A Fathers Search

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     I gotta say y'all, you be working me hard with the writing, and I'm loving it! 😂
     The last chapter took only 3 DAYS for it to reach the 200-250 goal! I had to write in overdrive to get this done when I realized on day 2 that the 200 mark was about to be reached!

Also (f/j) = Favorite Jelly

     In the far reaches away from the valley, a middle-aged rabbit and goose worked together on a farm, raking at the dry dirt. The morning was calm, as was each morning, but today a dark cloud formed over the edge of their field. A stream of green light shot down from the sky, causing the ground to erupt and a crater to form. Where the light touched the ground, a large ball of green aura spun in place, a wall of dust forming close to the dirt.
     After a few seconds, the ball imploded, sending a wave of energy in all directions. Dropping their rakes, the two farmers ran to the edge of the crater. Their eyes were wide in shock and curiosity, looking in at the circling dust. Soon enough, the dust cleared away to reveal the bull ox himself, Kai. The bull was on his hoof and knees, breathing heavily as he lifted his head slowly looking around, snorting dust from his nose.
     Looking around at the new environment, Kai's green eyes glowed, illuminating some of the fur around his face. When his eyes narrowed in on the pair, the two jumped in fear. They shook slightly and turned tail, running down the craters edge away as he pulled out one of his blades. With a swift jerk of his arm, he threw the chained blade ahead of him, circling ahead of the pair.
     He walked up the edge to where they once stood, following after them as he took in the surrounding. With ease, he raised a hoof and caught the blade by its handle, standing tall over the shaking farmers who were now hugging each other. He placed the blade on the hook of his waist band, turning down towards the pair. Before he could speak, the goose let out an egg from fear, "What is this place?"
     The buck rabbit spoke in a shaky voice, pulling the goose closer to him, "Aaah my brother's... f-f-farm?"
     Nodding slowly, Kai slowly got down on one knee, closer to their height, "Ah. If I stepped on you, would you die?" He was curious, tilting his head as this would tell him whether he made it to his desired realm.
     The dame released another eleven eggs before the rabbit spoke again, the two of them shaking vigorously now, "Y-Yes." He cowered into the gooses chest, his ears pinned back against his head as the dame let out a thirteenth egg.
     Taking his gaze off the two, Kai grinned to himself, "The Mortal Realm..." Standing up slowly, he grabbed Oogway's jade pendant and brought it up gripping it, "You hear that, Oogway? I'm back." Turning his back to the pair, he spread his arms out and called out to the sky, "Kai has RETURNED!"
Pulling away from each other, the farmers tilted their heads confused and spoke in unison, "Who?"
     Kai glanced back at the two, "Kai. General Kai." He turned back to the two, spreading his arms out again to let them gaze upon his 'glory', "Supreme warlord of all China."
Both goose and rabbit shrugged their shoulders, the dame speaking quietly, "I don't know."
     "The jade slayer." The two looked to each other again, prompting Kai to continue, "Master of pain." After no response, Kai looked away thinking of a few of his other given names, shocked that neither knew of him, "You may know me as the Beast of Vengeance." Standing straight for a second, he looked into the horizon before raising a brow down at them, "Uh, Maker of Widows?"
     The farmers stood in silence, no reaction other than the confused looks on their faces. The good made another questionable 'eh' sound, not sure whether this being in front of them was pulling their legs or not.
With a deadpanned look, Kai realized what must have happened while he was gone over the half century. Looking away, he shrugged his shoulders and spoke defeatedly, "Okay, I used to work with Oogway-"
     The two lit up at the name of the GREAT Master Oogway. Both smiling brightly as the dame spoke first, "Oh, Master Oogway! He was a great warrior."
     The rabbit grinned, nodding understandably as he faced the goose but talking towards Kai, "We've heard of Master Oogway... "
     The ox tensed up at their reactions, his glance turning into a glare, "Okay, okay, enough!" When neither listened, Kai raised his voice to where it was echoing almost, "SILENCE!" It was enough to quiet the farmers, the two now cowering in each others arms as he reached back pulling out a few jade pendants.
     Tossing them out to the ground to the left of the farmers, the six pendants turning into former warriors, all made in jade material. Standing amongst these warriors were Master Porcupine, the Badger Twins, Master Gorilla, and two Master Boars, both who lived many years apart from each other. They all looked up at Kai expectantly, their looks mixing with malice, anger, and content in waiting for a command.
     Looking amongst the warriors, Kai grinned slightly, "Find Oogway's students and bring them to me." In response, the warriors nodded and split into three ground, running in three different directions. Watching them run, Kai spoke quietly and lifted Oogway's pendent to his line of sight, "By the time I am done with them, Oogway, there will be no one left who will even remember your name." Dropping the pendent, he turned to the sky laughing maniacally, yelling into the air as a green aurora appeared behind him, "KAI IS COMMING!" At his laughing, the two farmers had already begun running away to hide.

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