Seeking The Truth/Enough!

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Next day

Sam's POV

I walked to school hiding my face with my hood as I saw Colby at his locker. I then ran to him and wrapped my arms around his waist. Colby turned and hugged me while he placed a kiss on my forehead. We stayed like that until it was time for first period.

The rest of the day went by real quick and for once I felt safe to be in school. I even manage to complete all of my assignments during class. Colby and I also turned in our project and we were told to present first on Monday.

Time Skip

After school Colby and I went to his house to practice presenting our project. My mom already knew about me going to Colby's. When we got to Colby's house, I right away sat on his bed crisscrossed and pulled out our presentation since we both finished our homework during study hall.

After practicing for about twenty to twenty-five minutes, we put everything away. "Are you ready for Monday?" Colby asked me. "Yup, how about you?' I asked him. "Yup," he replied. I then put down my bag and walked toward Colby.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his arms around my waist. We stayed like this for about a minute until we both leaned in and kissed. I always enjoyed whenever we kissed because our kisses were always filled with love, not lust. Plus I always felt safe whenever I'm with Colby.

After about two minutes, we finally pulled apart. I then rested my head on his shoulder as I sighed contently. "Thanks for always being there for me Colbs," I told him. "No problem, Sammy, for I'll always be there for you," he told me.

I soon pulled away as I grabbed my phone. "I-I better get going," I told him as I grabbed my bag. "Ok Sammy, meet me downstairs while I quickly go to the bathroom," he told me. "Ok Colbs," I told him as I made my way downstairs.

Colby's POV:

As soon as Sam left my room, I quickly began to look for my tiny spy cam. I normally used it whenever Sam and I would go exploring. Once I found it I right away checked the battery and it was on fifty percent.

"I guess that'll do," I said to myself as I hid it in my hoodie pocket. I then grabbed my phone and keys and made my way downstairs. Once I got down, I saw Sam patiently waiting for me while scrolling on his phone.

"Alright, let's go," I told him. Sam then turned off his phone and opened my door and we both walked to my car. On the way to Sam's house, Sam and I had our hands intertwined together. I soon started to think about how Sam and I kiss and cuddle and we're not even official yet. But I know that deep down we're going to be someday. Hopefully someday soon. (A/N: See what I did there?)

Once we arrived at Sam's house, Sam began to get out of my car. I then took this opportunity to grab his bag with my right hand while taking out the spycam with my left hand. Once I had his bag, I quickly turned the spycam on and quickly stuck it on one of the straps.

"Here you go, Sammy," I said as I gave him his bag. "Thanks, Colbs, see you tomorrow," Sam said as he closed my door. "See you, Sammy," I told him through my window as I drove away.

Sam's POV:

I had just opened my door when I was harshly dragged in and my bag was thrown near the door. I was faced with an angry Rick. He then pinned me to the wall as he kissed and sucked on my neck. "Mine all mine," he growled as he continued to suck on my neck.

I just whimpered in fear as my body began to shake. I then without thinking, kicked him in his privates. I then grabbed my bag and ran to my room. I was about to close and lock my door when Rick busted in.

Rick then closed and locked my door. He then grabbed my bag and flung it hard near my door. "G-Get Away From Me! I'm Done Being Your Sex Slave!" I shouted in fear and anger as tears filled my eyes.

Slap! Rick then slapped me hard across the face. "Since you belong to me, I can do whatever I want with you!" he growled at me. "I Never Belonged To You!" I shouted at him. Rick furiously punched me in the face, right on my cheek.

Rick then threw me on my bed and began to take off my clothes. "G-Get Off Of Me!" I shouted as I tried to push him off of me. "That's it," Rick said as he got off of my naked body. "I had enough of you disobeying me!" he snapped.

Rick then took off his belt and hit me with the metal part nonstop. When he was done he used me as always. "Who do you belong to?" he growled at me as he buckled his pants. 'Y-you, I-I b-belong t-to y-you," I stuttered in pain. "Good, that's what I like to hear," he smirked. Once Rick was gone, I got up, showered, got changed, and cried myself to sleep.

Third Person POV:

What poor Sam didn't know was that the spy cam captured the part where he was pinned to the wall up until his bag was flung to the door. Due to the impact, the camera had turned off. The following day, Sam was walking to his locker when he saw Colby.

Sam ran and wrapped his arms around Colby and hugged him. Colby turned around and hugged back. While Colby hugged Sam, he right away grabbed his spycam. They soon let go of each other and they both grabbed their things and headed to class.

During class, Colby texted Sam's mom if they could talk after school. Ms.Goldbach right away answered saying that she'll try to leave work early so they can talk. Colby couldn't wait to show Ms.Goldbach the proof she needs to believe Sam.

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