Kai vs Oogway

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     The spirit realm was peaceful and quiet. Lotus leaves flowed freely, rocks floated all around the realm. For a second the rocks had formed a Yin and yang symbol, stretching for what felt like miles. But beyond those rocks lay a lone Peach Tree bearing no fruit.
     Underneath that tree was the one and only, Master Oogway. The sun was high behind him, casting his floating shadow out in front over the edge of the rock. His body remained warm, taking in the heat of the sun. He remained floating, his paws pressed together as a slow wind hit against his green sash. "Inner peace... Inner peace..." He whispered to himself, wiggling his nose when a petal landed on it, "Itchy nose."
     Blowing up at the petal, he smiled and took in a deep breath, causing the petal to land partially inside his nose. Sneezing, he took another slow breath and licked his lips smiling, "Finally, inner peace." Suddenly a sharp sound interrupted his silence, frowning slightly as a green blade attached to a chain soaring toward him, "Now what?"
     With his eyes still closed, he caught the blade effortlessly between his paws. A moment later he opened his eyes, spotting another blade coming at him from above. Narrowing his eyes, he lifted his yin-yang staff, twirling it momentarily before sending the first blade up to hit the second one. Landing on the island beneath him, he gripped his staff as he looked off into the distance, "Kai, old friend."
     On a separate island, a bull stepped forward from some pillars behind him, "Master Oogway." He tilted his head down, pulling his chains catching one of the blades with ease. The horns atop his head remained at tall as they were when he was young and alive, but proven to be more deadly if given the chance.
     Oogway didn't sound worried, but in his voice held a certain shock at seeing the warrior, "Our battle ended five hundred years ago!"
     Kai's eyes glowed a soft green, narrowing them at the old tortious, "Well, now I'm ready for a rematch."
     Instead of being worried or tense, Oogway tilted his head, "Took you long enough!" Leaning back, he smiled and laughed at the bull, angering him.
     Growling out in anger, Kai charged towards Oogway, pulling out his blades midjump, a stone obstacle floated along in front of him. Bringing his arms up, Kai let out a battle call, using his blades to cut the stone in half. Tossing one of his blades in the air, Kai pulled himself into a spin, kicking its handle whilst throwing the other one at more of an angle towards Oogway.
     Instead of blocking the weapons, Oogway leaped up into the air as the blades stabbed where he once stood, Kai landing not too long after. At the bulls landing, the island in which Oogway once rested shattered at the force sent into it. A low rumble echoed through the vast stillness, "You've grown stronger." With a quick movement of his staff, he quickly draw a symbol, one meaning philosophy, with his chi. Directing it towards Kai, he swung his staff, sending it barreling into him.
     At the force of Oogway's chi, Kai grunted being forced down on one knee, yet he remained unscathed, "Five hundred years in the Spirit Realm, you pick up a thing or two." He stood up slowly, reaching next to him allowing the jade pendants to jingle and be seen, "I have taken the chi of every master here."
     Oogway gasped, his stance faltering as he looked down at the many familiar faces on Kai's belt, "No." Many of which he recognized he had fought beside and trained with, but what hurt him was seeing a familiar canine toward the end of the belt, more hidden than the others.
     "Yes." Reaching behind him, Kai slowly grabbed one of his blades and began swinging it, "And soon, I will have your power too."
     Oogway shook his head slowly, frowning at the bull, "When will you realize? The more you take, the less you have?"
     Instead of answering, Kai threw his blades and stabbed them into the inner halves of two large stone pieces. Leaning back, he used the tension to launched himself up through the middle. Oogway on the other and used his staff to draw a large chi-filled yin-yang symbol. Tapping it gently, it began to spin and progressively get larger with every second Kai go nearer.
     Spotting the growing symbol, Kai glared and anchored his blades into the rocks. Instead of going first, he grunted and propelled the rocks in front of him, letting them both his the yin-yang symbol first. Attempting to protect himself, Oogway held his arm out, only to be send back as a shockwave hit him, the wave shattering any rocks nearby. The collision of the chi and rocks sent him back in a daze.
     Down below, Kai threw his blades again, quickly wrapping the chains around Oogway's dazed form. When the tortious came to, Kai slowly brought him in, "With your chi, I will finally be able to return to the mortal world. And this time-" He slowly raised his hoofs, moving them in a slow circular motion causing them to glow green like his eyes, "-you won't be there to stop me."
     The tortious didn't struggle, instead accepting his fate as his body slowly began to turn into jade, "It was never my destiny to stop you. I have set another on that path." Tilting his head back, he closed his eyes as his remains turned to jade.
     Finishing the transition, Kai brought his paws in as Oogway turned into a small jade pendant. Bringing his hoofs to his chest, his body glows in small rays of green, absorbing his chi and compressing him into a pendant like the others, "Then I will find him." Looking down into his hoof, he glared down at the pendant, speaking calmly himself, "And take their chi too." Gripping the pendant, he turned and stabbed his fist into the ground, a ball of chi surrounding him, moving like water as it teleported Kai out of the Spirit Realm.


I know some were expecting a species type for Kai, but all I could find on him was Bull. That's all I can find for him, which is shocking cause I thought there would be something more than Bull lol. I had put the date of when I put the update so nobody gets confused by it if they go back to check it out!

Anyway, I hope you all like this first chapter!

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