Touring the Hall of Warriors

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     Whilst Po took Li out of the shop, (Y/n) stayed back for a few minutes and comforted Mr. Ping in a warm hug, "You know you will always be his father right?"
     Mr. Ping sighed, frowning as he returned the hug, "I-I know.. But I'm supposed to worry about these things. If that really is his real dad... Then what does that make me?"
     Her ears pinned back slightly, frowning softly as she pulled away, "He will always love you, know matter what." Placing her paw on his shoulder, she stood up and began to walk to the entrance of the shop whilst calling out, "I'll be back in a bit!"


     While (Y/n) had been with Mr. Ping, Po and Li had already dragged themselves to the top of the stairs to the Jade Palace in record time. The two were panting for air, mainly the excitement from Po keeping them from slowing down. Looking over to Li, Po smiled out of breath, "Feeling the burn. Do you have panda asthma too? Does that run in the family?" He staggered slightly as he pointed to the palace, "Dad, you're gonna love this." Reaching to him, he grabbed his arm and pulled Li to the doors, "It's like the coolest thing ever!"
     When they reached the entrance, Po let go of Li and pushed the doors open, "This is the Hall of Heroes. Home of the most priceless kung fu artifacts in all of China!"
     As he walked inside, Li's eyes widened at the pure beauty in the room, "Woah!" He removed his hat at a loss for words, "This place is..."
     Po almost cut him off, stepping next to him smiling, "Awesome? Were you gonna say- You were gonna say awesome, right? Cause it totally is!" Nothing excited him more than to talk about the great masters of Kung Fu, well, other than talking listening to (Y/n) sing.
     His father nodded softly as he looked back at him, "Totally!"
     As they walked, Po was quick to mention the fragility of the objects, "But be super careful. Everything is very fragile here." Noticing a special urn, he turned and walked around the glued object, "Like the Urn of Whispering Warriors." Standing straight, he pointed with a small frown, "Someone broke that once..."
     Although he wasn't looking, Li asked curiously, "Who?"
     A ting of guilt hit Po as a memory of the moment he had broken the urn, "Some idiot.." He did regret it, he also still felt bad about it, but you can't change the past.
     Ahead of him, Li had stopped in front of some antique armor, "Wow!" There was nothing to doubt that he was impressed.
     Walking up next to him, Po exclaimed with his paws out front, "This is Master Flying Rhino's battle armor!"
     Bringing his paw to his stomach, Li smiled as he turned to Po, "I wonder if I could fit in that?"
     Gasping softly, Po turned to Li with his paws to his head, "Get out of my head, Dad! I've wondered the same thing!"
     "If I could fit in it?"
     Leaning back slightly, Po shook his head with a raised brow, "If you could? No, if I could fit in it."

~With (Y/n)~
     Although it didn't take long for (Y/n) to get up the stairs, she was a bit impressed by how quick Po managed to climb up. Looking around the entrance of the palace, the wolf raised a brow and headed for the doors, "He must be showing him around.. Surely they couldn't have gotten far inside."
     Her tail swayed slightly behind her as she pushed the doors open, stopping for a moment to smile at Po's ranting, "He sure is adorable." She giggled softly to herself before hearing soft thuds and a shocked gasp.
     "Dad, what are you doing!?"
     Pushing the doors open, (Y/n) made herself known as the doors creaked. There was a look of concern on her face as she looked between Po and Li, the older panda in Master Flying Rhino's battle armor. Her eye's widened in shock, walking over with a raised brow, "Po? What's going on here?"
     Po gulped softly, scrambling before standing between (Y/n) and Li, "O-Oh you know, just showing dad around the palace." He twiddled his paws as she walked over to them both, smiling a little worried for the armor, "D-Don't worry! I'll make sure that he doesn't touch anything else ok?"
     (Y/n) sighed softly, raising a brow as she stopped in front of Po leaning on one leg, "Po, we can't have anything else end up broken. Remember how long it took for the Urn of Whispering Warriors to be fixed? What do you think Shifu is going to think if he finds the armor messed with?"
     Bending down, Po grabbed her paws and smiled down at her, "Look, I promise I'll get it back to how it was ok?" Reaching forward, he gently held her face and rubbed her cheek, "Shifu doesn't have to know about the armor if we put it back how it was ok? I got this."
     At first, (Y/n)'s ears perked up before lowering as she leaned into his hand blushing. A soft happy growl rumbled from her as she closed her eyes at the rubs before sighing and pulling away, "Okay okay, I trust you." Leaning away, she held his paws before moving to face Li, "I was wanting to get you a drink while Po showed you around. Is there any tea in particular that you would like?"
     Facing the young wolf, Li smiled softly down at her, nodding his head in thanks, "Uh, green tea would be just fine. Thank you."
     Before she walked away, she smiled up at Po as she walked past, gently dragging her tail along the front of his chin playfully, "And don't worry Po. I'll get you a drink too." Looking ahead, she smirked softly to herself at the flustered look on her pandas face, giggling quietly walking out of the room.
     From behind she could hear their faint whispering to each other, almost glancing back as she heard a faint, 'You look so cool, though!' She couldn't hold back a small groan, facepalming as she now worries for her decision on leaving the father and son alone. Oh please let everything be back in place when I get back.
     It took a few minutes to get to the kitchen, the building quiet as there wasn't any real threats in the area. Looking through the kitchen, (Y/n) grabbed the needed necessities and began to brew the drinks, her tail wagging slowly behind her. Leaning back against the counter, she looked around the kitchen bored, her ears occasionally flicking to the tea pot.
     She didn't know whether to be worried about Po and his dad, or the others catching them in the suit. Leaning her head back, she closed her eyes sighing before almost jumping as a voice spoke up.
     "Making yourself a drink?"
     Standing straight, (Y/n) snapped her head to the doors before smiling at Viper, who currently sat in a coil, "I didn't here ya come in." Rubbing the back of her neck, she nodded back to the teapot, "Yeah, just making a drink for a guest."
     Before Viper could ask, Shifu stepped into the doorway with a raised brow, "Oh? I didn't know we were having visitors." He rubbed his beard as he looked up at (Y/n), "Well, are you going to introduce us to this guest?"
     For a second (Y/n) had to turn her backs to the two, calling back to them with a smile, "Well, it isn't my place to introduce you to him. I'll let Po handle that part." Her ears pinned back slightly, pouring the tea into two cups, "Would you like to join me to see him? Po is currently showing him around in the Hall of Warriors."
     Smiling, Shifu nodded, "I think that would be a marvelous idea, lead the way Jade Warrior."
     Placing the cups onto a tray, (Y/n) turned and lead Shifu and Viper out of the kitchen with a bright smile, "I think you both are going to like him. To me, he certainly seems nice." Her tail swayed softly behind her before freezing to a stop as a crash sounded inside the building ahead.
     Shifu spoke up first, frowning as he pushed the side doors open for (Y/n) and Viper, "What's the cause of all that racket?"
     Gulping softly, (Y/n) shrugged her shoulders and walked briskly inside, "I-I'm not sure." She knew exactly what it was, her ears pinning back slightly as she could hear a mix of laughter and Po's familiar voice, 'Bring it on, Master Rhino!'
     If she wasn't covered in fur, she could have sworn she would be pale as a ghost. They didn't put the armor away!? Turning the corner, she skid to a stop as Mantis, Crane, Monkey, and Tigress were already there watching the chaos. Walking up next to Tigress, she got there just in time to see Li, still in Master Rhino's armor, run past through a red cloth Po held. Viper stopped near Monkey, while Shifu walking to the front standing in front of (Y/n).
     Po laughed as his father ran by, for a second not noticing the group of warriors, and master, until after he had seen them from the corner of his eye. He gasped in shock, dropping the red cloth as his eyes met all of theirs. For a second they all stared at eachother, Master Dolphins armor covering most of Po's face, but allowing them all to see the fear in his eyes.
     Po, what have you done now?!

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