was ok.

I then looked to see Rick already paying, so I replied saying that I was fine and that my Snapchat location was on. I then told him that I can't talk anymore until further notice and that I'll text him when I get the chance.

I then made sure my phone was on silent afterward. I quickly slipped it back into my pocket and acted as if nothing happened. Once Rick put gas into the car and Noah came back from the bathroom, we soon drove into the deep woods.

Time Skip

After driving for another fifteen to twenty minutes or so, we finally arrived at a wooden cabin. Rick got out first and Noah followed while dragging me with him. Once we were inside Rick and Noah both eyed me up and down.

"You slut are going to be our personal sex slave until further notice," Rick said as he and Noah laughed evilly. I just whimpered as I shook in fear. They then started to walk toward me as I tried to make my way to the door.

Before I could get my hands on the door, Noah stopped me by standing in front of it. I then backed away but only to be grabbed from behind by Rick. "Noah, get the ropes ready," he retorted. Noah then went to a room that was behind the couch near the wall.

Once I was alone with Rick, I right away began to squirm in his arms. "Stop moving bitch!" he snapped at me. I then managed to kick him hard in his privates. He then released me as he held his crotch while groaning in pain. "Noah Grab Him!" he shouted in anger.

I then ran to the door and opened it and ran for dear life. After running for about five minutes or so, I stopped at a nearby sign that read, Garden City National Forest. I quickly whipped out my phone and snapped a picture of the sign and sent it to Colby. I quickly also texted him that both Rick and Noah had kidnapped me as well.

After double-checking to see if my phone was on silent, which it was, I then slipped my phone back into my back pocket. I then looked up after hearing footsteps coming my way. My eyes widened as I saw Noah. "There you are slut!" he sneered.

I then began to run as Noah was approaching me. But before I could get far, Noah pounced on me, making me fall to the ground with him on top of me. Noah then tied a cloth around my mouth so I couldn't scream. He then tied up my hands and legs and flung me on his back.

As Noah carried me back to the cabin, I began to muffle out screams for help as I tried to thrash around his grip on me. "Stop Moving Bitch!" he shouted with anger and annoyance in his voice. I just whimpered in fear as I felt my eyes fill up with tears

Colby's POV:

After Sam sent the first message, we pretty much began to wait for further updates as the officers used Sam's Snapchat location to figure out the correct gas station they were in. After finding the right one, a nearby squad car informed us that after talking to the manager of the place, they checked today's camera footage and sure enough they were there. Oh, also Sam's mom texted Nick and Addy about everything and told them to come and stay at home until Sam is back.

They got the car's license plate as well. Meaning we were one step closer to finding Sam. My phone buzzed and everyone perked up. I checked to see Sam snap-chatted me. "It's Sam!" I called out. "He texted me the location. He's at Garden City National Forest! I was also right because he also said that Rick and Noah both kidnapped him,"

"Alright young man, go with officer Brown while I call for backup," The male officer said. I nodded my head in response as I stood up. "Be careful dear," my mom said with pleading eyes. "Don't worry mom I will," I replied to her. Ms.Goldbach grabbed my hand with teary eyes, "I trust you would help bring my Sammy back safely," "Don't worry Ms.Goldbach I will guard and protect Sam with all my might," I assured her with a small soft smile.

Sam's POV:

Once we were inside the cabin, Noah removed the cloth from my mouth and untied my hands and legs. I was then dragged to the room with the ropes where I was told to undress in front of them. "Do It Or Else!" Rick yelled as he held a whip in his hands.

I shakily began to undress in front of them. Once I was fully nude, I was then shoved onto the bed. Rick and Noah at once tied my hands and feet to the headsets of the bed. Once I was all tied up, Noah handed Rick a stack of money. "I'm going to go look around for anything suspicious," Rick said as he left.

TW: Rape

I began to whimper as Noah hovered over me. "You have no idea how much I need you to pleasure me," Noah said as he kissed and sucked on my neck. "No Please! Stop!" I begged as my eyes filled with tears.

After Noah unbuckled his pants, he slammed into me as I screamed in pain. I closed my eyes tight as he began to thrust at an inhumane pace. "Please Stop!" I begged while wincing in pain as he pounded into me really hard. "Shut thrust up thrust!" Noah yelled in between thrusts. Moments later Noah finally finished and pulled out just as I opened my eyes.

End of rape

Noah walked out and I silently cried in pain. Moments later Rick entered and I began to shake in fear. "You know slut I never really wanted to work with Noah, but since he's offered to pay to fuck you whenever he wants, might as well let him," he sneered at me.

Just like Noah, Rick also raped me but faster and harder. Once he was done and I was left alone, I began to sob in pain. 

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