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Sam's POV:

I just opened the door when I saw Rick standing there with a pissed-off look on his face. "Why did you leave school early?" he asked me sternly. But before I could answer I heard a voice call out to me.

"Samuel, why did your school call me saying that not only did you leave school early once but three times?" my mom asked me."I-I'm sorry mom," I replied to her. "M-mom can I talk to you alone?" I asked hesitantly. "Fine, Rick, can you please get me a glass of water with ice?" my mom asked him. "Sure thing Cindy."

"Ok," my mom spoke out once Rick was gone. "What do you want to talk about?" "I-it's about Rick," I replied. "What about him?" my mom asked me. I took a deep breath, "W-well he hurts me," I told her. "How does he hurt you?" my mom asked me. "H-he r-rapes me," I confessed. "Mom please believe me I-" Slap! I was soon cut off by my mom slapping me across the face.

"Samuel John Golbach, I'm very disappointed in you," my mom told me. I just stood there holding my right cheek as my eyes filled with tears. I couldn't believe it. My own mother didn't believe me. "How could you say such nonsense about Rick," "Is everything ok Cindy?" Rick asked as he appeared while handing my mom a glass of water.

"I'm sorry Rick is just that Samuel was telling me such nonsense about you," my mom told him. Rick turned to me, "Don't worry Cindy I'll have a long talk with Samuel later," he smirked at me. I just whimpered in fear. "Go to your room Samuel," my mom ordered. "B-But-" Now!" she snapped at me.

I then ran all the way to my room and I closed and locked my door. I then took out my phone and texted Colby asking him to come over cause I needed him. Colby responded by saying that he was coming in less than five minutes. I soon began to sob into my pillow as I felt betrayed by my own mother.

Colby's POV:

As I knocked on Sam's door, I began to wonder why Sam asked me to come over. Suddenly, my thoughts were cut short when Rick opened the door. "Why the fuck are you here?" he growled at me.

"I'm here to see Sam," I growled back at him. Soon Sam's mom appeared. "Colby, what are you doing here?" she asked me "Hi Ms.Golbach, Sam asked me to come to see him," I told her. "Cindy Sam isn't allowed to see anyone right now," Rick retorted while smirking at me.

"It's fine Rick, Colby can help Sam clear his mind of lies," Ms.Goldbach told him. "Thank you, Ms. Goldbach," I thanked her as I made my way upstairs. Once I got to Sam's room, I heard sobs coming from inside.

"Sammy, it's me, can I come in?" I asked as I knocked on his door. Moments later the door opened to reveal a red puffy-eyed Sam. I entered his room and closed his door. Sam then wrapped his arms around my waist as he hugged me. I then led us to his bed where I sat down with Sam on my lap.

"S-she d-didn't b-believe m-me," Sam sobbed onto my shirt. "Who didn't believe you, Sammy?" I asked him. "M-my m-mom. S-she e-even s-slapped m-me," he explained as more tears slipped down his face.

"Oh Sammy," I told him as I hugged him. "Your mom just needs time to think," I told him. "Really?" he asked me. "Really," I told him as I kissed his forehead. After about an hour of me telling jokes and making Sam laugh, the door opened and Sam and I turned to see Rick glare at us.

"Time for you to go since I told Cindy I was going to have a long talk with Samuel here," Rick sneered at us. Sam soon began to whimper as he shook in fear. "I'm sorry Sammy," I told him as I released my grip on him. "P-please don't go," Sam whispered as he tightened his grasp on me.

"Sorry Sammy but I promise to come back whenever you need me ok," I told him. "Promise?" he asked me. "Promise," I assured him. Sam then released me from his grasp. "See you, Sammy," I told him as I left his room.

I was about to open the door to leave when a voice called out to me. "Colby, can I ask you something?" Ms. Goldbach asked me. "Of course," I replied to her. "Earlier today Samuel told me about Rick hurting him and I don't know what to think," she told me.

"Well Ms.Goldbach, Sam told me about a month after Rick started living with you guys," I told her. "But do you believe him?" she asked me. "Ms.Golbach it's up to you to choose who to believe. But I personally believe Sam for I know that he would never lie about something as serious as this." With that, I opened the door and left.

Sam's POV:

As Rick and I heard the front door open, he immediately grabbed me from the collar of my shirt and pulled me toward him. "So you actually thought that your mom was going to believe you? Huh, pathetic," he said as he threw me onto the bed.

Rick then took out his belt, "Now you'll pay the consequences," "N-no please!" I begged as I shook with fear as I watched him lock my door. Rick then hit me repeatedly as I tried my best not to scream in pain.

TW: Rape

When he was done he took off my clothes and slammed into me. I closed my eyes tight and gripped my sheets as he pounded into me harder and harder. I tried my best to hold in my tears. Moments later I opened my eyes just as he pulled out.

End of Rape

Once Rick left, I took a shower, got changed, and did my homework. When I was done, I grabbed my stuffed dog and cried myself to sleep. Hoping that my mom will believe me and help save me from this hell.  

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