Telling Him/Abused

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It's your secret

It's your secret

It's your secret

That's bringing me down, down, down...

( A/N: I Thought I changed the lyrics to fit Sam better. Original in the music video.)

Time skip to a month later (October)

Sam's POV:

It's been a month since he first abused me. He now does it daily when he and I are home alone and if I were to "disobey" then he would hit me with his belt. I can no longer keep this secret for it is eating me alive. I no longer eat at home since I fear seeing him while I eat. I then decided to tell Colby since I trust him to not tell anyone.

It is lunchtime and Colby and I are sitting across from each other. We don't have any other friends besides each other but we don't mind. I'm slowly picking at my food scared about telling him for I don't know how he'll react.

Got a lot of things on my mind, but why is it hard to say? I'm keeping it locked up and it's pushing you far away. To face the fear of truth means I got to let you know. I've been holding this back and I'm letting it go...

"Hey, Colby can I tell you something?" I asked in a whisper. "Sure Sammy," he replied. "Shh!," I shushed him. "Oh sorry but why are we whispering?" he asked while whispering. "I don't want anyone else to hear what I'm going to tell you," I whispered back. I then took a deep breath, "I need to tell you about Rick," I told him. "What about Rick?" he asked while whispering. "H-he's been h-hurting me," I told him while stuttering. "What?! How?!" he whispered-yelled. "H-he r-rapes m-me," I said with teary eyes. "What!" he exclaimed loudly. "Shush!" I shushed him. "How long?" he asked me. "A-about a month," I said back. "You have to tell your mom," he suggested. "No! I c-can't," I replied. "Just please promise me not to tell anyone," I begged him. "But Sammy," he insisted. "Please," I begged as tears slipped down my face. Colby got up and sat next to me and side-hugged me. "I promise."

Time Skip

After school, Colby gave me a ride home since he got a new car and all. Once we arrived at my house, I gave him a hug, "thanks for listening," I told him. "I'm your best friend Sammy I'll always be there for you," he replied as I got out of his car. "Call me if you need me ok?" he told me as I grabbed my bag. "Ok," I replied while smiling at him. I then made my way to my front door. Just as I heard Colby drive off. Just as I was about to reach for my key, the door opened and I was dragged inside only to be met with an angry-looking Rick.

"Who the fuck was that?" he asked me. "Colby, he's my best friend," I replied annoyingly at him. "Well, I don't want you hanging out with him!" he growled at me. "You have no right to tell me what to do!" I snapped at him. He angrily grabbed my wrist and dragged me to my room where he closed and locked my door. He then yanked my bag off of me and tossed it to the floor.

He then pushed me onto the bed and he took off his belt. "So you want to disobey me huh?" he growled. He then began hitting me nonstop. Once he was finished, he then yanked my clothes off and he began to kiss and suck on my neck.

TW Rape

I then closed my eyes tight and gripped the sheets as he began thrusting into me. He started thrusting slowly but then ended up thrusting fast and hard. Once he was done, I opened my eyes just as he pulled out.

End of rape

"You belong to me got it?" he growled at me while he buckled up his pants. I just nodded my head in response. Once Rick was gone, I got up and saw that my clothes were scattered all over my room. I grabbed a clean towel and some fresh clothes and I hopped into the shower.

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