Po's Panda Training

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     It had been the morning after Po's introduction into the village where things would get more interesting. Without (Y/n) by his side, Po had to rely on the sunrise and his inner clock for when he and her would have to wake up. It didn't take too long for the sunlight to wake the sleeping panda, his emerald eyes snapping open not a few seconds later.
     Nearly leaping out of bed, Po had already begun to pump himself up, "Aw, yeah. First day of panda training!" Turning towards a wilting flower, Po leaned close and wiggled his claws towards it, "Alright, flower, I'm gonna make you bloom." Spinning on his heel, Po then hurried and ran out of his room, running through the village, and finally crossing a ladder to get to Li's home. Hurrying into the rom, Po began poking at his fathers back, "Dad, dad."
     Jumping awake, Li rolled over towards Po confused, "What? What?" He rubbing his eyes, looking up at Po with a tired look, "What is it?"
     Po stood himself straight as a soldier, "I'm ready for my first day of panda training."
     Loosening his stance, Po smiled and waved his paws slightly before straightening again, "You know. Learn to be a panda, master chi, save the world!"
     Rolling himself completely over now, Li pushed himself up slightly, speaking in a quick yawn, "Pandas sleep till past noon. So lesson number one is go back to bed." At that, Li plopped himself on the opposite side of his bed, seeming to fall asleep again.
     A little taken aback, Po looked down at Li surprised before facepalming, "Of coarse!" Leaving the home in a hurry, Po jogged back to his own home and room and back to the side of this bed. Grabbing his blanket and pillow, he fluffed them both up before closing the window next to his bed, "Nobody said that was gonna be easy." Climbing into bed, he pulled the blanket up to his chest before swiftly falling asleep.
     It was the sound of his home door opening that woke Po from his unknown hours of extra sleep. Wiping at his eyes, Po licked his lips tiredly as he now felt thirsty, "Did I oversleep?"
     Li smiled from the door, leaning forward proud, "You sure did."
     Leading Po away from the home, Li perked up as a trio of cubs were playing Hacky Sack out in the open. Bringing Po over, Li laughed as he called out to them, kicking the sack to one of them, "Yeah! Show him how it's done kids!"
     Within the group was the cub from the table yesterday, Bao was his name, as Po had learned later on in the feast. Bao grinned and kicked the sack, pouncing it repeatedly off Po's stomach, "Can you do this? Can you do that?" He giggled softly, kicking again as it seemed Po was having fun, "How about this? How about that?"
     With a kick of his foot, Po smiled as he managed to kick the sack to himself, "Am I doing it? Is this good?" By now another trio had joined the group, Bao marveling with wonderless eyes at the skill Po was showing. Glancing down at all the cubs, Po's smile turned to a playful grin as he kicked it high into the air with a flip, "I got it!" Watching the sack fall, he gasped softly as he realized who it was going to hit, "Uh, grandma panda. Heads up!"
     The older panda looked over at the group with a kind smile before grunting as the sack hit her, knocking her unconscious. Li winced and quickly motioned the little cubs away, "We better roll!" Pulling his body together, Li rolled away with the cubs, Po following with worry and regret of leaving the older panda where she was.
     In their 'escape' Li and the cubs lead Po rolling downhill where Mr. Ping was in search of Po. The goose held a bowl of dumplings, "Oh, Po! Lunchtime!" Looking up the hill, Mr. Ping gasped and tossed the dumplings away panicked, quickly moving out of the way to avoid getting hit and squashed.
     Po on the other hand was still lacking behind in his rolls, grunting softly as he collided with trees and rocks. Slowly, Po managed to roll down the hill, only to roll of a grass ramp and landing on top of Li.
     The older panda grunted before chuckling softly and looking up at Po smiling, "You gotta let the hill tell you where to roll."
     Groaning softly, Po pushed himself off of Li, scolding himself gently, "Ugh, rookie mistake!"
     Humming softly, Li perked up and smiled as he pushed himself to his feet, "Hey, how about I show you something fun?"
     Po gave Li a confused yet excited look and raised a brow, "Oh, like a game?"
     Leading Po towards the bamboo area, Li shook his head rubbing the back of his neck, "Well not exactly." As they reached the area, there were two hammocks lined one above the other, Dim and Sum snoozing on them both. Jogging over, Li woke them up as he grabbed one of the bamboo's and pulled it down, "Dim! Sum! Let's show Po how we go-" Letting go of the bamboo, the cousins flew high through the air, "-uphill!"
     Po watched, amazed at the beauty of what he was seeing, flying pandas, "It's so beautiful." Turning to Li, who had walked around and patted his shoulder, Po jumped and grabbed onto the upper hammock, "Dad! Pleeaasseee let me try it!"
     Laughing, Li nodded and pulled down the bamboo getting it ready for him, "Of coarse son! Let me know when you're ready!"
     Feeling giddy inside, Po giggled childishly and climbed into the upper hammock. Gripping slightly on the fabric, he braced himself and glanced back to Li, "Ok! I'm readeeyyyy!!!" He yelled out slightly as the hammock was let go, sending him flying through the air also. While up, he couldn't help but feel almost free, the wind beating through his short fur. Is this what it feels like to be a bird?
     Having cleaned up his mess from not long ago, Mr. Ping called out fir his son, "Snack time!" Though when he saw Po flying through the air, he gasped and dropped the bowl, calling out to him in shock, "Po, you can fly!?" When he didn't get a response, he sighed and turned to pick up the dropped bowl upset, "I guess he's too busy to eat right now.."
     Turning back around, he headed back towards his temporary home, glaring softly at the ground as he mumbled upset, "Get them while they're cold." He shook his head at the thought, heading up the stairs to his room. Opening the door, he yelled out in shock as his kitchen was full of baby pandas, which were eating all his food, "What are you doing here!? That food is for Po!" Staring in shock, Mr. Ping hurried and climbed up onto the counter as a baby panda fell into a pot.
     Back with Po, Li had managed to direct him where to go while leaving him to grab Big Fun, the panda who gives the best hugs. Leading the larger panda up the hill, he smiled and let the mal give Po a tight hug, a few satisfying pops sounding from Po's back, "Feeling relaxed, son?"
     Once being let go, Po seemed to be in a small yet good daze, looking towards Li as if he'd had the best dream ever, "Totally."
     Smiling, Li leaned forward and motioned downhill where the tree's were mainly cleared, "Just let yourself fall into it."
     "Got it."
     At first it seemed like Po was going to fall forward, but instead fell backwards down a steeper part of the hill. A 'thunk' sounded as Po hit his head first before rolling at high speeds down the hill. Li gasped and quickly took the safer route, rolling after his son before eventually catching up to him near a small wooden bridge.
     Hurrying to his side, Li comforted Po as the boy threw up. To avoid doing it himself, Li kept his eyes averted away, frowning and staring at nothing but anything away from him, "There we go. Just let it all out. That's my boy."
     As Li helped Po, Mr. Ping was struggling to get things in order in his kitchen. Leaning forward, he pulled a cub out of a pot before jumping back as a knife landed in front of him. Gasping, he yelled out as he stumbled backwards on the countertop, knives falling from above as a cub was pushed them over, "Get out of there!"
     Putting the cub down out of the way, he perked up as he accidentally stepped in a pile of cooked noodles, "My noodles!" Suddenly, the a child grabbed the bowl and started running, Mr. Ping yelling out as he was dragged along and off th counter to the floor, "Leave my noodles alone!" All around him the cubs were giggling and laughing, watching the goose get dragged through the room.
     At the same time, Li had finished helping Po and lead him to th top of a different hill, "All right! This one should work just right!" Unknown to his son, Li knew that near the bottom of this particular hill, Mei would be doing her practices. During dinner yesterday, he thought he had seen the spark between them, their interaction today should help him get the courage to talk to her. Smiling, he patted Po's shoulder and gently nudged him forward, "Go right on ahead son!"
     Taking a deep breath, Po nodded smiling and curled himself up. Using the nudge, Po sent himself down the hill, with closed eyes, thinking maybe this time if he weren't to see where he was going it would be better. Yet when he felt himself collide with someone, he gasped and grunted with them as he they made it the rest of the way down the hill.
     Groaning softly, Po shook his head apologizing quietly before tensing up at who he was wrapped with, and who was under him. Mei was quick to speak, leaning up towards him with a small smirk, "Subtle, Po. Very subtle"
     Po's eyes widened when she leaned him, a flashback momentarily taking him back to his first day as dragon warrior. The memory was when he and (Y/n) was put in the carriage. Except it was more of the moment when (Y/n) had fallen on his chest. When it first happened, Po could feel his embarrassment, it was the first time Po and (Y/n) had been so close to each other, not counting the common hugs, it caught him off guard.
     Blinking away the memory, he was unaware of all the heat pooling under his fur. Looking down at Mei, he shook his head and stammered quickly, "N-No, it isn't what it looks like!"
     Mei only giggled softly, her ears perking up as Big Fun came around and lifted them both into a tight hug, prompting a few pops. By the time the hug was done, Li was already down and helping in getting them both untied from each other. She could practically feel the blush coming off Po, thinking it was for her as she opened her fan and smacked him gently in the chest with it, "Sure it isn't~ And I'm a mouse~" Leaning forward, she quickly pecked Po on the cheek and walked away with her ribbon in tow, a smirk on her muzzle.
     Po froze at the action, his blush quickly disappearing as he jumped away from her, "W-woah! I-I swear! I-I'm telling the truth!" His heart was pounding, not from being happy, but from guilt, another woman had gave him a kiss, one that wasn't (Y/n).
     Chuckling softly, Li waved to Mei as she left before smiling to Po and nudging his side gently with his elbow, "You alright there son? You look like you've seen a ghost."
     Looking back at Li, Po quickly shook his head, reaching up wiping away the kiss that Mei had given him, "I-I'm ok, I just." He sighed, looking back at his paw to see her lipstick and frowned wiping off the lipstick on his pants shivering, "Uhm, what's next on the list dad? It's starting to get a bit late."
     Watching his reaction, Li hummed softly and looked up noticing that th sun was beginning to set, "Hmm, around this time of the day, pandas will relax and eat dinner." Looking down at Po, he wrapped his arm around his shoulder and lead him back towards a different hill, one that he hopes would be safer, "Lets give you one more try at rolling, then we can relax."
     Back with Mr. Ping, he was caught with his hat in a cub mouth, and the noodles around his ankle pulling him in two different directions, "Leave my hat alone!" When the cub let go of his hat, he yelped as he was nearly sling-shotted against a pillar. Grunting at the impact, he knocked over some vegetables from a pan and landed hard on th ground, wincing as tomatoes and a radish it him on the head.
     As the goose pushed himself back up, the group of cubs in front of him all cheered in unison, sitting around the bowl that Mr. Ping was trying to take back, "We love noodles!"
     At those words, all the anger that Mr. Ping felt melted away, instead love and affection taking over as it reminded him of his boy when he was their age, "Oh, just like my Po." Looking around at all the cubs, Mr. Ping got an idea and began cooking for them, "Now you all wait just a second! I can get you all some noodles in a jiffy!"
     After separating from his son, Li and a group of males waited down the bottom of a snowy hill for Po. For a few seconds it seemed like he wasn't going to come down, until that is when Po came out with a jump, tumbling down the snow. Li raised a brow as Po tumbled passed other pandas slowly rolling into a big snowball as he came down the hill.
     Walking past the group, a female held a cup in her paw and raised a brow, unaware of the oncoming 'danger', "What are you guys looking at?"
     Almost instantly, the snowball containing Po collided into her, exploding on impact. Flying through the air, Po called out as he landed on a chair in the lake behind the other pandas. Floating up to the surface, Po blinked in surprise and glanced down at a cup that had landed in his paw.
     Jumping up, Li laughed and pointed to Po proudly, "Now that's how we roll! Cannonball!" Running off the bridge he was on, he and the other pandas cannonballed into the lake.
     Getting splashed by them, Po laughed and tossed the cup away, "Woohoho, yeah!"
     He then jumped into the water after them. For a while, he and the others played in the lake, making up games as time went on. Yet as the sun began to set farther in the sky, all the pandas, including Po and Li exited the lake to dry off and get ready to eat. Po and Li had gone to Li's home, sitting against the railing.
     The two were looking across the canyon, watching a mother and her four cubs, three of them running around playing with kites. Po's ears flicked forward, leaning against his forearm as he watched them, a feeling growing in his chest. In his thoughts, he always dreamed of one day having a family with (Y/n), the two of them and their pups, or cubs running around, a happy family. But although he thought these things, he felt that it was too soon to even think about it, he and (Y/n) had only been secretly officially together for less than a year.
     Shaking his head slightly, he closed his eyes for a moment and let out a soft relaxed sigh before turning to Li, "How was that?" When Li raised a finger, Po turned and watched as Li let out a much more relaxed sigh, Po's arms dropping surprised, "Whoa.."
     Turning back to Po, Li nudged his arm with his elbow speaking gently, "Ok, now you try again but don't try to hard."
     "Ok ok." Standing up, Po nodded and tapped onto the railing below letting out a even heavier sigh, this time letting his head sink into his arms.
     When Po looked over at Li for his opinion, Li smiled and removed the reed some his mouth and nodded chuckling, "Much better."
     Grinning, Po stood up and began fist bumping the air happy before eventually slumping back down to relax. Looking over to Li, Po thought for a second before smiling, "Thanks, dad."
     "For what?"
     Po shrugged his shoulders slightly, "You know. Just for... you know. Showing me what it feels like...-" Resting his head into his arms, he looked off into the distance again, "-to be a panda." There was a few seconds of silence between them before Po added on, So, when do you think I'll be ready?"
     Po sat up some, moving his paw slightly as he spoke, "You know. Learn how to master chi."
     "Soon, real soon." Standing up, Li tapped Po's shoulder and motioned for him to follow, "Come on. I wanna show you something else. Come on." Opening his door, Li lead Po to what looked like a living room, taking off his hat as he moved some things around, "Sorry about the mess. I don't usually get visitors."
     Po smiled as he followed Li, looking around the room before stopping momentarily, his smile dropping as his eyes landed on a small painting. Surrounding the image was a pair of candles, and a vase behind it with a glowing plant, th golden glow of the candles illuminating off his fur. On the picture was who Po presumed to be his mother and in her arms a panda cub, him.
     Picking up the painting, Po's heart seemed to ache as he looked over the female, a familiarity setting in, "Is this... my mom?"
     Looking up at Po, Li nodded slowly, a small smile on his face. Watching him sit down, he took a short deep breath to calm his voice, though his inner pain could be heard, "I had this done on your on hundredth day." He hummed, watching his sons face as he rubbed his claws over the image, "Your mama couldn't hold you still. You nearly ate the paper." He and Po both shared a chuckle, Po looking over ate the bite in the painting then the picture, "It's true."
     Tearing his eyes away from the painting, Po slowly handed it back to Li, "What was she like?"
     Li sighed softly, holding the image with the greatest of care, Po could see the love in his eyes, "She was the total package. Smart. Beautiful. Tremendous appetite." He waited for Po to calm his short laugh, tilting his head at the picture, "She was the love of my life. And then... just when I thought I couldn't get any luckier..-" Turning to Po, he lifted up the image to put it side by side with him, "-along you came, my little lotus." Li chuckled again, letting his eyes fall back to the image, "I really had it all." His eyes, which once held love now switched to pain as he frowned softly, holding the image as if it was still the last thing of his family, "Until that... one moment..." His voice shook slightly, his motions taking more of a hold as he put the painting down against the vase, his claws lingering as if he could still feel her with him, "When I... lost everything."
     Po frowned softly, his ears pinning back as the memory of his last and only recollection of his mother ran through his head:
     Getting enough space, the wolves lost her in the snow trying to pick up her scent through the harsh wind. She ran down a small hill, looking up as torches passed them from above. Spotting a basket full of radishes, she frowned sadly and placed baby Po inside. He cooed softly, looking up at his mother frowning.
     His mother glowed golden in front of him, a broken look upon her face as she glanced between her baby and the red glow above. She knew what she had to do, and teared up at the thought of having to abandon her baby and not see him grow. As Po began to cry, she forced a smile and shushed him gently, grabbing his small paws with her big ones.
     Po cooed softly as she leaned in, muttering his first words to her, unaware it would be one of the last things she'd hear, "Ma."
     She kissed his forehead gently, rubbing his cheek taking in one final nuzzle from him. Trying to slowly pull away, he grabbed her paws and held them cooing softly. Through his eyes, her tears fell from her face. She frowned and hid her face from him before letting go, and forcing herself to not stay any longer.
      With her eyes on him for a few more moments, she climbed up the slowly bank before tearing her eyes from him and running up the hill in a hurry. He had begun to cry, so she needed to hurry before it was too late. Reaching the top, she gave him a final glance before turning to the wolves and Shen. With a wave of her arms and a turn and yell, she disappeared with the wolves right on her tail. Shen along with them chasing her down, not hearing the babies cry from below.
     When the memory finished, Po blinked before looking up at Li's saddened look. His own heart ached more, in this memory, though it was her last moments, he could feel her warmth through that cold scene. With his voice shaky, Po fought back tears as he grabbed Li's shoulder trying to stay calm, "Dad." As Li turned to him, Po gave him a saddened smile, "You don't have to worry about losing me again,-" He had to take a small breath, his chin quivering slightly as he nodded, "-ok?"
     Po then pulled Li into him, engulfing his father in a firm and tight hug. Li's eyes widened slightly before he smiled and returned the hug, hugging Po tighter as to him it felt like to him now he wouldn't lose Po ever again. In their hearts, their family once separated, now together and complete.

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