"Now, more than ever."

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     After giving themselves some time to be with each other, Po eventually pulled away as he faintly heard (Y/n)'s stomach growl, "You hungry?"
     (Y/n)'s eyes widened softly, averting her eyes away a bit embarrassed, "Y-Yeah, quite a bit actually.." She rubbed her belly slightly before looking over the bandages on her arm, "I don't think I've eaten since Kai attacked the palace.. I just remember waking up for a few moments but sleeping right after."
     Nodding softly, Po pulled himself away slightly and rubbed her cheek gently, "Ok then. I'll go get my dad to cook you something.." The panda frowned softly, his anger towards Kai growing a bit as he looked over (Y/n) there's something I need to get started on.. But I'll still come back to check on you, alright?"
     Perking her ears up, the she-wolf nodded and gently gripped Po's paw, "Alright, but where are you going? For if I want to go see you?"
     Po thought for a moment, debating on whether he really wanted to tell her. He would prefer her to stay in bed and rest, but she would probably be restless now that she was here in the village, "Well, I'm going to be outside to prepare.. But I want you to stay in here, alright? You need to get your strength up. And I don't want you to push yourself, ok?"
     Sighing, (Y/n) nodded and pushed herself up against the pillows of the bed with Po's help, "Ok.."
     Looking over her, Po frowned as he could tell she wasn't feeling too good about him already having to go. Getting an idea, he smiled and tilted his head to her, "Hey, how about I get my dad to cook you some (f/f)? Would that cheer you up?"
     Her ears seemed to perk up at his words, licking her lips not helping but smile slightly up at him, "Yeah, I guess it would." Her tail swayed softly, meeting his eyes, already feeling better than before.
     Chuckling softly, Po smiled and leaned in kissing her forehead gently, "That's my girl. I'll go and tell my dad to cook you up some dinner then I'll be back." Standing up, Po turned and headed out, flashing (Y/n) another smile as he left.
     Outside, Mr. Ping was waiting for his son, worry in his voice. Eventually when he saw him leave the building, he hurried over and hugged him as he walked, "Po! I'm so worried for you that I can't even enjoy being right about everything. Now you have to run, run, run as fast as your chubby legs can get you!"
     Frowning softly, Po continued to walk as he looked down at Mr. Ping confused, "Run? There's nowhere to run."
Chasing after him, Mr. Ping looked up at Po wide-eyed, "B-b-but what are you going to do?"
     Stopping, Po turned back to him gripping his paw, his voice seeming to darken slightly, "I'm gonna stay and fight that monster."
     Not yet realizing who he was talking about, the goose felt a bit angry that Po was feeling that way. Putting his wings on his hips, he glared back at him and raised a feather to lecture him, "Po, he may be a monster, but he's still your father."
     Raising a brow, Po shook his head shocked and quickly corrected him, "Not him! Kai!"
     Gasping softly, Mr. Ping reached out for Po, "No..."
     Sighing, Po turned and grabbed the palm of his wing and squeezed it gently, "Listen, I have to do this. And even though you want to, I need you to stop focusing on me right now. I can handle him." Perking his ears up, he glanced back at where he had left (Y/n) and looked back to him quickly, "If you can, could you please cook some (f/f) for (Y/n)? And a meal for Tigress?.. I don't doubt they are hungry from the travels, but they need to eat."
     Looking up at Po, Mr. Ping looked back at the building also before nodding back, "Ok, son.. Please be careful.."
     With that, he watched his son run off and kick down some bamboo. His eyes stayed on Po until he disappeared around the corner, leaving the goose alone. Shaking his head, he turned and hurried back to the building to cook, his mind thinking of what Li might be feeling now. When he eventually made it to the kitchen, he looked over at a bowl of dumplings he had prepared for Po and got an idea.
     Taking the bowl, Mr. Ping first headed off to find Li, carefully travelling over the bridge and to the pandas home. Waddling himself inside, he lifted the bowl up as Li came around the corner, "Hungry?"
     At first Li shook his head, "No, I... not really." But after a quick thought, he gave in and sat down with a small smile, "Well, maybe just one."
     As he took a dumpling, Mr. Ping placed the bowl in his lap and stepped back glancing away, "You know, you weren't the only one who was lying."
     Having already been chewing on a dumpling, Li perked up and hummed confused at the bird, "Huh?"
     Holding his wings to his stomach, Mr. Ping chuckled softly before waving to Li, "I-I didn't really come along because I was worried Po would go hungry. I was worried about you."
     This confused Li, almost dropping the dumpling as he turned to him, "Worried that I'd go hungry?"
     "No." Mr. Ping could see the similarities in Po, in how they thought, "I was worried you'd steal Po from me."
     Li couldn't help but frown slightly, furrowing his brows in shock, "I'd what?"
     Mr. Ping chuckled softly, waving off his reaction with a smile, "I know. That was crazy. But I realized having you in Po's life doesn't mean more for me. It means more for Po."
     "Well... I'm not in his life." It wasn't true that he wanted to take Po away, but it also wasn't a lie either. He wanted so much to be with his son that he would do anything, but not if it meant to lose him, "Not any more."
     "Your son got mad at you. Welcome to parenthood."
     Shaking his head slightly, Li was able to bring it to himself to look Mr. Ping in the eyes, "Y-You don't understand. I lied to him!" He didn't know whether to believe the goose, bringing his eyes down to the wooded floors, "He'll never forgive me."
     "I lied to him for twenty years. He still thinks he came from an egg. Sometimes we do the wrong things, for the right reasons." When Li turned to look at the old image of Po and his late wife, Mr. Ping followed suit and walked up to the glowing candles smiling softly. Seeing Po so young again in the image brought him back memories of when he first found Po, "Look, he's hurt. He's confused. And he still has to save the world." Pulling out the picture drawn back in the restaurant, he placed it next to the previous one and turned back to Li, "He needs both his dad. Now, more than ever."
     Li let his eyes stay at the pictures for a moment before turning to Mr. Ping, "Wait, before you go.. May I ask, Po cares so much for (Y/n)... Why?"
     Stopping, Mr. Ping thought for a moment before turning back to him, "Well, if Po hasn't already told you, I suppose I will give my reasons as to why I think so." Clearing his throat, Mr. Ping gave himself a few seconds before finally answering, "I believe what started his caring for her, was from the moment they first met. They didn't meet by a normal greeting. For some reason that night, Po felt that he was being drawn out to the forests outside the village. So, he went out and heard a lonesome howl." The goose frowned softly, as if he was reliving the night in his head, "Who Po had found, was a lone wolf-girl, broken and beaten, and what I could only describe as close to death when he brought her home."
     Although Mr. Ping had glanced away, a feeling of shock and guilt grew inside of Li, beginning to understand. He saved her? The panda gripped a dumpling in his paw, angry with himself for thinking that the relationship between his son and (Y/n) was just a passing flame.
     "After I had fixed her up, Po wanted to stay by her side. For only just meeting her, I could tell how much he cared for her." Mr. Ping then smiled softly, looking back at Li and patting his knee, "When she told us what happen, and after Po and I gave her some space, he told me that he didn't want me to send her away, to let her live at the house. Of coarse, I agreed, she was all alone and now only had us. And Po, he had told me that he would do anything to protect her. Since that day, I'd watched his feelings transform into love."
     Nodding softly, Li sighed and held his head, "He truly does love her... There has to be something we can do to help him." Allowing himself a few seconds to think, his ears slowly perked up as he looked down at Ping standing up, "I have an idea, but I have to talk with the others, can you help me?"
     Smiling up at him, Mr. Ping nodded, "Of coarse I can! But first I have to cook a few meals for Tigress and (Y/n), I have to make sure they get a proper meal first, then I'll join you."

~~Short Timeskip!~~

     Time seemed to go quicker as the night went on. It had been hours since Po had checked on Tigress and (Y/n). Currently, (Y/n) was sitting on the side of her bed looking out the window, her ears pinned back as she looked out at Po. She had guessed that he hadn't stopped to rest at all through the night.
     The panda hadn't stopped training with the makeshift Kai dummy since he had left. Despite the distance, it was clear that Po was getting tired, his breathing heavy and eyes focused. Sighing softly, (Y/n)'s ears perked up as the bed dipped.
     Looking over, the she-wolf smile softly as she realized it was Tigress. The feline smiled back at her, her tail curling off the side of the bed, "How are you feeling?"
     Shrugging her shoulders, (Y/n) reached and rub the bandage on her arm smiling softly, "I'm feeling better. Still a little sore, but not nearly as much as before."
     Nodding softly, Tigress's ear flicked to the open window, looking out at Po, "How long has he been out there?"
     "All night." Reaching up, (Y/n) rubbed the back of her head in thought, "I can't tell exactly, but I know it has been hours."
     Narrowing her eyes, Tigress shook her head as she stood up, "He doesn't know what's coming. He's using up all his energy, it's not going to help him." Turning back to (Y/n), she held her paw out to the wolf, "Come, we need to talk with him."
     Looking up at her paw, (Y/n) nodded and grabbed onto it, helping Tigress pull her to her feet, "Yeah, he needs to calm down and not wear himself out."
     Once (Y/n) was up on her feet, Tigress let go of her paw and walked ahead towards the door. Stretching her legs for a moment, by the time (Y/n) had reached the front door, Tigress was already halfway to where Po was. As she made her way up, she watched as Po took a small break before he connected his fist in Tigress's palm.
     The two began to spar eachother, and although (Y/n) wasn't currently with them she could hear their conversation as she got closer. They were arguing about Po's train of thought, that he wasn't thinking straight. It went back and forth until eventually Tigress forced Po to step back, holding his fist and arm, "I've seen Kai. I've seen what he can do."
     Glaring back at her, Po pushed back against her, "But he hasn't seen what I can do!" Pushing her arm down, he forced her into a spin as he jumped and flipped over her, taking hold of her finger as he landed in a lung, the Wuxi Finger Hold ready to launch.
     The feline at first was surprised before lookin down at Po with a bored expression, "The Wuxi Finger Hold?"
     Po's determined smirk was instantly washed off his muzzle, looking up at Tigress as he lowered his stance slightly, "That's my best move. I just have to get to Kai, grab his finger, and then Skadoosh. Back to the spirit realm."
     By now, (Y/n) had finally reached them, walking up onto the platform behind Tigress as she had leaned forward, gripping Po's paw in a painful position, "He has an army of jade warriors. Everything they see, he sees. So there's no sneaking up on him."
     (Y/n) spoke up as Tigress managed to bring Po down on his stomach, "Po, there's no way that you'll be able to get close enough to him."
     Po frowned softly, feeling a little betrayed that (Y/n) wasn't taking his side on this. Stubbornly, he looked back at them furrowing his brows together, "It's gonna work."
     When he stood up, (Y/n) stepped back and allowed Tigress to defend herself. Her ears pinning back as Tigress easily maneuvered Po on his back, her grip on his hand not faltering as she slid him with her foot to his head, "He can only be stopped by a master of chi."
     Being fed up with this 'master of chi' talk, Po groaned and stood up ending the spar, "Oh, you sound just like Shifu with the chi!" He put his paws on his hips, looking away from the two as he began to rant, "Chi this. Chi that. Chi chi chi chi CHI!" He eventually bent down, letting the rest of his built up frustration out, "I'm not a master of chi. OK? I don't know if I'm the dragon warrior. I don't even know if I'm a panda! I don't know who I am!" Brining his paws up to his face, Po held his head as he let out a sigh, letting his paws drag down his face, "You're right." He looked up at Tigress, then down at (Y/n) defeat in his voice, "There's no way I can stop him and his army."
     Frowning softly, (Y/n)'s ears pinned back as she walked towards Po, it pained her as she had never seen Po look so worn out. Leaning in, she gave him a gentle hug, her ears perking up slightly when he returned it. The three of them stood in silence, Tigress frowning softly as she never thought she'd see Po give up like this.
     From behind Po, a voice spoke up through the silence, echoing towards them, "Unless you had an army of your own."

Kung Fu Panda 3. Po x Wolf ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now