The Truth

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Colby's POV:

Once Sam and I arrived at his house, we both got out of my car and walked to his door. "Colby, why are you walking me to my door?" Sam asked me. "I need to talk with your mom," I replied to him as he opened his door.

Sam and I entered and we both saw Ms.Golbach sitting in the dining room waiting patiently. "Don't worry Sammy, go to your room I'll talk to your mom," I told him. Without a word, Sam went up to his room.

"Hello Ms.Goldbach," I greeted with a smile on my face. "Colby dear, what did you need to talk to me about?" she asked me as I sat in front of her. "It's about what we talked about last time," I explained to her.

"Colby-" I then cut her off. "Ms.Goldbach, I know you don't believe Sam but what I'm going to show you will probably make you think twice," I told her. I then took out my phone and pulled out the video. During my fifth period Technology class, we were given free time. I used that time to export the video from my camera to my phone.

I then pressed play as we began to watch. The video shows Sam being dragged in as his bag was flung off of him. We then see Rick pinning Sam against the wall as Rick kisses and sucks on his neck as he's claiming Sam as his. Sam then kicks him, grabs his bag, and runs to his room where Rick entered and flings his bag against the door. Which due to the impact, made the camera turn off.

I then put away my phone and looked at Ms.Goldbach who had a shocked expression on her face. " Well, Ms.Golbach, do you believe Sam now?' I asked her. Ms.Goldbach looked at me and spoke up," Colby dear, thank you for showing me. I better go talk to Samuel." I just nodded my head as I picked up my belongings. "Well, I better go, bye Ms.Goldbach," I told her as I got up. "Goodbye dear," she replied. With that, I left hoping things will be ok between Sam and his mom.

Third Person POV:

Before Colby showed Ms.Goldbach the video, Rick, who was in the stairway, listened to everything. At this point, he was so furious that he went up to Sam's room. Rick opened the door and Sam, who was on his bed, began to shake in fear.

Rick then locked Sam's door and walked toward him. "Your little boyfriend just had to ruin everything," he growled at Sam. "I-I don't know what you're talking about," Sam replied in a shaky tone.

Rick then slapped Sam on both sides of his face. He then punched him in the face near his right eye as well. Rick then took off his belt and hit Sam nonstop. When he was done Rick left the room and went to pack up his stuff.

Sam just laid there sobbing in pain wondering when this all would end. Moments later his door opened once more and he began to shake in fear once again. Sam looked up to see his mom looking at him.

Ms.Golbach walked toward Sam only for him to scoot back in fear. "Samuel dear," Ms.Golbach spoke as she sat on Sam's bed. "P-please don't hurt me," Sam begged as he looked at his mom with nothing but pain and fear in his now dull blue eyes.

Ms.Goldbach's heart broke once hearing the fear in Sam's voice. As well as seeing the pain and fear in Sam's eyes. "Samuel dear, I'm terribly sorry," she said as tears began to slip down her face. Sam then crawled toward his mom and wrapped his arms around her. Ms.Goldbach also wrapped her arms around Sam.

At first, Sam tensed up but soon relaxed at his mother's touch. "Oh Samuel, I'm so sorry for doubting you. I'm also terribly sorry for hitting you as well," Ms.Goldbach said as she tightened her grasp on Sam.

" Please forgive me?" Ms.Golbach asked as she loosen her grip while wiping her tears away. "I-I forgive you, mom," Sam replied as he looked up at her. "Thank you my little Sammy," Ms.Goldbach said as she peppered tiny kisses all over her son's face.

"Mom, what made you believe me?" Sam asked her. "Colby showed me a video," Ms.Goldbach then explained to Sam what the video was about. Sam just sat there with his eyes wide. "Mom," Sam spoke up." Yes dear?" his mom replied. Sam then explained to his mom about Noah and who he was and what he did to Sam in school and how Colby had defended him nonstop.

Ms.Goldbach at this point was full-on sobbing. "Don't worry Sammy they would soon pay for all the pain they put you through. Just remember none of this is your fault," "I know mom, thank you for finally believing me," Sam said as tears of happiness filled his eyes.

Later that day, Rick was nowhere to be found. Sam and his mom right away went to the authorities where Sam told them everything he went through both at home and at school. The officers said they would investigate the matter.

Sam then went to get medically tested and thankfully he was completely healthy though he will need to receive help the doctors told him and his mom that he might have PTSD and Depression.  

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