"Who's Kai?"

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     Slowly, the eyes of the masters began to glow and a dark echoing laugh sounded from all three of them.

     From behind the eyes of the enslaved masters, Kai stopped where he was in the dessert and turned chuckling, "I see you.. Your chi will soon be mine." From his view, everything was a tinted green. Around every mortal of this realm was brighter glow, most brighter than others, the chi he was after. As he looked upon these warriors, who had managed to take down his warriors, he grinned at the bright glow around them.
     Po's eyes widened, his ears perking up as he looked down at the masters confused, "Is he talking to me?"
     Tigress glared softly at the jombies, her grip firm on them as she glanced between the three, "Which one? They're all talking."
     Leaning forward, Po squinted his eyes as he looked between the masters open mouths, "Woah, you're right. That's so scary. We should try that, too." Leaning back, he smiled and looked around at the others before settling on (Y/n), "Maybe it'd be scary back at them."
     (Y/n) smiled softly, her tail swaying softly tilting her head up at him, "Okay? But we have to plan what we're gonna say first."
Mantis nodded and jumped onto the wolf's shoulder shrugging his own, "Yeah, otherwise, it won't be scary, it'll just be stupid."
     Glaring through the eyes of the jombies, Kai shook his head and cut them off, "It's not them talking, you idiots! It's me talking through them, Kai."
     There was a moment of silence between them, the warriors, Shifu, nor did Po or (Y/n) recognize the name. They all perked up, looking down at the jombies confused and asked in unison, "Who?"
     Growling softly, Kai decided that enough was enough and extended his arms, "Okay, okay, okay, enough." With a slow movement, the enslaved masters changed back to their pendants, each of them flying back to him.
     Po gasped softly, watching and pointing confused at the disappearing glowing trail, "Did you see that?" He turned to (Y/n), holding onto her shoulder in disbelief, "Did you see?"
     (Y/n) looked up to Po shocked before looking up to where the pendants have disappeared. While Po continued to have a small freak out, she hummed and frowned softly to herself. If those really are the masters from so long ago, then what type of being is strong enough to control them?
     "The green smoke just poof... and then poof!" Po caught her attention when he turned to Shifu, "Sh-Shifu, what was that?"
The red panda frowned softly in though, whispering the name to himself as if it would come to him, "Kai. Kai. Kai..." Dropping his arms, he shook his head as nothing had come, "Nope. Never heard of him." Looking to everyone, he motioned up to the palace and began walking quickly, "Come, we must look through the library."

~Small Timeskip~

     It hadn't taken them long to get back up to the Jade Palace, The Five and Shifu reaching the library first. (Y/n) would have been up there with them too, but she stayed behind to help Po and Li, Mr. Ping helping her get the two pandas up the stairs.
     By the time the four had reached the library, scrolls were piled and thrown to the ground throughout the room. The warriors were all watching Shifu jump from wall to wall, pulling out and dropping scrolls on by one, "Kai. Kai." He frowned softly as he stopped at a midsection in the wall, "Where is it? There's so much wisdom in here, I can't find anything." Picking up a jade scroll, his ears perked up as he flipped off the wall, landing on a pile of scrolls, "Yes! Behold! All the answers will be found within."
     As the red panda opened up the scroll, his eyes widened, ears seemingly perking up alarmed, "What? It's blank?" Lowering his arms, he looked up at the ceiling in disbelief before looking into the scroll again, "Are you kidding me? Not again." Tigress, Monkey, and Crane all shook their heads, Tigress face palming. Not a second later, Shifu spoke relieved as he opened up the scroll more to reveal writing, "Wait, wait. Hold on. Sorry! Ok, here we go."
     Po and (Y/n) both perked up as Shifu mentioned that it was written in Oogway's hand. The dragon warrior went to Shifu's right side while (Y/n) went to his left, both looking to see the scroll for themselves as Shifu continued.
     "Long ago, I had a brother."
     Cutting him off, Monkey tapped his fingers along the writing with interest, "Oogway had a brother?"
     "In arms. In arms. Sorry." Shifu gently yanked the scroll from his fingers, moving slightly so Monkey could see better, "He says brother in arms."
     This time it was Mantis who cut in, pointing to the scroll, "Can you just unroll it all at once?"
     With a deadpanned face, Shifu's ears pinned down as he looked to the warrior. Staring momentarily at Mantis, he unrolled the next portion of writing before continuing on, "I was an ambitious young warrior-"

     A young Master Oogway landed on a ledge, an army surrounding him as he waved his paw out, "-leading a great army. And fighting by my side was Kai." As Oogway lunged into the crowd of warriors, a large Ox leaped through the air and joined his side, "My closest friend."
     The two ran through a path together, destroying the weapons of their enemies as they went, when suddenly a barrage of arrows shot towards them, many of which missed them. Yet of those that landed, had managed to hit Oogway, harming him greatly, "One day, we were ambushed. I was badly wounded."
     Kai held a weakened Oogway in his arms, carrying him miles for days, the worry of losing his friend, his brother, increasing as the snow beat against them, "My friend carried me for days, looking for help. Until we came to a secret village, high in the mountains." After breaking free from the snowy stormy, Kai looked on at a near distant village, hope in his eyes.
     Carrying Oogway to the village, he handed the tortoise to the villagers, backing away watching as they surrounded him, "An ancient place of healing. A village of pandas."
     Everyone gasped, Po pushing between Shifu and Monkey to get a closer look at the scroll, "Pandas?" His green eyes seemed to light up, smiling to himself.
     "Yes, pandas." The villagers did a slow motion with their arms before facing their palms to Oogway. A golden glow appeared, and soft rays landed on the tortoise. He gasped softly, all his pain and aches disappearing in an instant, "Pandas who used the power of chi to heal me."
     As Oogway got stronger, the pandas took him to a small field where a dying tree rested on the mountains edge. They got in a line and began to teach this warrior their ways, "They taught me how to give chi." As they moved as one, the glow of their palms transferred to the tree, making it grow with blooming petals once more.
     "But Kai wanted the power all to himself." The bull gripped his hooves, glaring softly around as his eyes began to glow jade, "He saw that what could be given-" He turned to a trio of pandas, doing their movements in reverse, "-could also be taken." The panda closest to him looked over and gasped before he was turned into a jade pendant
     As waves of green surged through Kai, he looked up and grunted in shock as he was kicked away. Steadying himself, he looked at Oogway with wide eyes, a look of betrayal on his face, "I had to stop him." Oogway gripped his staff, glaring softly at Kai as he brought himself to a defensive position.
     Running forward, Kai yelled as the two clashed together, "Our battle shook the Earth." They battled for what felt like hours before eventually a crash sounded, and the weapon Kai once held was destroyed. Where Kai once stood, now Oogway stood alone with his staff to the sky, "Until, finally, I banished Kai to the spirit realm. Should he ever return to the mortal realm, he can only be stopped-"

     "-by a true master of chi."
     Where the writing ended on the scroll, nearby it was a small artwork of a face, presumed to be Kai.


Hello everyone! I do apologize for the late posting of this chapter! But I do have some exciting news!!

I turned 21 two days ago!!! 🥳🎉🎊

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